UTS respects the privacy of each person it deals with, including staff, students and members of the public.
This site provides information on how privacy is managed at UTS, including responsibilities and obligations that apply to the university and how we manage personal information.
Privacy regulations covers relevant UTS policies and guidelines and provides a summary of legislative and professional obligations.
Privacy definitions covers the meaning of personal information, sensitive personal information and health information.
Your privacy covers how UTS will protect your privacy and manage your personal information, and is relevant to current and past students, staff and research participants and any other individual who has been involved in a personal capacity with UTS. It also includes details on your right to request access to or correct your information, or make a privacy-related complaint, and how UTS deals with information request from other parties.
Data breaches covers how UTS will deal with a data breach, including a summary of our obligations under the Data Breach Policy.
Privacy forms provides access to forms for privacy-related activities and applications.
Privacy contacts provides details on where to get further advice and assistance.
Privacy for UTS staff
UTS staff should refer to the Privacy hub (SharePoint).