Section 16A of the University of Technology Sydney Act 1989 (NSW) (UTS Act) provides for controlled entities.
Division 3 of the UTS Act provides key definitions, guidelines and other details relating to UTS commercial activities and functions.
Controlled entities
UTS’s controlled entities are as follows.
UTS College
UTS College is a registered private higher education provider and a pathway provider to UTS. UTS College offers academic English programs, UTS Foundation Studies and higher education diplomas.
UTS College has the following controlled entities:
- Insearch Education International Pty Limited
- Insearch Global Pty Ltd
- Insearch India LLP
- Insearch Lanka PVT
- Insearch Shanghai Limited.
Contact the Provost for further information about UTS College.
UTS Global Pty Ltd
UTS Global Pty Ltd provides management and administrative services to the university related to UTS representative offices overseas.
UTS Global has the following controlled entities:
- UTS Beijing Ltd
- UTS Research and Innovation Institute (Shenzhen) Co Ltd.
Contact the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) for further information about UTS Global.
Major associated entities
ActivateUTS provides a range of non-academic services and facilities at all campuses.
Sydney Educational Broadcasting Limited
UTS, in conjunction with Macquarie University, operates Sydney Educational Broadcasting Ltd (radio 2SER-FM), an independent and non-commercial radio station.
UTS Child Care Inc
UTS Child Care is an incorporated association that coordinates the operation of all child care services at UTS.
Commercial activities
UTS's commercial activities are governed by the Commercial Activities Policy and the UTS Delegations.
The Commercial Activities Management Procedure (SharePoint) supports the policy.
Commercial Activities Policy
The Commercial Activities Policy fulfils the obligation of Council under section 21B(1) of the UTS Act. The policy provides requirements for the evaluation of proposed commercial activities, necessary approvals and ongoing monitoring.
UTS Delegations
The key delegations relating to commercial activities are defined in the UTS Delegations.
These delegations should be exercised subject to and in accordance with any other relevant governance instruments.
Richard Birrell
Deputy Director (Corporate Governance)
Deputy University Secretary
telephone 02 9514 1249