Note: This By-law is made under the University of Technology Sydney Act 1989, including section 28 (the general power to make by-laws).
Part 1 — Preliminary
Part 2 — The Council
Division 1 — The Chancellor
4 Term of office of Chancellor
Division 2 — Elected members of Council
Subdivision 1 — Preliminary
Subdivision 2 — Provisions relating to candidates and voters
7 Qualification for elected (academic staff) member
8 Qualification for election as elected (professional staff) member
9 Qualification for election as elected (undergraduate student) member
10 Qualification for election as elected (postgraduate student) member
Subdivision 3 — Ballot
13 Secrecy of ballot to be maintained
Subdivision 4 — 6
14-27I (Repealed)
Subdivision 7 — Miscellaneous
28 Term of office of elected members of Council
29 Casual vacancy in office of elected member of Council
30 Election in anticipation of resignation
Division 3 — Appointed members of Council
31-33 (Repealed)
34 Nominations procedure relating to appointments under sections 8F and 8G
35 (Repealed)
36 Casual vacancy in the office of an appointed member of Council
Part 3 — Membership of Convocation
38 Prescribed staff members of Convocation
39 Prescribed additional members of Convocation
Part 4 — Rules
41-43 (Repealed)
45 (Repealed)
Part 5 — Miscellaneous
46A Meetings and committees of Academic Board
47 (Repealed)
Historical notes
This By-law is reproduced in compliance with the NSW Government notice Copyright in legislation and other material.