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Graduates of University | Prescribed staff members of Convocation | Prescribed additional members of Convocation | Exemption from membership
37 Graduates of University
For the purposes of section 3(2) of the Act, the following are prescribed:
(a) an associate diploma or certificate received on completion of a course with a minimum duration of one year full-time or its equivalent,
(b) an honorary degree.
38 Prescribed staff members of Convocation
For the purposes of section 14 (1) (c) of the Act, Convocation includes persons who are continuing or fixed-term members of the academic or professional staff of the University.
39 Prescribed additional members of Convocation
In addition to the persons on whom membership is conferred by the Act or this Part, Convocation includes the following:
(a) past members of the Councils of any of the predecessors of the University and of the Councils of the Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education and the Sydney College of Advanced Education, including past members of the governing bodies of the predecessors of each of those institutions,
(b) those persons who have been admitted to membership of Convocation by virtue of section 14 (1) (c) of the Act and who have ceased employment after serving for not less than 5 years as members of the staff of the University,
(c) Professors Emeriti and recipients of honorary awards of the University, if not otherwise members of Convocation,
(d) such other persons as are considered by the Council to have given conspicuous service to the University or to be specially qualified to advance the interests of the University and who are admitted, by resolution of Council, as members of Convocation.
40 Exemption from membership
The Council may exempt any person, on grounds of conscience, from membership of Convocation.