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1 Name of By-law
This By-law is the University of Technology Sydney By-law 2005.
2 Application
This By-law applies to and in respect of the University of Technology Sydney, as established by the University of Technology Sydney Act 1989.
3 Definitions
(1) In this By-law and in a rule:
Academic Board means the Academic Board established under section 15 of the Act.
Chancellor means the Chancellor of the University.
close of nominations, in relation to a Council election, means the date and time (as specified in the election rules) by which nominations for the election must be received by the Returning Officer.
elected (academic staff) member means a member of the Council referred to in section 8D(1)(a) of the Act.
elected (postgraduate student) member means a member of the Council referred to in section 8D(1)(c) of the Act who is a postgraduate student of the university.
elected (professional staff) member means a member of the Council referred to in section 8D(1)(b) of the Act.
elected (undergraduate student) member means a member of the Council referred to in section 8D(1)(c) of the Act who is an undergraduate student of the university.
election rules means rules made by the Council for or with respect to matters referred to in section 29 (1A) of the Act.
rule means a rule made under section 29 (1) of the Act.
student means a person enrolled as a candidate proceeding to a degree, diploma or other award course of the University, and includes both an undergraduate student and a postgraduate student.
the Act means the University of Technology Sydney Act 1989.
University Secretary means the University Secretary of the University.
University website means the website maintained by the University for the display of official notices.
Vice-Chancellor means the Vice-Chancellor of the University.
(2) For the purposes of this By-law, a person is a continuing or fixed-term member of staff of the University if, regardless of whether the person is employed on a full-time or part-time basis, the person’s conditions of employment by the University do not attract a casual loading.
(3) (Repealed)
(4) In the absence of a person who has been appointed to an office in the University by virtue of some other office held by him or her, whether in the University or elsewhere, any person acting in that other office holds that appointment ex officio, unless the Council resolves otherwise.
(5) Notes included in this By-law are not part of this By-law.