Your privacy at UTS explains how UTS will manage your privacy and protect your personal information.
- Accessing your information describes ways you can access your own personal and health information.
- Amending inaccurate information explains how to get inaccurate information about you changed.
- Providing proof of identity covers the forms of ID you'll need to prove your identity.
- Providing certified documents covers procedures for providing UTS with a certified copy of your original documents.
- Requesting access to information about another person explains the circumstances where third parties can access a person's information and how UTS manages access.
- Who receives your information outlines who may receive your information when you engage with us, both internal to UTS or external parties.
- Surveillance covers methods of surveillance in use at UTS, such as CCTV.
- Complaints covers your rights to make a privacy related complaint if you feel your privacy has been breached.
- Forms provides access to forms for privacy-related activities and applications.
- Contacts explains where to get further advice and assistance.
Note: In this section on privacy at UTS, the term ‘personal information’ refers to both personal and health information, unless specified otherwise. Both terms are explained in Privacy definitions.