If your personal or health information held by UTS is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading, you can request that the information be amended.
Staff and students can amend some of their information directly, through online staff and student systems.
If you cannot access the information directly, you will need to request that the information is amended for you.
UTS will amend inaccurate information only where possible and where the information has been proved to be inaccurate. If the amendment cannot be made for any reason, a note will be added to the information to document your request and the decision. This process cannot be used to change the outcomes of UTS decision-making processes that an individual disagrees with.
Amending your information directly
As a current student you can access and amend some personal information in My Student Admin. You are responsible for keeping your personal details up to date in My Student Admin.
If you are a past student or have applied to UTS but not enrolled you will not have access to a My Student Admin account. Go to Student or alumni records to find out how to amend inaccurate information held about you.
To request an amendment to other personal information held in a UTS student system or on your student file go to Student or alumni records.
To request an amendment to any other information held about you by other areas of UTS, make your request to the relevant area that holds the information.
If you are a current staff member, you can access and amend some personal information in NEO or Ascender (available at UTS Payroll). You are responsible for keeping your contact and bank account details up to date. If there is personal information you are unable to amend, contact the People Unit.
Past staff members, including some contractors, will not have access to UTS systems and should contact the People Unit.
To request an amendment to personal information held about you by other areas of UTS, make your request to the relevant area that holds the information.
Other individuals
To request an amendment to information about you, make your request to the relevant area that holds the information.
For assistance with requesting amendments
The UTS Privacy Officer can assist you in identifying the relevant UTS area to contact to make your request for amendment.
Formal requests to amend your information
If you cannot access your information directly to amend it yourself, or your initial request to amend your personal information has been denied, you can make a formal amendment request in writing to the area concerned.
Your formal amendment request should include the following:
- details of the information you want amended (and any supporting evidence)
- proof of your identity (this is not required if you are contacting the university via a UTS student or staff email account)
- a statement that you are applying for an amendment under privacy legislation (it is not necessary to know and refer to the relevant privacy Acts).
Providing evidence of amendments
You may be required to provide supporting documents as evidence of the amendments you want made. If evidence is required, you may be asked to provide certified copies of original documents. Original documents should never be provided, unless requesting a change in person where the documents can be sighted and a certified copy can be made by UTS at the time. Refer to providing certified documents.
Amendment requests that have been denied
If your formal amendment request has been denied, your options may include the following.
Contact the UTS Privacy Officer
The UTS Privacy Officer can liaise with the relevant area on your behalf. This will depend on the nature of the amendments you are requesting and whether the information can be amended.
Application for an internal review
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your request (after informal and formal requests and consultation with the UTS Privacy Officer) you can apply for an internal review of the decision under the following Act(s):
- Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) if you requested an amendment to your personal information, or
- Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW) if you requested an amendment to your health information.
Refer to privacy complaints for further information.
Further information
For further information about your options when your amendment request has been denied, contact the UTS Privacy Officer.
Note: In this section on privacy at UTS, the term ‘personal information’ refers to both personal and health information, unless specified otherwise. Both terms are explained in Privacy definitions.