When you engage with UTS, your information will be collected and held by UTS in line with the relevant privacy notices provided at the time (key notices are available at Privacy). Privacy notices provide details about who will receive your information and whom it may be disclosed to.
The following outlines who may receive your information when you engage with UTS.
Staff may require access to your information to provide a response to you or about the service that you require or have requested, such as access to a system.
- For students, this may include the student administration teams, Finance Unit for receipt or payment of money (including fees or scholarships), UTS Library, Student Services Unit, Information Technology Unit (ITU) and Security and Emergency Management. Information may also be provided to faculties where you may be studying or working or other areas depending on who you are (for example, if you are an exchange student, your information will be shared with UTS International).
- For staff, this may include the Finance Unit, ITU, UTS Library, Security and Emergency Management, People Unit and relevant faculties, units and divisions where you work. Work-related details (for example, your email address or contact details) will be available to the UTS community to facilitate work-related activities.
Other administrative units may also receive your information in certain circumstances to help the university meet its obligations, including areas who manage external requests or government reporting, misconduct or complaints handling, security issues, and records management and archiving activities.
Our entities
Information may be provided to our controlled or associated entities. For example:
- UTS College, if you are a prospective student who is interested in a UTS College course or to review the effectiveness of UTS College pathways into UTS.
- ActivateUTS, to confirm eligibility to access services or to facilitate elections.
When required, information may also be provided to controlled and associated entities to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of students, staff and members of the public.
There are situations where your information may be disclosed to a party outside UTS. The following provides details of when this may occur and why. This covers routine processes only, not ad hoc requests that may be based on your consent or required by law.
Government agencies
UTS is a New South Wales state agency established under the University of Technology Sydney Act 1989 (NSW). UTS has obligations under state and federal laws that require us to disclose personal information. Two of the main obligations include:
- Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cwlth) (HESA) that defines our data reporting obligations under the Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI). UTS is required by law to report specific data about applicants, students and staff. Visit TCSI for more information. Information about students on Commonwealth supported places will also be disclosed under HESA in relation to eligibility for support.
- Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cwlth) (ESOS) that defines our obligations on recruitment, administration and support of international students. UTS is required to report to relevant government agencies to meet ours ESOS obligations and support our international students. Refer also to our ESOS Compliance Policy.
UTS may be required to provide information to government agencies in response to ad hoc requests. These may be based on consent you provided to the relevant agency or required by law. For example:
- where verifying your eligibility for financial or other support services you are claiming
- in response to an investigation or right of the government agency to inspect or receive information from UTS (for example, the NSW Ombudsman, the Department of Health)
- mandatory reporting to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), which may apply to staff in health clinics and students on health-related placements. Refer the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency Reporting Procedure.
UTS may also provide information to law enforcement agencies in the event of an incident or in response to an investigation.
Other educational institutions
UTS may disclose your information to other educational institutions when verifying your studies and qualifications. For example, where you need to show proof of your studies at UTS when applying to another university. You may have also consented to another educational institution collecting information from us.
If you are on student exchange, or similar form of joint study or collaboration with another institution, relevant information will be shared to facilitate such activities.
Employers and employment agencies
For students at UTS and our antecedent institutions, and learners in UTS short forms of learning/short course programs, UTS will verify information provided to employers or employment agencies in relation to studying at UTS. This is part of our verification processes. You may submit a formal request to UTS or via the Qualification Verification Service.
Verifying information you provide to another university, employer or employment agency about your studies at UTS is necessary to maintain the quality of qualifications issued by UTS and to prevent misrepresentation or fraud.
For staff, UTS will verify your employment details if you have provided them as part of a recruitment process external to UTS. Information may also be disclosed as part of reference checks an employer may undertake.
If you are applying to study at UTS via one of our student recruitment agents, UTS may deal with your agent directly.
Our contracted service providers
We use a range of contracted service providers to support our activities and functions. Your information may be provided to a contracted service provider where it is relevant to the provision of those services to UTS.
Our main contracted service providers are cloud hosted information systems, including our student system, payroll and a variety of teaching and learning systems and applications.
The use of a contracted service provider may not apply to everyone. For certain services, you will receive a separate privacy notice that will provide additional information about who receives your information. For example, the:
- Travel and Expense Privacy Notice (Staff Connect) identifies UTS travel agents and payment processing providers for staff arranging travel or expense claims
- UTS Housing Privacy Policy identifies our UTS housing management system provider for students in UTS Housing.
If you undertake any specific activities, refer to any additional privacy information about relevant third parties who may be involved.
Contact and information
Contact the UTS privacy officer via privacy@uts.edu.au for further information.
The Privacy Management Plan (PDF) also provides details on how UTS uses and discloses information and how we meet the obligations of the relevant privacy legislation.