UTS is committed to an ethical and transparent culture.
As a public university, UTS is committed to maintaining the highest levels of integrity.
As a community, we must work together to maintain high standards and ethical behaviour to deliver on our obligations to each other, our students, our partners and the wider community. We must continue to support a ‘speak up’ culture.
UTS behavioural requirements and expectations are outlined in the:
- Code of Conduct (for staff)
- Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy (for students), and
- Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy (for all members of the community).
What is a speak up culture?
A speak up culture is one where staff, students, affiliates and members of the community are encouraged to come forward when they identify something is wrong.
Normally, most issues or concerns can be managed by the relevant faculty or unit. You are encouraged to speak to your supervisor or another trusted member of staff in the first instance. Raising concerns close to the source is encouraged, where possible, as this normally achieves the most immediate response.
Speaking up
You are encouraged to come forward if something is wrong or you suspect any wrongdoing. Where you have ongoing concerns, need more specific guidance or wish to speak to someone else, UTS has policies and systems in place to support people coming forward, no matter how big or small the issue may be.
General complaints | Conflicts of interest | Sexual harm and gender-based violence | Gifts and benefits | Whistleblowing | Child abuse or harm | Modern slavery | Foreign interference and foreign bribery | Information security incidents | Data breaches | Academic freedom and freedom of expression | Security | Hazards and risks | Health practitioner concerns
General complaints
UTS will support you when making a complaint. All complaints are taken seriously and are managed in accordance with our policies.
For students: Making a complaint and Student Complaints Policy
For staff: Complaints Portal (SharePoint) and Staff Complaints Policy
Conflicts of interest
You must disclose any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest between your personal interests and the interests of UTS.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Policy
Sexual harm and gender-based violence
Sexual harm means any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour or any sexual activity that occurs without free and informed consent.
Gender-based violence (GBV) is any violence that is used against someone because of their gender (or perceived gender). Sexual harm is a form of GBV.
We want all members of the UTS community to be safe from sexual harm and GBV. You can report an incident of sexual harm or GBV at any time.
Our commitment to a campus free of sexual harm
Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy
Need help now: Call UTS Security on 1800 249 559 (24 hours) or 000 for emergency services.
Gifts and benefits
You must understand the conditions for accepting, rejecting and disclosing of gifts and benefits.
Whistleblowers play an important role in identifying and calling out corrupt, fraudulent, dishonest or illegal activity. You are encouraged to come forward and speak up about any serious wrongdoing you may be aware of. UTS will accept disclosures from all staff, affiliates and other public officials as outlined in the Whistleblowing and Public Interest Disclosures Policy (see regulatory note).
Under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (NSW), UTS staff and affiliates, as well as former staff and affiliates, are considered public officials and are provided whistleblower protection when making a public interest disclosure.
Child abuse or harm
You must report any suspected exploitation, neglect and/or abuse, even if the allegation may seem trivial, minor or lacking evidence.
Modern slavery
Modern slavery is recognised as a fundamental breach of human rights. UTS is committed to the goal of eliminating modern slavery.
You can report any instance of modern slavery to UTS.
Foreign interference and foreign bribery
UTS is cognisant of the risk of foreign interference and foreign bribery on its activities. You must report any concerns.
Foreign interference and foreign bribery
Information security incidents
If you suspect or are aware of an information security incident or other IT security incidents (including unauthorised access, unauthorised disclosure, loss of networked device, ransomware), you must report this to the IT Support Centre on (02) 9514 2222, or via Service Connect. Refer Reporting an IT Security Incident (available at Information Security Policy Framework (SharePoint)).
Data breaches
If you suspect unauthorised access or unauthorised disclosure of your personal information, you must report this under our Data Breach Policy.
Report a suspected data breach to data.breach@uts.edu.au or you can contact the UTS Privacy Officer.
Academic freedom and freedom of expression
Freedom of lawful expression is a paramount value at UTS. You should report any incident of intimidation or harassment related to the suppression of academic freedom.
Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression Policy
It is important that you feel safe on campus. UTS Security is available to deal with on-campus emergencies at any time.
Need help now: Call UTS Security on 1800 249 559 (24 hours) or 000 for emergency services
Hazards and risks
UTS takes hazards and accidents (including near misses) seriously. You must report any accident or incident within 24 hours.
Health practitioner concerns
UTS has a legal obligation to report the impairment of a health practitioner or student in a health internship where that impairment may place the public at substantial risk of harm.
AHPRA: Concerned about a health practitioner?
If the issue is about a student go to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency Reporting Procedure
Regulatory note for the Whistleblowing and Public Interest Disclosures Policy
On 24 September 2024, in accordance with section 81(2) of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (NSW) (PID Act), the following controlled entities of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) have authorised UTS to exercise functions (as an agency under the PID Act) and delegate all functions including receiving voluntary PIDs, dealing with voluntary PIDs by investigating relevant serious wrongdoing, the provision of training and providing the annual return to the NSW Ombudsman:
- accessUTS Pty Ltd
- UTS Beijing Ltd
- UTS Global Pty Ltd
- UTS Research and Innovation Institute (Shenzhen) Co Ltd.