Open access information
The following information is publicly available in accordance with the provisions of section 6 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW).
UTS information guide
The UTS Agency Information Guide describes UTS structure and functions, how the public can participate in these functions, and the various types of information UTS holds and how they can be accessed.
Similar information was previously reported in UTS statements of affairs and summary of affairs released under the FOI Act.
Policy documents
UTS Rules is the record of rules of the university.
UTS Policies is the location for UTS policies and procedures.
Register of contracts
The register of contracts records details of contracts between UTS and private parties valued over $150,000.
Disclosure log
The disclosure log records details of selected disclosures made as part of access applications.
Documents about UTS tabled in NSW Parliament
The UTS Annual Report is tabled in Parliament each year.
Open access information not disclosed
This category records open access (mandatory release) information not disclosed due to overriding public interest.
The UTS register of undisclosed open access information will list all open access information that has not been disclosed.
Authorised proactive release of information
Information can be proactively released under the provisions of section 7 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW).
UTS's program for the proactive release of information involves routine decisions made at the business activity level regarding what information to make public on the university's website. Consideration of proactive release is undertaken on an ongoing basis and considered annually by the right to information team.
Information relating to ongoing business, key projects and activities considered of interest to the wider community is proactively released on the UTS website.
At present, there is no additional information that has been authorised for release that is not already available on the UTS website.