Recipients of the Fellow of the University honorary title are listed below. Qualifications are those advised at time of conferral, unless advised later.
John Allen, BA, LLB, LLM | 1997 |
Kathleen Baker, BHealthAdmin, MEdAdmin (UNSW) | 2004 |
The Hon. Peter Baldwin, BA, BEE, MP | 1998 |
Luca Belgiorno-Nettis AM, BArch (UNSW), GradDipMgmt(Urban Estate) (UTS), HonLittD (WSU) | 2023 |
Peter Bennett, BEc, DipEd (Monash), MBA (Melb), FCPA, MAICD, SA Fin | 2023 |
Wendy Bryant, BMath (W'gong), MEcon (Macq) | 2024 |
Alex Byrne, BE(Elec) (Sydney), GradDipLib (CCAE), GradAdvDipLib, MA (Canb), PhD (Sydney), FALIA | 2014 |
Maile Carnegie, BBus (UTS) | 2023 |
Robert Coombe, LLB(Hons) (UTS) | 2022 |
Megan Cornelius AM, BA (Sydney), FAICD, FACS, FAIM | 1998 |
Laurie Cowled | 2019 |
John Curtis AM, BA, LLB(Hons) (ANU) | 2012 |
Michael Fay, BA, MEd (Sydney) | 2000 |
Sherri Fields, BSocSc(Hons) (UNSW) | 2022 |
Brian Finn AO | 1989 |
Peter Fritz AM, DipTech (Sc), BAppSc, DipTech (Com), MDR (UTS), FACS, FASA, FASE | 1989 |
John Green, BSc(Hons) (UWA), PhD (La Trobe) | 1998 |
Elaine Henry OAM, BSc(Hons) (OxfBrookes) | 2022 |
Dianne Hill, BA (UniSA), FCA, FAICD | 2018 |
Jon Hutchison AM, BCom (Melb), CPA, MAIM | 2018 |
Graham Ireland, LLB (Sydney) | 1992 |
Stepan Kerkyasharian AM | 1995 |
Kevin Kirby AO | 1989 |
Kenneth Knight AM, MEc (Sydney), PhD (UQ), ALAA, FRAIPA, FSAG | 1989 |
Ooi Chee Kok | 2009 |
Monika Law, BA (Sydney) | 2022 |
Lyn Lewis-Smith, GradDipBusTech (UNSW) | 2022 |
Geoffrey Lloyd, LLM (UTS) | 2022 |
Philippa Marlow | 2022 |
Brian McFadyen, BA, LLB (Sydney), FAPI, MAICD | 2012 |
Donald (Don) McNeill, BE(Hons) (UNSW) | 1998 |
Anne McRitchie, BA (Melb), FIDA | 1995 |
David Murray AO, BBus (NSWIT), MBA (Macq), HonDLitt (Macq), FCPA, FAIB | 1998 |
Katie Payten, BIT (UTS), MCom (UNSW) | 2022 |
Andrew Penfold AM, LLB(Hons) (UTS) | 2022 |
Khoo Peng, FCA, RA(M), CPA | 2000 |
Phillip Porter, BA, MA (UNSW) | 2000 |
Johanna Roca | 2024 |
Craig Roy, BSc (UNSW), MBA (RRMC), MSc (Macq), FAICD | 2018 |
George Savvides AM, BIE(Hons) (UNSW), MBA (UTS) | 2023 |
Michael Sexton, SC, LLB(Hons) (Melb), LLM (Virginia) | 2017 |
Elizabeth Shing, BA(Hons) (HK), MBA (LondBus), DEd (Bulacan), HonDBA (IMC and UON), FCMI | 2008 |
Roland Slee, BE (Sydney), GAICD, FIEAust | 2019 |
Sir Laurence Street AC, KCMG, KStJ, QC, LLB(Hons) (Sydney), HonLLD (Macq and Sydney), HonDEc (UNE), HonLLD (UTS), FCIArb (UK), HonFIA (Aust) | 1990 |
David Taylor | 2000 |
Guy Templeton, BE(Elec) (UNSW), MBA (UTS), CPEng | 2022 |
Margaret Trask AM, BA (UNE), MLib (UNSW), FLAA | 1991 |
Henry Tsang OAM | 1995 |
Scott Wharton, LLB (UTS), BSc (USyd), EMBA (Tsinghua) | 2022 |
Richard White, MBIT (UTS) | 2017 |