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Connected Research

HDR students in lab with robot

Enhancing our pathways to impact

Over the next three years, we’re focusing on how UTS research translates in the real world for the greatest impact on the economy, environment and society. The direction and translation of our research is particularly important as we work with partners and the community to establish a 'new normal' in the COVID-19 era.

We’re investing in the areas that will deliver the most value, leveraging partnerships with business, government, philanthropic and community organisations as we continue to drive research excellence.  

We're supporting our research community in lots of ways, from more work-related opportunities for HDR students to developing ResHub, a space for our research community to collaborate, network and learn.

Through our research and research training we remain committed to responsible leadership in the creation, deployment and use of new technologies. This is core to our identity and is shaped by our social sciences, design and humanities focus.

By 2024 we will have

  • increased the impact and benefit of our research as well as investment by business and industry in UTS research and innovation activities
  • embedded support for more effective research translation, including capabilities for improved business development and business support
  • involved our students more deeply in industry and entrepreneurial experiences, supporting graduate development, career progression and industry needs.
UTS strategic initiative research

2022 – 2024 priorities

Expand research partnerships:

  • grow our research partnerships with business, government, philanthropic and community bodies to support and provide opportunities for mutual interest and value for the translation of outcomes for society’s immediate and future needs
  • optimise our research portfolio and activities to support these goals, including appropriate alignment with Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)
  • increase engagement within key industry sectors to enable more effective translation pathways
  • enable a consistent approach to supporting partnerships with business, industry, government and the community and facilitating collaboration with academic leaders across UTS
  • align our engagement across knowledge precincts with our partnerships and research excellence in order to present a clear proposition for our presence and participation
  • broaden and expand the research partnership concept to include educational partnerships and advance Work Integrated Learning (WIL) opportunities and lifetime of learning.



Increase research capability and investment:

  • create research translation labs focusing on aligning internal and external investment and prioritising our resources to areas of strength
  • uplift our capability and diversify our opportunities for securing external funding from new international and domestic sources
  • enable and support staff on the various pathways to research impact. For example, by boosting internal understanding of TRLs and then using TRLs to assess and align research opportunities with key partners, measuring impact in line with the latest govt policy.

Support our research community of staff and students:

  • provide expanded opportunities for HDR students to undertake internships and work-related opportunities as part of their research training
  • leverage and further develop ResHub to support academic staff and students to develop capability for both research excellence and engagement with users of research
  • establish clear criteria and measures for investment in research and expectations on financial and other returns from research.