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Working Together

people working together

The global pandemic changed how we work, teach and learn 

This initiative is about how we support UTS staff to thrive in an environment characterised by increasing complexity and changing expectations.

As is the case in most workplaces, we are working differently as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure we can thrive in this new hybrid environment we need to build on what we’ve got and put a solid framework in place to sustain our working culture.  

Building on the foundational work from the first phase of UTS 2027, we’ll refocus our approach to service delivery. We’ll continue to streamline processes and systems, providing staff with the space to think big, innovate and contribute ideas that are focused on our vision.

From improved opportunities for collaboration, to upskilling and reducing time-consuming administration, staff support is at the heart of this important initiatives.

By 2024 we will have

  • Clarified the roles and responsibilities required to deliver our education and research priorities 
  • worked with academic staff to reframe academic work and ensure that academic objectives are clear and achievable
  • developed systems and processes to streamline service and support functions across UTS
  • reimaged the use and configuration of our campus spaces to enhance opportunities for collaboration
  • maintained our commitment to safety, equity and diversity within our community.
UTS strategic initiative Working together

2022 – 2024 priorities

  • complete the implementation of service delivery models, including Hubs, to ensure consistency of service and equitable outcomes across UTS that support education and research. A guiding principle is to ensure that our service model is driven by our people delivering positive outcomes and not by our technology
  • finalise academic work allocation models to ensure we empower academic staff in the pursuit of innovation in education and delivering excellent research with impact
  • provide opportunities for professional staff to develop fulfilling and rewarding careers
  • explore the creation of hybrid and other roles to support education and research, coupled with new team-based approaches to deliver priority outcomes and support collaboration, particularly in areas requiring skills from diverse areas across UTS
  • continue to build a diverse workforce, particularly delivering gender equality and diversity initiatives (Athena Swan and Indigenous employment)
  • modernise our reward and recognition approaches and risk appetite to ensure they are aligned with future business priorities and support capability and career development.