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Lifetime of Learning

Students on campus

The way we learn is changing


As careers evolve and workforces reshape at a rapid pace, record numbers of people are seeking to skill and reskill. We’re meeting this ever-changing environment with a lifetime of learning approach in how we deliver education. 

In the first phase of UTS 2027 we introduced exciting new forms of learning, from Higher Education Certificates in areas where skills were most needed, to bespoke microcredentials for industry partners. 

Over the next three years we’ll focus on expanding and scaling our offerings, supporting students and learners at every step of their journey.

We’ll work more closely than ever before with industry to prepare learners for career readiness and career progression, as part of our increased focus on building partnerships.

We’ll continue to meet the needs of each learner through our research-integrated curriculum, the use of technology, the quality of our offerings and by continuing to focus on the student experience.

All of this is guided by distinctive graduate attributes that ensure UTS graduates are highly employable global citizens who are deeply grounded throughout their careers in creating positive societal impact. 

By 2024 we will have

  • accelerated growth in new forms of lifetime learning, ensuring we are shaping the current and future workforce with the skills that are needed 
  • reimagined international education as an integral part of our lifetime learning approach 
  • delivered most of our courses in flexible ways, improving Work Integrated Learning (WIL), employability, student experience and engagement.  
Lifetime of Learning strategic initiative

2022–2024 priorities

Develop a distinctive set of graduate attributes that draw on our identity:

  • Indigenous graduate attributes
  • transdisciplinary, resilient and able to think creatively across disciplinary boundaries
  • innovation and entrepreneurship
  • global citizenship

Career readiness:

  • build on our industry relationships in course co-creation and Work Integrated Learning (WIL)  across all our offerings
  • maintain a focus on professional readiness
  • leverage connections with our leading research and scholarship partners  (individuals and curriculum)

Learner-centric approach:

  • ensure processes and administrative functions support students and learners through all forms of learning
  • improve the student experience through our quality-of-service delivery and by better understanding student needs
  • support our academics to create contemporary and relevant learning experiences, drawing on their expertise and passion
  • refine and update our offering to ensure content remains relevant, accessible and builds on our distinctiveness

Expand our education offerings:

  • work closely with partners and market intelligence to understand new markets, opportunities for careers of the future and ensure our offerings form a pathway for learners
  • reimagine international education as an integral part of UTS’s lifetime learning, creating new courses and modes of engagement for attracting international students
  • implement agile and intelligent business approaches to create new products and learning opportunities by the flexible deployment of resources across UTS
  • explore the expansion of our learning offerings to provide opportunities for people to study, motivated by interest and not necessarily career or business needs