Welcome to UTS Multi-Faith Chaplaincy. Our chaplains are here to offer students and staff pastoral care—emotional and/or spiritual support, according to their needs and requirements.
Here at the University, we aim to support and encourage a culture of understanding, acceptance, respect for human values and dignity in a climate of diversity. We support individuals of various faith traditions, and those with no faith at all.
We offer a range of free and confidential chaplaincy services which are open to everyone. These include support, discussion groups and meditation sessions.
UTS chaplains are available to assist students and staff with a variety of challenges and problems, including homesickness, bereavement, loneliness and spirituality.
The past few years have been a particularly difficult time in the world. If you would like to talk to a chaplain for some pastoral support, you can contact a chaplain of your choice directly. For general enquiries or to speak to me personally, email me, the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Coordinator, Joanna Thyer: joanna.thyer@uts.edu.au.
These pages will be regularly updated to include both face-to-face and online resources offered by the multi-faith chaplaincy and all of the faith groups. Please contact us for any further information or to be referred to a chaplain.
Or contact me directly on joanna.thyer@uts.edu.au or uts.chaplaincy@uts.edu.au.
You can also contact the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Office directly on 9514 2523.

My name is Joanna Thyer and I am the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Coordinator at UTS. We offer a wide variety of chaplaincy support to students and staff. My background includes vast experience in chaplaincy, counselling, teaching and pastoral care in hospitals and the workplace.
Please come and see me if you wish to have a talk or be referred to a particular chaplain or group.