(online and on-campus)
Conversations@UTS brings together international students and a local volunteer for casual conversation. Meet new people while practising English in a safe and relaxed environment.
Conversations@UTS is currently running on-campus and via Zoom with sessions held daily. Join the fun, make friends and keep improving your conversation skills.
See the Conversations@UTS page to view our timetable.

UTS HELPS Buddy Program
The UTS HELPS Buddy Program matches international students with local students and UTS staffmembers for weekly conversation.
This unique opportunity will help you develop your English in a one-to-one setting. You will also have the chance to learn more about Australian culture while sharing your own with a new friend!
Make a friend online and keep improving your 1 to 1 conversation skills.
See HELPS Buddy program page for more information.

HELPS TalkFest
(every Friday 2-4pm in CB01.05.01 next to the UTS HELPS office)
TalkFest is a session of discussion groups, games, speedfriending and there will be free pizza!
Expand your social and professional networks by meeting people from a range of faculties, cultural backgrounds and study levels.
Take a study break on a Friday afternoon, where all you have to do is talk and have fun!
See the TalkFest page for more information.
Self-help resources
Would you like resources that can help you develop your English speaking and listening skills at home?

Supporting Study portal
Your go-to for support options, study resources, fun stuff and general help with being a student at UTS.