What can research students expect from HELPS consultations?

HELPS focus is the use of language to develop arguments and express ideas clearly, so all feedback for research students will target the following areas:
- Written expression
- Punctuation
- Paragraph structure
- Communication with supervisor
- Accessing other support at UTS
How to access HELPS support?
Research students can access the support from HELPS in two ways, but will be limited to no more than one consultation per week. This can either be a 30 minute individual consultation where you speak with a HELPS Advisor, or an online writing review where feedback is written on your document and emailed to you. Advisors will provide feedback on a maximum of 2000 words in any single consultation, so candidates need to think carefully about which section of their thesis they would like feedback on for any given consultation.
Please remember, Advisors will not proofread your thesis to fix grammatical errors or spelling mistakes. Instead, they will point out any persistent errors of grammar, punctuation or choice of words, and explain how to address these, as well as highlighting areas where your ideas are not clearly expressed.