This section provides an overview of how to tailor your writing based on the type of assignment you are required to write.

Discover the basic structure of all essays and see what a good essay introduction and conclusion look like.

Learn about the main elements of a good report and see example paragraphs from the key sections of a well written report.

Literature Reviews
See what a good literature review looks like and learn about the essential steps are for writing one.

Annotated Bibliographies
Discover the main features of an annotated bibliography by examining real examples.

Reflective Tasks
Develop the skill of asking appropriate questions that allow you to write reflectively as well as descriptively.

Case Studies
Identify the differences between a case study and other types of reports, and develop the skill of analysing the essential aspects of the case.

Group work
Learn how to do a group assessment task by understanding how to interact and communicate with others to achieve a shared goal.

presentation skills
Learn how to create effective content and deliver your message in a way that engages your audience.