UTS is updating their website provider, and there may not be the ability to update any classes. Please refer to the timetable builder or Canvas messages for the latest information if it doesn't match the text below.
Enrolments in My Timetable are now closed. However, as long as the room capacity is not breached, it is fine to attend U:PASS without registering.
All classes except HH1 and PP1: Weeks 3 to 12 (unless cancelled due to low attendance).
HH1 and PP1: Weeks 2-8
No U:PASS in Stuvac (Monday 14 – Sunday 20 April 2025) and Public Holidays (Monday 27 January, Monday 21 April and Friday 25 April).
Any questions, send us a message upass@uts.edu.au
If U:PASS is not offered in your subject, you may want to seek assistance from the Peer Tutoring program, the Maths and Science Study Centre, the FEIT Learning Precinct, or the Law Students Society tutoring program. HELPS drop-in is also an excellent source of support for any writing, English, learning skills or assignment advice.
We are very happy to assist you.
Subject Name | Subject Code | Day | Time | Room or Zoom link |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Monday | 16:00 | CB11.05.202 |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Tuesday | 10:00 | CB11.03.400 |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Tuesday | 13:00 | CB02.04.190 |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Wednesday | 13:00 | CB11.04.300 |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Wednesday | 15:30 | CB05D.03.016 |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Wednesday | 17:00 | CB11.04.300 |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Wednesday | 18:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/NAJrRiTHSISUaVWLg0K41g#/registration |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Thursday | 11:00 | CB08.03.005 (wk 3-11) CB10.02.410 (wk 12) |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Thursday | 15:00 | CB06.04.037 |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 | Friday | 13:00 | CB11.04.300 |
Accounting for Business Combinations | 22320 | Tuesday | 12:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/bKtJ_qH9R_6DCmWswNn5cA |
Accounting for Business Combinations | 22320 | Thursday | 18:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/EE9dkkSYQfmwH4gBOwzaKA |
Accounting for Managerial Decisions | 22747 | Monday | 18:00 | CB10.04.470 |
Accounting for Managerial Decisions | 22747 | Tuesday | 16:30 | CB08.04.011 |
Accounting Standards and Regulations | 22420 | Monday | 12:30 | CB11.B2.101 |
Accounting Standards and Regulations | 22420 | Tuesday | 15:00 | CB08.04.010 |
Accounting, Business and Society | 22208 | Monday | 11:00 | CB11.04.202 |
Accounting, Business and Society | 22208 | Tuesday | 13:30 | CB11.03.400 (wk 3) CB11.04.301 (wk 4) CB11.04.203 (wk 5-12) |
Accounting, Business and Society | 22208 | Wednesday | 12:30 | CB10.02.410 (wk 3-9) CB04.03.341 (wk 10-12) |
Accounting, Business and Society | 22208 | Thursday | 16:30 | CB02.06.290 (wk 3-8) CB11.05.203 (wk 9-12) |
Accounting, Business and Society | 22208 | Friday | 11:00 | CB06.04.037 |
Accounting, Business and Society | 22208 | Friday | 12:30 | CB10.04.440 |
Biomechanics of Human Motion | 92512 | Monday | 16:00 | MP01.04.040 |
Biomechanics of Human Motion | 92512 | Tuesday | 13:30 | MP01.05.110 (capacity 12) |
Biomechanics of Human Motion | 92512 | Wednesday | 16:30 | MP01.03.090 |
Biomechanics of Human Motion | 92512 | Thursday | 15:00 | MP01.05.100 |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Monday | 10:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/vP3P4FyfREW0MUn3JMulPQ |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Monday | 12:00 | CB07.02.015 |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Monday | 15:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/wCouf9QHSM-SYjzZv9QtqA |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Tuesday | 12:00 | CB05B.05.030 |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Tuesday | 16:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/fJ4-YNsiQ5a9X45g0ilgtg |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Wednesday | 13:00 | CB11.B2.103 (wk 3-7) CB07.02.020 (wk 8) CB06.03.056 (wk 9-11) CB02.04.190 (wk 12) |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Wednesday | 15:00 | CB07.03.010_010D |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Thursday | 9:00 | CB05D.03.012 |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Friday | 11:00 | Https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/0aIxnAm1SMqQOKKGYn2bcQ |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 | Friday | 9:00 | CB05D.03.014 |
Chemistry and Materials Science | 60101 | Monday | 11:30 | CB01.05.02 HELPS Annex |
Chemistry and Materials Science | 60101 | Tuesday | 11:30 | CB11.B3.104 |
Cost Management Systems | 22321 | Thursday | 14:00 | CB08.05.002 |
Criminal Law and Procedure | 70114 | Monday | 15:00 | CB11.03.204 |
Criminal Law and Procedure | 70114 | Monday | 18:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/g5UVsifgT8ipOM16ukGj4Q |
Criminal Law and Procedure | 70114 | Tuesday | 13:00 | CB10.02.450 (wk 3-5) CB10.02.410 (wk 6,8) CB11.05.202 (wk 7,9) CB11.05.100 (wk 10) CB06.03.052 (wk 11) CB02.06.290 (Wk 12) |
Criminal Law and Procedure | 70114 | Wednesday | 9:30 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
Criminal Law and Procedure | 70114 | Wednesday | 16:00 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
Criminal Law and Procedure | 70114 | Thursday | 11:00 | CB05B.05.029 (wk 3,5,7,8) CB11.05.102_104 (wk 4,6) CB11.05.100 (wk 9-12) |
Data Science and Innovation | 36100 | Tuesday | 16:00 | CB10.02.320 |
Data Science and Innovation | 36100 | Wednesday | 16:30 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/5r2K_yskT2Sf2aM2J59bbA |
Data Structures and Algorithms | 31251 | Tuesday | 13:00 | CB08.05.006 |
Data Structures and Algorithms | 31251 | Tuesday | 17:00 | CB08.05.001 |
Data Structures and Algorithms | 31251 | Wednesday | 10:00 | CB10.03.500 |
Data Structures and Algorithms | 31251 | Friday | 14:00 | CB11.B2.101 |
Database Fundamentals | 31271 | Tuesday | 14:00 | CB10.03.470 |
Database Fundamentals | 31271 | Thursday | 11:00 | CB08.05.002 (wk 3-7) CB04.03.341 (wk 8-12) |
Database Fundamentals | 31271 | Friday | 15:30 | CB08.05.002 |
Design, Data and Decisions | 33116 | Tuesday | 17:00 | CB11.04.203 |
Design, Data and Decisions | 33116 | Wednesday | 11:00 | CB10.03.490 |
Design, Data and Decisions | 33116 | Wednesday | 14:00 | CB07.03.010_010D |
Design, Data and Decisions | 33116 | Wednesday | 17:00 | CB11.03.206 (wk 3-10, 12) CB10.02.410 (wk 11) |
Design, Data and Decisions | 33116 | Thursday | 12:30 | CB08.03.005 (wk 3-11) CB11.05.202 (wk 12) |
Design, Data and Decisions | 33116 | Thursday | 13:30 | CB08.03.005 (wk 3,4,6,8,9-11) CB11.05.203 (wk 5,7,12) |
Design, Data and Decisions | 33116 | Thursday | 14:30 | CB05D.03.016 (wk 3,5,7,8) CB08.03.005 (wk 4,6, 9-11) CB11.03.206 (wk 12) |
Design, Data and Decisions | 33116 | Thursday | 17:00 | CB04.03.341 |
Developmental Psychology | 96631 | Tuesday | 14:00 | CB10.04.440 (wk 3) CB10.03.301 (wk 4-7) CB11.04.202 (wk 8) CB11.04.101 (wk 9) CB11.05.200 (wk 10-12) |
Developmental Psychology | 96631 | Wednesday | 15:00 | CB05D.02.019 |
Developmental Psychology | 96631 | Thursday | 11:00 | CB05B.05.030 (wk 3,5,7,8) CB06.04.040 (wk 4,6) CB11.B3.101 (wk 9-12) |
Developmental Psychology | 96631 | Thursday | 15:00 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
Economics for Management | 23706/23709 | Thursday | 14:00 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
Electronics and Circuits | 48520 | Tuesday | 10:30 | CB05D.03.014 |
Electronics and Circuits | 48520 | Tuesday | 16:30 | CB06.04.037 |
Engineering Mechanics | 48321 | Thursday | 15:00 | CB01.05.02 HELPS Annex |
Engineering Mechanics | 48321 | Friday | 15:00 | CB11.04.205 |
Financial Literacy | 25400 | Monday | 18:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/ZpqHa8IzSaK_GzAFEl96Iw |
Financial Literacy | 25400 | Tuesday | 11:00 | CB11.03.400 |
Financial Literacy | 25400 | Tuesday | 13:00 | CB08.03.004 |
Financial Literacy | 25400 | Tuesday | 15:00 | CB08.03.002 |
Financial Management | 25742 | Monday | 10:00 | CB08.03.005 |
Financial Management | 25742 | Thursday | 16:00 | CB06.04.040 (wk 3) CB04.04.321 (wk 4-6) CB06.06.123 (wk 7-12) |
Financial Management | 25799 | Tuesday | 16:30 | CB10.02.470 |
Financial Management | 25799 | Thursday | 14:00 | CB06.03.056 |
Health and Homeostasis 1 | 91562 | Monday | 11:00 | CB05D.03.011 |
Health and Homeostasis 1 | 91562 | Monday | 15:00 | CB10.02.320 |
Health and Homeostasis 1 | 91562 | Tuesday | 11:00 | CB06.03.052 |
Health and Homeostasis 1 | 91562 | Tuesday | 14:00 | CB11.05.200 |
Health and Homeostasis 1 | 91562 | Wednesday | 11:00 | CB11.03.400 |
Health and Homeostasis 1 | 91562 | Thursday | 11:00 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
Introduction to Electrical Engineering | 48510 | Tuesday | 13:00 | CB11.05.200 (wk 3-8) CB06.03.056 (wk 9-11) CB07.02.020 (wk 12) |
Introduction to Electrical Engineering | 48510 | Thursday | 13:00 | CB05B.05.030 |
Introduction to the Built Environment | 16468 | Thursday | 11:00 | CB11.03.400 |
Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications | 36106 | Thursday | 16:00 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications | 36106 | Friday | 16:00 | CB08.03.005 |
Mathematics 1 | 33130 | Monday | 10:00 | CB11.B2.101 |
Mathematics 1 | 33130 | Monday | 14:00 | CB11.04.205 |
Mathematics 1 | 33130 | Monday | 16:00 | CB11.05.101 |
Mathematics 1 | 33130 | Tuesday | 12:00 | CB08.03.004 |
Mathematics 1 | 33130 | Tuesday | 13:00 | CB11.04.202 (wk 3-8) CB11.04.301 (wk 9-10) CB11.03.301 (wk 11-12) |
Mathematics 1 | 33130 | Wednesday | 16:00 | CB06.03.051 (wk 3-11) CB07.02.020 (wk 12) |
Mathematics 1 | 33130 | Thursday | 13:00 | CB10.02.450 (wk 3-5) CB11.B2.102 (wk 6-9) CB08.05.002 (wk 10-12) |
Mathematics 1 | 33130 | Friday | 12:00 | CB05D.03.013 |
Mathematics 2 | 33230 | Monday | 12:00 | CB11.04.203 |
Mathematics 2 | 33230 | Wednesday | 17:00 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
Networking Fundamentals | 41092 | Monday | 13:00 | CB08.04.002 |
Networking Fundamentals | 41092 | Monday | 15:00 | CB11.05.202 (wk 3-5, 7-9, 11) CB10.02.410 (wk 6) CB10.04.440 (wk 10, 12) |
Networking Fundamentals | 41092 | Tuesday | 15:30 | CB05D.03.007 (wk 3-6,8-11) CB08.04.009 (wk 7,12) |
Networking Fundamentals | 41092 | Tuesday | 17:00 | CB04.04.321 |
Networking Fundamentals | 41092 | Wednesday | 13:00 | CB11.03.400 |
Networking Fundamentals | 41092 | Wednesday | 14:00 | CB11.03.301 (wk 3-6) CB06.03.056 (wk 7-11) CB10.03.480 (wk 12) |
Networking Fundamentals | 41092 | Thursday | 12:00 | CB10.04.440 |
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 | 91529 | Monday | 13:30 | CB11.B2.104 |
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 | 91529 | Monday | 15:30 | CB11.04.301 |
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 | 91529 | Tuesday | 14:00 | CB07.02.020 |
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 | 91529 | Tuesday | 16:00 | CB11.04.430 |
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 | 91529 | Friday | 13:00 | CB04.04.321 (wk 2-4), CB10.04.470 (wk 5-8) |
Physical Modelling | 68037 | Monday | 11:00 | CB11.B2.101 |
Physical Modelling | 68037 | Tuesday | 12:30 | CB05D.03.015 |
Physical Modelling | 68037 | Wednesday | 11:00 | CB11.B2.104 NEW ROOM |
Physical Modelling | 68037 | Wednesday | 12:00 | CB11.04.300 |
Physical Modelling | 68037 | Thursday | 14:00 | CB06.03.051 (wk 3-6) CB10.02.450 (wk 7-12) |
Physical Modelling | 68037 | Thursday | 16:00 | CB10.02.320 (wk 3-5) CB06.03.052 (wk 6-12) |
Physical Modelling | 68037 | Friday | 15:00 | CB08.03.005 |
Physical Modelling | 68037 | Friday | 12:00 | CB06.06.103 |
Programming 1 | 41039 | Tuesday | 15:30 | CB05D.03.002 (wk 3-6,8-11) CB11.04.101 (wk 7) CB11.05.101 (wk 12) |
Programming 1 | 41039 | Tuesday | 16:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/To-gPwyySKqvsUpyudJy_w#/registration |
Programming 1 | 41039 | Wednesday | 10:00 | CB11.03.400 (wk 3-8) CB04.04.321 (wk 9-12) |
Programming 1 | 41039 | Wednesday | 11:00 | CB10.02.410 |
Programming 1 | 41039 | Wednesday | 14:00 | CB05B.05.030 |
Programming 1 | 41039 | Friday | 11:00 | CB11.04.203 |
Programming 2 | 48024 | Monday | 11:00 | CB11.03.301 |
Programming 2 | 48024 | Tuesday | 14:00 | CB10.03.460 (3, 6-11) CB11.05.102_104 (wk 4) CB11.04.301 (wk 5) CB10.02.450 (wk 12) |
Programming 2 | 48024 | Wednesday | 14:00 | CB08.03.005 (wk 3-11) CB08.05.002 (wk 12) |
Programming 2 | 48024 | Tuesday | 16:00 | CB10.02.410 |
Programming Fundamentals | 48023 | Tuesday | 11:00 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
Programming Fundamentals | 48023 | Thursday | 12:00 | CB10.02.410 |
Programming Fundamentals | 48023 | Friday | 15:00 | CB04.04.321 (wk 3-4) CB10.02.320 (wk 5-12) |
Real Property | 70317 | Monday | 12:00 | CB11.05.404 |
Real Property | 70317 | Tuesday | 13:00 | CB08.05.002 |
Real Property | 70317 | Wednesday | 18:00 | https://utsmeet.zoom.us/meeting/register/LS9KDSxVQbG3BVPFN0g-RA |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Monday | 11:00 | CB07.02.015 |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Monday | 13:00 | CB11.00.401 |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Tuesday | 10:00 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Tuesday | 12:00 | CB05D.03.013 |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Tuesday | 14:00 | CB08.03.004 |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Wednesday | 12:00 | CB10.04.430 |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Wednesday | 14:00 | CB05D.03.017 |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Thursday | 12:00 | CB06.06.123 |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Friday | 11:00 | CB08.04.011 |
Responsible Evidence Based Decisions | 26134 | Friday | 13:00 | CB07.02.020 |
Statistical Thinking for Data Science | 36103 | Monday | 15:30 | CB08.04.002 |
Statistical Thinking for Data Science | 36103 | Friday | 15:30 | CB08.04.009 |
Structural Anatomy | 92511 | Tuesday | 12:00 | MP01.05.100 |
Structural Anatomy | 92511 | Tuesday | 16:00 | MP01.03.090 |
Structural Anatomy | 92511 | Thursday | 10:00 | MP01.05.100 |
Structural Anatomy | 92511 | Thursday | 13:00 | MP01.05.090 |
Structural Anatomy | 92511 | Thursday | 15:00 | MP01.05.090 |
Surveying | 48320 | Tuesday | 13:00 | CB01.05.02 HELPS Annex |
Surveying | 48320 | Friday | 12:00 | CB05B.05.029 |
The Financial System | 25556 | Monday | 12:00 | CB01.05.01 (HELPS Lounge) |
The Financial System | 25556 | Monday | 15:00 | CB10.02.330 |
The Financial System | 25556 | Monday | 17:00 | CB05B.05.031 |
The Financial System | 25556 | Thursday | 16:30 | CB11.03.205 |
Web Systems | 31268 | Monday | 12:00 | CB11.04.401 |
Web Systems | 31268 | Monday | 14:00 | CB08.05.002 |
Web Systems | 31268 | Wednesday | 10:00 | CB06.04.040 |
Web Systems | 31268 | Thursday | 10:30 | CB06.03.051 (wk 3-5) CB11.04.202 (wk 6-8) CB05D.02.019 (wk 9-12) |
Web Systems | 31268 | Friday | 12:00 | CB06.04.037 |
Web Systems | 31268 | Friday | 15:00 | CB10.03.500 |
Subjects offered
Subject | Subject Number |
Cost Management 1 | 16105 |
Introduction to the Built Environment | 16468 |
Accounting and Accountability | 22108 |
Accounting, Business and Society | 22208 |
Accounting for Business Combinations | 22320 |
Cost Management Systems | 22321 |
Accounting Standards and Regulations | 22420 |
Accounting for Managerial Decisions | 22747 |
Quantitative Methods in Economics and Business | 23508 |
Economics for Management | 23706/23709 |
Financial Literacy replacing Fundamentals of Business Finance | 25400 |
The Financial System | 25556 |
Financial Management | 25742 |
Finance for Managers | 25799 |
Responsible Evidence-Based Decisions (former name: Business Statistics) | 26134 |
Data Structures and Algorithms | 31251 |
Web Systems | 31268 |
Database Fundamentals | 31271 |
Design, Data and Decisions | 33116 |
Mathematics 1 | 33130 |
Mathematics 2 | 33230 |
Data Science for Innovation | 36100 |
Statistical Thinking for Data Science | 36103 |
Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications | 36106 |
Programming 1 | 41039 |
Networking Fundamentals | 41092 |
Programming Fundamentals | 48023 |
Programming 2 | 48024 |
Surveying | 48320 |
Engineering Mechanics | 48321 |
Introduction to Electrical Engineering | 48510 |
Electronics & Circuits | 48520 |
Chemistry & Materials Science | 60101 |
Chemistry 1 | 65111 |
Chemistry 2 | 65212 |
Physical Modelling | 68037 |
Criminal Law and Procedure | 70114 |
Real Property | 70317 |
Human Anatomy and Physiology | 91400 |
Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 | 91529 |
Health & Homeostasis 2 | 91561 |
Health & Homeostasis 1 | 91562 |
Structural Anatomy | 92511 |
Biomechanics of Human Motion | 92512 |
Functional Anatomy | 92521 |
Data Science Practice | 94692 |
Developmental Psychology | 96631 |
Research Methods in Psychology | 96633 |