Subject list
A=Autumn session only, S=Spring session only
- 16105 Cost Management 1 (S)
- 16468 Introduction to the Built Environment (A)
- 22108 Accounting and Accountability
- 22207 Accounting for Business Decisions B (in Spring 2022 replaced by 22208 Accounting, Business and Society)
- 22320 Accounting for Business Combinations
- 22321 Cost Management Systems
- 22420 Accounting Standards and Regulations
- 23115 Economics for Business
- 23508 Quantitative Methods in Economics and Business (S)
- 23706 Economics for Management
- 25300 Fundamentals of Business Finance
- 25556 The Financial System
- 25742 Financial Management
- 26134 Responsible Evidence-Based Decisions (former name: Business Statistics)
- 31251 Data Structures and Algorithms (A)
- 31268 Web Systems
- 31271 Database Fundamentals
- 33116 Design, Data and Decisions
- 33130 Mathematics 1
- 33230 Mathematics 2
- 36100 Data Science for Innovation (*NEW*)
- 36106 Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications (*NEW*)
- 41057 Thermofluids A
- 41092 Networking Fundamentals
- 43015 Thermofluids B
- 48023 Programming Fundamentals
- 48024 Applications Programming
- 48320 Surveying
- 48321 Engineering Mechanics
- 48330 Soil Behaviour
- 48331 Mechanics of Solids
- 48510 Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- 48520 Electronics and Circuits
- 48640 Machine Dynamics (running Autumn 2022 only)
- 60101 Chemistry & Materials Science
- 65111 Chemistry 1
- 65212 Chemistry 2 (S)
- 68037 Physical Modelling
- 68038 Advanced Maths and Physics (S)
- 68070 Introduction to Materials (S)
- 70114 Criminal Law and Procedure
- 70317 Real Property
- 91123 Biocomplexity (S)
- 91161 Cell Biology and Genetics
- 91400 Human Anatomy & Physiology (S)
- 91529 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 (A)
- 91530 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 2 (S)
- 91561 Health and Homeostasis 2 (S)
- 91562 Health and Homeostasis 1 (A)
- 92511 Structural Anatomy (A)
- 92512 Biomechanics of Human Motion (A)
- 92521 Functional Anatomy (S)
- 96631 Developmental Psychology (A)
- 96633 Research Methods in Psychology (S)