Thanks for your interest in becoming a U:PASS leader; we’re always on the lookout for enthusiastic and hard-working students who want to give something back. Our program gives you a great opportunity to get paid, deepen your own learning and improve your leadership skills- all while helping your fellow students and UTS. Payment includes payment for preparation time and some lecture catch up.
Check out what some U:PASS leaders shared about their experience.
Applications are now CLOSED. Please note that we usually interview in October and May each year. It is advisable to get your applications in before these time periods. Once the main round of interviewing is done, applications will only be considered if there is still space available in the subject. There are currently NO vacancies for Autumn 2025.
The general pattern each session is:
- Week 5-6: Current leaders are asked to express interest for the upcoming semester
- Week 6-7: The application form is also updated for the new semester for new applications (closes week 8)
- Week 6-7: Current leader expressions of interest are finalised
- Week 7: High achieving students are emailed and invited to apply in subjects where there is space for the upcoming semester. However, any student may also apply if they meet the criteria.
- Stuvac: Applications continue to be taken
- Week 9: Applications are finalised and interviews determined
- Week 9-10: Successful applicants book into interview times
- Week 10-13: Interviews
Please note this schedule is subject to change without notice.
If you are unsure about whether we have space in your preferred subjects, please do not hesitate to email – we will only have space in subjects if existing leaders are finishing or there is a new subject being offered.
Please note: You must attend training to be a U:PASS leader (face to face).
- Dates for July 2025 not yet set
There are no exceptions.
Please note this schedule is subject to change without notice.
If you want to know what it's like to be a leader, check out our Alumni leaders or current leaders.
You must:
- be in the second year of study or above at UTS (except for postgraduate leaders) for the semester you will lead in (e.g. apply in first year)
- have obtained a distinction or high distinction in the subject you are applying to lead at UTS, within the past two semesters
- have achieved an overall credit (or preferably distinction or high distinction) average (GPA>6)
- have great organisation, communication and people skills
- be in good standing with the University (not a student with a misconduct)
- be available for both training days. Training days are usually held just before the start of the semester.
- be available to lead study groups throughout the semester with a commitment of four-five hours per week.
It is highly desirable for applicants to have attended U:PASS sessions previously.
We encourage you to apply even if you haven’t yet completed the subject, although please bear in mind our offers of appointment will be conditional on meeting this criterion at the end of semester.
Please note: we reserve the right to close the applications if we have a full complement of leaders.