The University of Technology Sydney (UTS) has invited you to participate in one or more mentoring programs designed to increase student employability, enhance learning and capabilities on an ongoing basis. These mentoring programs are facilitated through the Student Services Unit and Alumni Relations via GRID.
Individuals who have expressed an interest in being part of a mentoring program will be invited to register via GRID. Only individuals who meet eligibility criteria, whether invited or registering directly, will be activated to use GRID. You may withdraw your consent and involvement in a program at any time by contacting the relevant program area (please see program contact details at the bottom of this notice).
For some programs, information may be loaded into GRID from existing information held by UTS, including email address, course information, qualifications and grades. Users can also upload information from Linkedin and Facebook, or enter information directly into the system.
Additional information can be provided by you on a voluntary basis as part of the relationship between mentee and mentor. The level of information you provide when communicating through the mentoring system is up to you. UTS will not load any information into GRID regarding your date of birth, residential address, ethnicity, or health information. It will be at your discretion to disclose such details when using or communicating through GRID, noting that communications will be held in GRID as part of your record.
Your information will be used to match mentees and mentors, and to manage the relationship between both parties. Information will also be used by UTS for the purposes of quality management, planning, program development, and de-identified information will be used for statistical analyses and reporting purposes. Information held about a matched mentee and mentor in the system will be available to both parties (except for grades), and will be disclosed to each to facilitate the partnership.
Information held about you in the system will only be disclosed in line with the above, or where required or authorised by law. You can access the information held about you at any time by logging into GRID. To amend details that were preloaded by UTS, contact the relevant program area (please see program contact details at the bottom of this notice).
GRID is a fully hosted platform located in the US and is managed under contract with UTS. Information held in this system will be retained by UTS for a minimum 7 years after your account becomes inactive. No information will be held by this system or the contracted vendor on termination of UTS services with them. Any records that require ongoing retention beyond that point will be transferred back to UTS for secure storage and management.
Further information on privacy is available at Privacy at UTS.
Program Contact Details
For any queries, email:
- Careers Service: