UTS has facilities and procedures to assist students balancing study and carer responsibilities.
Carer relationships may be with:
- Dependent children
- Family members who have disabilities or illnesses
Students who are pregnant may also access additional assistance.
Who to contact for assistance
In most cases, your faculty’s Academic Liaison Officer (ALO) should be your first point of contact. They will be able to advise you and liaise with other staff on your behalf in relation to work experience placements and assessment deadlines. The Counselling Service is another important contact as they can talk through documentation requirements and other relevant support options.
Available assistance
UTS is committed to providing you with a supportive and flexible environment as you navigate time and other pressures as a result of your caring responsibilities.
Study load
UTS offers flexible study loads as well as the opportunity to withdraw without academic and financial penalty before the semester census dates. If you need assessment arrangements for tasks other than centrally conducted exams, your ALO will advise the relevant lecturers.
It is possible for adjustments to be made to the time frame of assessments if:
- you have significant carer responsibilities
- your assessment will be significantly affected by your pregnancy.
Study load requirements can be checked in the UTS Handbook or discussed with an advisor in your faculty's Student Centre. Please check with your lecturers after the assessment task is scheduled to ensure they are aware of any arrangements made.
There is limited flexibility in subject load for international students; please consult with UTS International on Commonwealth Government requirements for individual cases. International students on an exchange or scholarship program should check the enrolment requirements of their program.
How to apply for assessment adjustment arrangements
Please book a meeting with your ALO prior to the census date. Students enrolled in a double degree will need to speak to their ALOs in both faculties. Your ALO will carry out a full assessment and will be able to explain your options to you. If you are not satisfied with the ALO's arrangements, you can appeal to your Responsible Academic Officer and/or Associate Dean.
For your meeting with your ALO, you'll need to bring the following:
- Documentation outlining your carer responsibilities and the impact on your study, such as: a letter from your GP/Counsellor/other health professional, a copy of your Medicare card (indicating dependents), relevant documentation from Centrelink or Medicare, birth certificates, or a statutory declaration (available at newsagents, post offices or student services). Please note: if you have any difficulty obtaining documentation, please consider contacting the UTS Counselling Service who can talk through documentation options in more detail with you.
- A list of your subjects and any available course outlines
- A completed Application for assessment adjustment arrangements for students who are primary carers or students who are pregnant form (PDF, 390kB).
Due date for centrally conducted exams applications.
Child care
Day care
UTS provides long daycare centres for children aged 0-5 years.
If our child care is not suitable or available to you, please contact the UTS Child Care CEO for alternative services.
Additional information is available from the Australian Government or the City of Sydney's child care directory (both open an external site).
Children on campus
We recognise there may be occasions when parents or carers may need to bring a child with them onto campus. Students are advised to seek permission from their lecturer, who can consider possible class disruptions disrupted, as well as any safety issues.
Carers may take children into the UTS Library if they are always accompanied by the carer and moved from quiet areas if required.
Parents rooms
UTS has facilities for carers of young children, including parents or breastfeeding rooms and change facilities in some toilets. They can be found at the following locations:
- CB07.03.027*
- CB01.05.05B*
- CB10.11.100
- CB01.13.048 (Nappy change table not available in this room).
- CB02.03.175
Moore Park
- MP01.03.71
*Note: These rooms may be easier for visitors to access due to their location. CB01.05.05B is most accessible by visitors as security card access is not required unless outside of standard university hours.
The Counselling Service may be able to provide Special Consideration Professional Authority statements to students who have sought assistance in relation to managing their carer responsibilities, or documentation to assist students with applications for assessment adjustment arrangements.
In addition to personal counselling, the Counselling Service offers a wide range of self-help resources on its website.
The Counselling Service is available at the city campus in both teaching and non-teaching weeks and can be accessed five days per week.
8.30am to 8.30pm, Monday to Wednesday
8.30am to 8pm, Thursday
9am to 5pm, Friday
Phone: +61 2 9514 1177
Email: student.services@uts.edu.au
Financial assistance
Students can apply to the Financial Assistance Service for interest-free student loans and small grants to assist them with financial difficulties related to their carer responsibilities. Students who are on low incomes may be able to apply for an Equal Access Scholarship.
Health service
The UTS Health Service provides a general bulk-billing medical practice in Building 1, the Tower, on level 6. International students are not charged for more services if they have Medibank Private Overseas Student Health Cover.
External assistance for carers
Carers NSW (opens an external site) is an organisation offering support for people who are caring for someone with a disability, ongoing medical condition, drug or alcohol dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who are frail.
Young Carers NSW (opens an external site) is an organisation who provides free services to young carers. Their services include: counselling, phone counselling and referrals.