At UTS, we're committed to providing support to students experiencing financial hardship and/or other educational barriers. Through our scholarships, we endeavour to both reward achievement and importantly recognise your motivation to succeed.

Equal Access Scholarship
The Equal Access Scholarship is our primary equity scholarship which recognises financial need and other circumstances or hardships which may affect your studies. The Equal Access Scholarship is awarded to multiple students each year.
- The scholarship will primarily assess an applicant's level of financial disadvantage.
- In addition, the scholarship assesses and may assist students with disabilities, sole parenting or carer responsibilities, as well as Indigenous students and students from a refugee background.
Want to apply?
Find out more
UTS offers a variety of scholarships to undergraduate and postgraduate students recognising diversity, leadership and merit. For Information and application guidelines go to the UTS Scholarships. If you're a postgraduate research student visit the Graduate School for more information about postgraduate research scholarships at UTS.
Scape Accommodation Scholarship
This scholarship has been established to support UTS students experiencing financial and/or other educational disadvantages which impact their ability to support themselves financially. This scholarship is currently awarded to 10 students per year.
- Recipients must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or permanent humanitarian visa;
- Recipients of the scholarship receive a discount of fifty percent (50%) on their respective Scape Rental Accommodation Fees for the duration of the scholarship.
View the full eligibility criteria and apply via the scholarship’s page.
Scholarships outside UTS
There are a number of scholarships offered by external organisations to:
- Settlement Services International for students of a refugee background
- students with disabilities and to
- young carers, for carers under the age of 26 years and
- 16 to 21-year-old persons whose ability to progress is determined by financial hardship (see youth off the street program)
- Students may also be eligible for scholarships offered by organisations in their local area or with whom their parents are associated, for example, trade unions, farmers' associations or the Returned Services League.
Relocation scholarships
Course areas: All courses
This scholarship is part of a federal government program to assist students from low-income family backgrounds in regional and remote Australia with the costs associated with higher education. Apply through Centrelink.
Student Start Up
Course areas: All courses
From 2018, the Start-Up Loan replaces the previous Start Up Scholarship.
For more information and to see if you're eligible, contact Centrelink directly. Call 13 24 90 or visit (opens an external site)