Even if you aren’t living in UTS residences, UTS Housing service can help you with all sorts of accommodation needs, such as:
- the search for private and/or share accommodation
- professional advice on tenancy matters
- short to long-term accommodation providers
If you are considering share accommodation, hotels and hostels, leasing, you should read our dedicated pages.
Legal help for UTS students
The Student Legal Service is a free legal service for UTS Students, and can provide legal help with accommodation, leasing and tenancy problems, including problems with bonds.
The service is located in UTS Tower Building 1, level 5, room 12, between HELPS and IELTS. Contact them on 02 95142484 or via email studentlegalservice@uts.edu.au to arrange an appointment or request help (please provide your student ID when doing so).
Emergency accommodation
If UTS students are facing a situation that requires emergency accommodation, they can contact:
- UTS Counselling - Tel: +61 2 9514 1177 or Email: student.services@uts.edu.au
- Financial Assistance Services - Tel: +61 2 9514 1177 or Email: financial.assistance@uts.edu.au
UTS Housing will source emergency accommodation based on referral from the above UTS Student Services.
Tenant Union
The Tenants’ Union of NSW provides high-quality legal advice, assistance, and information to tenants, land lease community residents, Tenant Advocates, and community workers.
Looking out for scams
Accommodation scams are running on popular accommodation search websites. One is aimed at landlords whereby scammers send a cheque or claim to have deposited funds in your PayPal account for an amount well in excess of the agreed rental, together with some excuse about the overpayment. The scammer then asks the landlord to electronically refund the excess back to a specified bank account. Having done as requested, the landlord later finds that the cheque has been dishonoured and has very little chance of recovering the funds.
Students looking for accommodation are strongly advised not to send any money to try and secure short term accommodation before arriving in Sydney, and they should view the premises in person before paying a deposit to secure the short term accommodation. If unsure, please seek advice by writing to the Off-Campus and Communication Housing Officer.
See the following websites for details of various scams:
- Department of Fair Trading: Report a Scam website
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission: Scamwatch website
Useful external links
- NSW Office of Fair Trading
- Redfern Legal Centre
- Share Housing Survival Guide
- NSW Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services
- Public Transport Information
Stay connected with UTS Housing
Find out about the latest activities taking place around UTS student residence via our social media channels:
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