If you are about to study at UTS and are looking for accommodation, check out the listings, advice and support services available to you as a UTS student.
Sydney suburbs
Sydney has a wide transport system that allows you to easily get to the UTS campus. So although you may initially want to find accommodation in the Sydney City Centre, we strongly encourage you to also look at suburbs nearby as they are accessible by bus, light rail or train.

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Useful information and tools
- UTS Building 1 is located at 15 Broadway, Broadway NSW 2007.
- Public transport: The closest train station is Central. The closest light rail stop is Haymarket or Paddys Market. The closest bus stop is in front of UTS Building 1.
- Trip Planner helps you calculate the time and fare to get from a suburb to a specific destination such as the UTS campus.
Approximate travel times
Travel mode | Travel time (Approximate) | Locations |
Walking distance | 15 mins |
By bus | 20 mins |
By bus or light rail | 30 mins |
By train | 10 mins |
By train | 30 mins |
Accommodation options
UTS Housing (on-campus options)
- Autumn 2025 intake: Applications are open from Wednesday 9 October 2024, via our application page. (Note: There is a non-refundable $50 application fee.)
- Spring 2025 intake: Will open in May 2025.
Off-campus options
Before signing an agreement, we strongly recommend being in Australia to view the room(s) from private listings.
- Short-term accommodation: here is a list of hostels and hotels close to the UTS campus.
- Long-term accommodation: check out UTS Studystays off-campus listing website (log in using your UTS ID and password).
For affordable and available properties, accessible by public transport, we encourage you to also look outside the Sydney city centre.
This option involves staying with a local family and experiencing daily life with them.
Financial assistance
The UTS Financial Assistance can help with short-term assistance for food and basic living expenses when you are in financial need.
Grants and loans
You may be eligible for a $500 Financial Support Grant and/or a $3,000 interest-free loan with flexible repayment options while you are actively enrolled.
Financial stress
If you are in Australia, are stressed due to financial circumstances and would like assistance, you can book an appointment.
Call the UTS Financial Assistance Service on 02 9514 1177 or email student.services@uts.edu.au.
For questions relating to finding work and/or employability programs, contact careers@uts.edu.au or visit the UTS Careers Hub for job offers.
Counselling support
Our counselling service provides a confidential and safe space to talk through any issues that may be affecting your wellbeing during these uncertain times. Our qualified counsellors are trained to support students with a range of issues, including stress and anxiety.
Cultural adjustment issues
- Homesickness/loneliness/isolation
- Mix of feelings such as anger, sadness
- Withdrawing from social contacts
- Negative feelings about the host culture and idealising own culture
- Difficult to concentrate or may become fidgety and shift your focus of attention frequently
- You may tend to overeat or may experience a lack of appetite.
- Sleep too much or may experience insomnia
- Somatic concerns such as aches, back pain, or frequent headaches.
Offshore support
- Workplace options site: This service allows offshore students to contact a counsellor in their home country via phone, email or online. UTS International students can log into this service using the login code "UTS".
- UTS International: Don't hesitate to contact the International department if you have questions regarding your studies, program, scholarship or enrolment.
Onshore support
UTS Counselling Service offers a confidential counselling service to UTS students to help with a wide range of personal, psychological, study-related and administrative difficulties. Our services include individual and couples counselling, group work and workshops. We also offer a comprehensive self-help section on our web pages.
Counsellors can help in situations where you:
- have stressful circumstances, psychological or emotional that interfere with your studies
- need help managing administrative problems, appeals or complaints
- think you may have chosen the wrong course
- want to develop better generic learning skills
- need help as you are on Academic Caution.
Email: student.services@uts.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 9514 1177
Location: UTS Building 1, Level 6, Room 001
- Monday to Wednesday – 8.30am to 8.30pm
- Thursday – 8.30am to 8pm
- Friday – 9am to 5pm
Apps and online support services
- Talk campus: A mental health support app for students
- Mental Health online: A free online mental health self-help program
- The Mood Gym: A free online training program that assists in learning cognitive behaviour therapy skills to prevent and cope with depression. The program is available in different languages
- This way up: Free online mental health treatment program with referral from UTS Counselling
- Calm Harm: App that assists with thoughts of self-harm
- Mindshift CBT app
- Smiling Mind: Mindfulness/ Meditation App
- Lifeline: 13 11 14 (from Australia)
Your coping strategies
- Be prepared – do your research
- Understand that the anxiety you are experiencing is a natural response to a significant adjustment in your life
- Give yourself time to adjust and don’t put pressure on yourself
- Be positive and have a balance between fulfilling your academic, social and personal goals
- Seek mentoring from others and don’t be afraid to ask friends or others for support
- Remember that you have resources within you to deal with these new adjustments – reflect on challenges you’ve overcome before and how you did that
- Don’t dwell on failures
- Don’t criticise yourself
- Try to organise small steps rather than big leaps
- Keep in touch with friends and family back home
- Get familiar with the University’s support services and social opportunities: local GP, accessibility services, social clubs and Orientation events
- Be positive and have a balance between fulfilling your academic and social and personal goals
General stress management tips
- Take steps to manage your stress
- Get enough sleep (7 to 8 hours per night)
- Exercise: be active every day
- Eat nourishing meals and limit alcohol and caffeine intake. Avoid illicit substances.
- Take time off and set aside time for leisure/ enjoyable activities
- Maintain connection with friends and family
- Practice mindfulness/ meditation
- Journal thoughts
- Seek support if you notice you are unable to manage stress.
Useful support services
UTS Student Legal Service
This service provides advice on a wide range of legal issues, including tenancy issues, employment matters and many other legal issues. If you have any legal concerns, you can reach out to them for support.
Email studentlegalservice@uts.edu.au or phone +61 2 9514 2484.
If contacting the UTS Student Legal Service by email, please provide your UTS student ID number, an overview of the issue you’d help with and any documentation you may have related to your issue.
UTS Student Centre
The UTS Student Centre can answer many of your questions regarding your admission, offer, access to systems, student ID card, fees and more.
Scam awareness for international students
Anyone can be affected by a scam and knowing how to recognise a scam can keep you safe.
See UTS International: scam awareness for international students
Pre-arrival information
To help you prepare for your arrival in Australia, read UTS International: tips to ensure your first few weeks in Sydney go smoothly.