In addition to the information provided, the Housing Service understands that you may have other questions or concerns you may wish to discuss with staff. Moving away from home may be a stressful transition for some students; University Housing staff have the professional experience and skills to assist students in adapting to a new living environment in, for some, a new city or country.
Your involvement
Initially your child may need a certain amount of support and encouragement. Some students adjust very well to the university environment- others may feel like a fish out of water. They will realise that they have much more control over their study and more responsibility than they did at school.
If your child seems unsettled about his/her new situation, try to put them at ease, reassuring them that moving away from home is an essential transition, regardless of whether or not they choose a university education. Allow them to explore the methods of time management and self-motivation they will need to develop throughout their studies and guide them wherever possible. Encourage your child to seek advice from within the University if they have specific issues that need attention.
Any successful UTS student aged under 18 years at the date of their move into UTS' residence will require a parent or guardian’s signature to co-sign their Licence Agreement. Parents will also be required to fill out an additional form outlining additional contact details.
On-campus support
UTS' well established support network ensures that your child can readily seek academic and personal assistance. Counsellors, tutors, administrative and departmental staff are all willing and able to help wherever necessary. The university also has a financial assistance program, disability and health services. These services are available through the Student Services Unit.