On this page
Personal matters | Emergencies | Sexual harm | Safety and wellbeing | Student housing | Accessibility | Being a carer | Faculty or admin | Postgraduate research matters | Misuse of technology | Complaints | Privacy | Right to information | Discrimination and harassment | Misconduct
Services and support at UTS
If you are unable to resolve your concerns by accessing these services, you can make a complaint via the student portal.
Personal matters
If there are issues in your private life which are affecting your ability to study and enjoy university
Who can I go to for advice?
The Student Services Unit can provide advice and assistance through these services:
- Counselling Service for a confidential counselling to help with a wide range of personal, psychological, study-related and administrative difficulties
- Financial Assistance Service for advice and assistance on financial matters
- UTS Housing Services for issues around UTS student residences
- Careers for career-related issues
- Safety Caseworkers for advice and support if you have experienced sexual harm
If you have concerns about what to do in an emergency
Where can I go to for information?
- UTS emergency contacts
- UTS Security for emergency assistance, dial 6 on a UTS phone or freecall 1800 249 559
- police, fire or ambulance, dial 000
- UTS security guards and dedicated staff for direction and assistance
- student email, UTS emergency Twitter channel and UTS Facebook page for ongoing updates on major emergencies
Sexual harm
We want all members of the UTS community to be safe from sexual harm.
If you have experienced, or are experiencing, sexual harm you should report it. Any UTS student or staff member can report an incident of sexual harm at any time. UTS will support and guide you through the reporting process. Contact UTS sexual harm support line: 1800 531 626, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). UTS Security will respond to calls out of hours.
Our commitment to a campus free of sexual harm
Safety and wellbeing
If you have concerns about your safety at UTS or in your classrooms, or if you have medical or health matters that are worrying you
Who can I go to for advice?
- UTS Security for emergency assistance, urgent safety matters or to take reports on incidents
- Medical Service provides confidential medical services for students
Key policies
- Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy
- Concerning Behaviour Intervention Policy
- Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy
Student housing
If you have concerns about UTS student housing, including inappropriate behaviour in UTS student residences, or if you need help finding off-campus accommodation
Who can I go to for advice?
- Residential networkers and the residential l ife staff in UTS Housing can provide advice and assistance on UTS housing issues
- UTS off-campus accommodation can support you with your accommodation search or issues
Key policy: UTS Housing Rules (PDF, 714Kb)
If you have a disability which impacts on your studies
Who can I go to for advice?
- the Accessibility Service can provide advice and assistance
- the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion can provide advice and information on accessibility and inclusion
- academic liaison officers in your faculty can assist with issues around disability and carer responsibilities
Key policy: Accessibility and Inclusion Policy
Being a carer
If you have carer responsibilities which affect your studies
Who can I go to for advice?
- information for carers has information and support for students who are parents or carers
- academic liaison officers in your faculty can assist with issues around disability and carer responsibilities
Key policy: Staff and Students with Carer Responsibilities Policy
Faculty or admin problems
If you have any problems with faculty administration or concerns about academic matters relating to your course, marks for an assessment or exam, or review of a final grade for a coursework subject
Who can I go to for advice?
- Student Centres provide initial advice and assistance with most administrative matters in person, over the phone or online via Ask UTS
- academic concerns can be discussed with your course adviser, subject coordinator or faculty academic liaison officer
- the Counselling Service can also provide advice and information
- the UTS Students’ Association is an independent body that employs caseworkers who can provide confidential advice, advocacy and support to assist students with academic issues
Key policy: Coursework Assessments Policy and Coursework Assessments Procedure
Postgraduate research student matters
If you are a postgraduate student and you have any concerns about your research degree including research conduct, intellectual property and appeals against discontinuation of candidature
Who can I go to for advice?
- the UTS Graduate Research School can provide information, advice and assistance for postgraduate students
- graduate research students on Staff Connect (login required)
- faculty research contacts and your course adviser, subject coordinator, Faculty Liaison Officer, Head of School or Associate Dean (Research)
- the UTS Students’ Association is an independent body that employs caseworkers who can provide confidential advice, advocacy and support to assist students with academic appeals
Key policies and resources
Misuse of technology
If you are concerned about inappropriate use of technology at UTS such as offensive comments or behaviour on the UTS email system or other UTS networking sites, or if you have concerns about corrupt conduct, fraud, theft at UTS or serious waste of resources
Where can I go for advice?
- talk to staff in your faculty such as your course adviser, subject coordinator, academic liaison officers
- log a service request via ServiceConnect, the online IT support system
- complaints about serious wrongdoing (including corrupt conduct, maladministration or serious and substantial waste) should be made to the University Secretary
Key policies
- Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy
- Whistleblowing and Public Interest Disclosures Policy
Complaints about student or staff behaviour
If you have concerns about students or staff behaving inappropriately in your faculty or in other places at or associated with UTS
Who can I go to for advice?
- staff in your faculty such as your course adviser, subject coordinator, academic liaison officers, head of school, associate dean (teaching and learning). Your faculty website lists contact details for relevant faculty staff and student centres
- the Counselling Service can provide advice on complaints
- the UTS Students’ Association is an independent body that employs caseworkers who can provide advice, advocacy and support to assist students with complaints
Key policies and resources
If you have concerns about:
- staff or students breaching your privacy
- inappropriate use of personal information about you
- inaccurate information held about you
Where can I go for advice?
- you can raise your concern with the Student Centre
- the UTS Privacy Officer can provide advice and assistance in looking into alleged breaches of privacy
- privacy at UTS explains how UTS manages and protects your privacy
Key policies and resources
- Privacy Policy
- Privacy Management Plan (available at Privacy regulations).
Your right to information
For concerns about access to UTS information about you
Who can I go to for advice?
- in the first instance, contact the area of the university that holds the information about you
- the Right to Information Contact Officer can provide assistance and advice about accessing and reviewing information at UTS, including lodging a formal access application if required
Website: Right to Information (GIPA)
Discrimination and harassment
If you feel you are being treated unfairly or harassed because of your sex, pregnancy, race or ethno-religious background, marital or family status, age, sexual preference, transgender status or disability
Who can I go to for advice?
- the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion can provide confidential advice and can also help look into your concerns
- staff in the Student Services Unit can provide advice, support and counselling
Key policies and resources
Student misconduct
If you are involved in a misconduct matter (which can include plagiarism and allegations of serious inappropriate behaviour) and need information and support
Who can I go to for advice?
- the UTS Students’ Association is an independent body that employs caseworkers who can provide advice, advocacy and support to assist students with the student misconduct processes
- Counselling Service can provide assistance
- if the matter relates to an allegation of plagiarism, you can contact the responsible academic officer in your faculty
- if the matter relates to an allegation of sexual assault or sexual harm, you can contact a UTS Safety Caseworker to discuss your options: Email safety.caseworker@uts.edu.au or Call +61 2 9514 1177 (Student Services Unit)