UTS takes the rights of its students and staff seriously and is committed to eliminating discrimination and harassment in university study and work environments.
What is an equity-related complaint?
An equity-related complaint is when you believe you are being discriminated against or harassed in your work or study because of your:
- sex (including pregnancy)
- sexual preference
- transgender status
- race
- ethnic or ethno-religious background
- descent or national identity
- marital status
- disability
- age
- political conviction
- religious belief.
To proceed with an equity-based complaint, please refer to our Equity and Diversity team. The Student Complaints Resolution Office (SCRO) can also accept equity-based complaints. SCRO will confer with the Equity and Diversity team and assist you to obtain support where appropriate.
Equity have a section on preventing discrimination and harassment that includes sections on discrimination, UTS policy, legislation, harassment, conflicts of interest, procedural guidelines and where to go for assistance.
You can also find information on resolving complaints, disputes and appeals.
Non-equity related complaints
Complaints that do not involve allegations of unlawful discrimination or harassment because of your sex (including pregnancy), sexual preference, transgender status, race, colour, ethnic or ethno-religious background, descent or national identity, marital status, disability, age, political conviction or religious belief are not equity-related.
These other complaints could include interpersonal conflict, unfair or differential treatment, performance issues, industrial matters, or academic issues.
A key principle in the UTS complaint resolution process is that complaints are resolved wherever possible at the most appropriate level of management for that issue or concern.
You are encouraged to raise your complaint initially with the person concerned, directly. That is, where you feel comfortable in doing so, or where the complaint does not relate to allegations of unlawful behaviour (e.g. assault, illegal discrimination or harassment, corruption).
Where this is not possible, you can make a complaint to a manager or another person in authority at UTS.
Student complaints about the educational environment at UTS can be made by completing the student complaints form on the UTS Student Portal.