You are required to confirm the contact details of your sponsor and facilitate direct communication between UTS and your sponsor. However, please note you are still subject to all the Rules of the University, including Rule 4.2.3:
4.2.3 Delay in notification or payment to the student of any scholarship or other forms of financial support does not alter the student’s responsibility for payment of all due fees, charges, financial obligations, debt and any other specified amount by the due date.
This rule will be invoked only if your sponsor fails to fulfil its financial obligations towards UTS. You will be contacted and informed of the problem regarding the sponsorship. You will be given a minimum period of two weeks to clarify with your sponsor and resolve the non-payment of fees or organise payment using your own funds.
If the debt is not settled by the agreed deadlines, UTS will implement a range of sanctions and academic remedies, as detailed under Rule 4.4.2 of the University. These include, but are not limited to, denied access to UTS email and internet services, denied access to library and computer lab, retention of exam results and academic transcript and/or cancellation of enrolment. Cancellation of enrolment will be subject to any appeal provisions under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000.
In addition to my declaration on the UTS Acceptance Form, I hereby also give consent to UTS to release my personal information to a third party outside UTS as listed:
- my sponsor organisation and/or scholarship managing director
- my embassy, cultural mission or any third party appointed by my sponsor, my embassy and/or cultural mission
Information disclosed to the above-mentioned organisations for the purpose of their review is limited to:
- academic progress/results including attendance and enrolment
- my contact details including health or safety emergency
- financial standing
I declare that I have read and understood the information above, and that the information I have provided below best describes my circumstances. I also declare that I will provide in writing to UTS International any changes to my Sponsor’s details during my enrolment.