I agree
- To abide by the rules of admission, enrolment and progression of UTS. Go to: www.gsu.uts.edu.au/rules/student/index.html.
I declare
- All the information and supporting document documents provided with this Application are true and correct and I will inform UTS immediately of any changes to the information I have given;
- I have accessed sufficient information to understand the structure and content of this course;
- I have access to sufficient funds to cover tuition fees payments, living expenses and other related expenses incurred by me and my dependents during my enrolments at UTS;
- Neither I, nor any person(s) included (or I intend to include) in my visa application have previously had a visa application rejected, cancelled or have overstayed their visit in Australia or any other country;
- That I have personally signed this form.
I understand
- That UTS may obtain verification/official records from any institution I have previously attended;
- That all documents submitted with this application becomes the property of UTS;
- That in order to be admitted to the University I must meet the Academic and English language requirements set by UTS and the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) and Genuine Student (GS) criteria set by the Department of Home Affairs.
- UTS reserves the right to cancel my offer and acceptance if it is not satisfied that I meet the GTE and GS requirements set by Department of Home Affairs and/or I am unable to obtain or maintain a student visa;
- That I am fully responsible for my educational and living expenses (tuition fees and any other expenses) related to the study of this course/s;
- Tuition fees and the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) increase from year to year and I accept that it is my responsibility to pay the increased fees as required.
- If I wish to transfer to another provider, I will need to be enrolled at UTS for a minimum period of 6 months before I can request a transfer to another provider.
- UTS will not be responsible for any Tuition Fee payments, living expenses or other related expenses incurred by me during my enrolment at UTS unless I receive UTS scholarships;
- In the event that false, inaccurate and/or misleading information is provided to UTS and/or Department of Home Affairs, UTS reserves the right to cancel my application and/or enrolment at any time and apply the Refund Protocol as appropriate; more information: https://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/international/essential-information/fees-information/statement-protocol-fees-and
- If I fail to pay my Tuition Fees, UTS will cancel my enrolment;
- If I intend to bring school-aged dependents to Australia, I will be required to pay full fees if they are enrolled in either a government or non-government school, unless I am a PhD student and can show how I have enrolled my child in an Australian government school where the fees have been waived, or I received an Australian Commonwealth Government scholarship, ie. Foreign Affairs and Defence sponsorship, and I can show I have enrolled my child in a government school where the fees have been waived;
- While on a student visa I am required to inform UTS of any change to my contact details including changes to my residential address, mobile telephone number, or email address within 7 days; and
- If I am or become personally prohibited under any Federal legislation or regulation from commencing or continuing my enrolment in the above course at UTS or any part of that course, UTS reserves the right to withdraw this offer and/or cancel my enrolment in the course or relevant part of that course and retain all fees paid.