On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Procedure statements | Procedure owner and contact | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References
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1. Purpose
1.1 The Workplace Adjustment Procedure (the procedure) supports the implementation of the Accessibility and Inclusion Policy (the policy) by outlining how UTS provides appropriate workplace adjustments for staff and candidates living with a disability.
2. Scope
2.1 This procedure applies to the provision of workplace adjustments for:
- staff and affiliates (hereafter staff), and
- candidates and applicants (hereafter candidates) in line with the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.
3. Principles
3.1 The principles outlined in the policy apply for this procedure.
3.2 Adjustments relating to the rehabilitation from a work-related injury are out of scope of this procedure (refer Injury management and return to work (Staff Connect)).
4. Procedure statements
Reasonable adjustments
4.1 Workplace adjustments are a form of reasonable adjustment as defined in the policy. Workplace adjustments may be provided in relation to:
- recruitment, selection and appointment (refer Recruitment and Appointment Policy)
- training and career development
- probation, progression and promotion
- performance management, and
- any other stage of employment.
4.2 UTS will work to mitigate any flow-on effects of a disability or an accessibility requirement by providing appropriate accommodations related to work. Workplace adjustments may be permanent or temporary depending on the needs of the individual as outlined in the policy.
Adjustments for candidates
4.3 In line with the requirements of the Recruitment and Appointment Policy, UTS must provide candidates with information about workplace adjustments during the recruitment process via one or more of the following:
- as part of the position description
- an automated response email from the website or careers portal application
- the hiring manager, or
- the recruitment agency or consultant.
4.4 Candidates must complete a request for workplace adjustment form for submission to the hiring manager.
4.5 The hiring manager will consult with the candidate about what adjustments may be required. Where adjustments are required for the interview process, the hiring manager will liaise with the People Business Partner and/or the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion (CSJI) to arrange suitable adjustments for the applicant.
Adjustment applications for staff
4.6 Staff who require workplace adjustments must complete a request for workplace adjustment form (hereafter request form or request) for submission to their supervisor.
4.7 The request form can be completed independently or in collaboration with the supervisor and must include relevant documentary evidence.
4.8 Where a staff member does not wish to lodge the request with their immediate supervisor, the request form may be submitted to another relevant line manager in the business area noting that it may be necessary to disclose aspects of the request to the immediate supervisor to enable implementation. The staff member will be consulted in such circumstances. The individual who receives the form will take the role of the supervisor in managing the adjustments as outlined in this procedure.
4.9 Supervisors may seek guidance from the People Unit, CSJI, medical practitioners or other specialists when considering, assessing, reviewing or managing a request for workplace adjustment.
4.10 Supervisors and staff should work together to review possible adjustments. Where it is required, staff may request a support person (for example, from the CSJI) or union representative to attend discussions with their supervisor or seek guidance from the CSJI or the People Unit at any time.
Assessing applications
4.11 Applications must be assessed in a timely manner. A step-by-step process for application and assessment is available at Workplace adjustment (Staff Connect). As part of the assessment process, supervisors and staff should work together to identify possible adjustments and determine:
- the functional limitations resulting from the disability or condition
- what specific adjustments could potentially resolve these functional limitations
- the potential duration of a required adjustment, and
- whether further evaluation or evidence is required to identify and/or implement appropriate adjustments.
4.12 Where further documentary evidence is required about the nature of the disability and/or condition, the staff member should obtain this from a medical specialist, psychologist or other relevant health professional. This will form part of the application process.
4.13 Where UTS requests a medical evaluation, in addition to the documentary evidence, a medical assessment (paid for by UTS) will be scheduled with the consent of the staff member. This will help to make an accurate assessment of the application.
4.14 With the consent of the staff member, further information may also be sought from the CSJI, a disability service provider, the Information Technology Unit (ITU), the Property Unit and, where necessary, an external provider.
4.15 A feasibility, cost and impact assessment may also be required, depending on the nature of the request.
Workplace adjustment management plan development
4.16 At the end of the application assessment process, the supervisor and staff member will develop a confidential workplace adjustment management plan (the management plan). Any reasonable adjustments included in the plan should consider:
- the impacts of the disability or condition in the context of the role
- the potential benefits and any potential impacts for UTS standard equipment requirements, systems or processes, suitability for the access requirement and for the physical or workplace environment
- feasibility and cost (immediate and ongoing)
- environmental sustainability and sustainability of the solution itself, with a focus on looking for sustainable solutions
- impact (positive and negative) on the staff member, and
- the potential impact on other staff.
4.17 Costs of implementing workplace adjustments must be included as part of the management plan and, depending on the nature of the adjustment, will usually include funding from one or more of the following sources:
- JobAccess Employment Assistance Fund (EAF)
- faculty or unit budgets
- the UTS workplace disability fund (administered by CSJI), and/or
- the Property Unit minor works program.
4.18 Where JobAccess has been involved in the assessment process, the JobAccess assessor will recommend adjustments that will attract government funding and adjustments that the university should fund.
4.19 Where alterations are required to buildings or facilities, the Property Unit must be consulted. Where technical solutions are required, ITU must be consulted.
4.20 In finalising the management plan for approval, the supervisor and the staff member will discuss the:
- final agreed adjustments
- cost and funding source(s)
- duration of the adjustment
- timeline for putting the adjustment in place, and
- the confirmed review schedule (refer Plan approval, implementation and review).
Plan approval, implementation and review
4.21 Finalised management plans are approved by the supervisor or line manager as appropriate to the costs involved in line with the Delegations.
4.22 A request for workplace adjustments may only be declined following consultation with the People Unit and CSJI.
4.23 Supervisors must seek specialist advice via the People Business Partner and document the reasons for declining the request.
4.24 Supervisors must:
- oversee the implementation of the management plan in consultation with the staff member and, where relevant, the People Business Partner and other specialists
- conduct a review no longer than three months from the date the management plan was approved and every six months thereafter.
4.25 A review may also be initiated at any time by either the staff member or the supervisor to ensure the plan remains fit for purpose, or where an agreement has been breached, or in response to any emerging requirements. The results of the review must be documented in the management plan (refer Records management and privacy).
4.26 The management plan must be included in the staff member’s annual workplanning process. This supports the review process and ensures new supervisors are made aware of the agreed adjustments (refer Workplanning, probation and review (Staff Connect)).
4.27 Where the workplace adjustment is temporary, the supervisor must oversee the changes when it is no longer required. This includes surplus materials or equipment being returned to the most appropriate unit.
Conflict management
4.28 Where a concern is raised about the reasonableness of an adjustment by either party, or where there is no agreement about the management plan, the matter should be referred to the People Business Partner, who will consult with the staff member, the supervisor and other relevant specialists such as CSJI.
4.29 Where the staff member is still not satisfied that the reasons for declining the request are reasonable, or with the proposed management plan, they may lodge a complaint via the Staff Complaints Policy.
Records management and privacy
4.30 The management plan, any associated documents and the results of each scheduled review must be filed with the People Unit on the staff member’s personnel file and in line with the Privacy Policy and Records Management Policy.
4.31 All staff responsible for and/or administering the adjustment will respect the privacy of the staff member and be sensitive in requesting any further information.
5. Procedure owner and contact
5.1 Procedure owner: The Executive Director, People and Culture and the Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion are responsible for enforcement and compliance of this procedure, ensuring that its principles and statements are observed.
5.2 Procedure contact: The People Business Partners in the People Unit are responsible for the day to day implementation of the procedure and act as a primary points of contact for advice on fulfilling its provisions. People Business Partners are responsible for providing advice and support to both supervisors and staff, consulting with specialised advisors and units and facilitating in determining reasonable adjustments as necessary.
5.3 Others:
Supervisors are responsible for managing requests for reasonable adjustment and working with staff to develop, agree, implement and review a workplace adjustment management plan.
Hiring managers are responsible for managing requests for reasonable adjustments made by candidates during the recruitment process.
Health, Safety and Wellbeing (in the People Unit) and the Property Unit are responsible for conducting assessments and liaising with relevant experts to facilitate reasonable adjustments on request.
The Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion is responsible for providing specialist advice regarding disability, including liaising with relevant agencies and units.
6. Definitions
The definitions in the Accessibility and Inclusion Policy apply for this procedure. These are in addition to the definitions outlined in Schedule 1, Student Rules. Definitions in the singular also include the plural meaning of the word.
Applicant is defined in the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.
Candidate is defined in the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.
Hiring manger is defined in the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.
Workplace adjustment (also adjustment) is defined in the Accessibility and Inclusion Policy (as reasonable adjustment).
Workplace adjustment management plan means the information, agreement and implementation by UTS in response to the workplace adjustment request. This is considered personal information (refer Privacy Policy) and must be treated and recorded accordingly.
Workplace disability fund means the funding for workplace adjustments and equipment to assist staff and prospective staff with disabilities.
Approval information
Policy contact | People Business Partners |
Approval authority | Executive Director, People and Culture Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion |
Review date | 2024 (with Access and Inclusion Plan) |
File number | UR22/2248 |
Superseded documents | Workplace Adjustment Procedure for Staff Members with a Disability |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Executive Director, People and Culture and the Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion | 12/12/2022 | 15/12/2022 | New procedure. |
Accessibility and Inclusion Policy
Employment Assistance Fund (EAF)
Injury management and return to work (Staff Connect)
Recruitment and Appointment Policy
Request for workplace adjustment form
Student Accessibility Procedure
Workplace adjustment (Staff Connect)
Workplanning, probation and review (Staff Connect)