On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Policy statements | Policy owner and contact | Approval information | Version history
1. Purpose
1.1 As part of the UTS 2027 strategy, UTS maintains a central fund that provides financial assistance to staff studying award courses at UTS. The Financial Assistance for Staff Studying at UTS Policy (the policy) outlines the conditions under which this assistance is granted.
2. Scope
2.1 All full-time, part-time and sessional/part-year staff appointed for an indefinite period, on a fixed-term contract in excess of 12 months, or on successive fixed-term contracts (excluding casual employment) without a break in employment, with continuous service in excess of 12 months, are eligible to apply for financial assistance under this policy.
2.2 Staff undertaking higher research degrees on fixed-term contracts will need to have sufficient service remaining on their contracts to contribute to the faculty/centre's research profile into the future.
2.3 Casual staff are not eligible for financial assistance under this policy. However, longstanding casual academics may be eligible for financial support to complete the Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Teaching and Learning, if this is deemed to be of benefit to UTS. Such requests must be endorsed by the faculty and the Institute of Interactive Media and Learning.
2.4 Staff who begin employment after already starting an award course at UTS will be eligible for financial assistance for that session provided they commenced employment within one month of the census date.
2.5 Individual work areas may wish to provide additional financial support to staff in areas that fall outside this policy, for example support for staff studying at institutions other than UTS or to supplement the financial assistance provided for in this policy.
3. Principles
3.1 UTS supports and encourages the development of its staff. UTS supports an environment of lifelong learning.
4. Policy statements
4.1 On successful completion of the session, staff are able to claim reimbursement of their course fees up to a maximum of $1000 per session with a maximum of $2000 being reimbursed in any one academic year. For full-year subjects staff may apply to be reimbursed at the end of each session. In the case of courses attracting HECS, staff will be paid the equivalent of the upfront HECS liability to the maximum amount as specified above. Also, payment is made regardless of whether the staff member chooses to defer payment of HECS.
4.2 Eligible staff are not required to pay the student union service fee as UTS pays for all such staff to be members of the union. Staff are liable for all other fees.
Staff undertaking higher degrees by research
4.3 As part of UTS's strategy to develop and enhance its academic research profile, staff whose positions contribute directly to a faculty or centre's academic research will be supported to develop their research skills through the completion of relevant higher degrees by research.
4.4 These staff will occupy UTS-sponsored research degree places rather than government-funded HECS exempt places. Such places will attract a 40 per cent discount on fees as part of the program of research degree merit scholarships. UTS will sponsor the remaining 60 per cent of fees for eligible staff who must demonstrate their direct contribution to the university's academic research profile and, in the case of staff on fixed-term contracts, their capacity to continue to contribute.
4.5 Staff will be eligible for sponsorship only for the maximum period of candidature for the degree they are undertaking. Continued sponsorship after this period will be at UTS’s discretion. Staff undertaking higher degrees by research who are not eligible for this level of support may still apply for the financial assistance (up to $2000 per academic year) which is available to other staff.
Leave without pay and exchange/secondment absence
4.6 Staff who take more than one month's leave without pay (excluding parental and sick leave without pay) will not be entitled to financial assistance for the sessions(s) in which leave without pay falls unless there are exceptional circumstances.
4.7 An example of an exceptional circumstance would be where a staff member with more than five years’ service takes six months leave without pay for the express purpose of completing an award course which has a thesis component and is directly related to the staff member's job. The mutual benefits to UTS and the staff member would be significant enough to warrant financial support.
How to apply for financial assistance
4.8 Staff should apply for financial assistance and have their courses approved before commencing a course. Approval needs to be obtained at the start of each session. Staff new to UTS should have their courses approved for financial assistance as soon as possible after commencing employment.
4.9 Once formal approval is granted, reimbursement of fees can be claimed on successful completion of the session and sponsorship for higher degrees by research confirmed prior to enrolment.
Reimbursement and sponsorship of fees
4.10 Staff (other than those being sponsored to undertake higher degrees by research) will be able to claim their entitlement to financial assistance on the successful completion of the session. Tax may or may not be payable depending on the circumstances (refer Financial assistance for staff to undertake further study (PDF)), which outlines the conditions under which tax is payable).
4.11 Assistance will be paid at the end of each session regardless of whether the staff member chooses to pay the HECS up front or defer payment. Staff undertaking full-year subjects may be reimbursed at the end of the session subject to the appropriate grading or satisfactory progress report being sighted. Sponsored staff undertaking higher degrees by research will not be invoiced for this portion of their fees.
5. Policy owner and contact
5.1 Policy owner: The Executive Director, People and Culture is responsible for enforcement of and compliance with this policy, ensuring that its principles and statements are observed. Authority to approve continued sponsorship of higher degrees by research beyond the maximum period of candidature rests with the Executive Director, People and Culture.
5.2 Others: Deans and directors (or equivalent) approve financial assistance for eligible staff on the recommendation of the supervisor/manager of the staff member's work area.
Supervisors are responsible for:
- recommending the relevance of the course proposed, that is whether the course will assist the staff member's professional and/or career development, meet the university's capability needs, and develop capabilities relevant to the higher education sector, and
- confirming that staff members are enrolled in the course and subject(s) indicated on their applications for financial assistance.
Approval information
Policy owner | Executive Director, People and Culture |
Approval authority | Vice-Chancellor |
Review date | 2022 |
File number | UR15/1352 |
Superseded documents | Financial Assistance for Staff Studying at UTS Vice-Chancellor’s Directive |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Council | 24/04/1997 | New directive. |
2.0 | Council | 14/11/2001 | Clarification of financial assistance for staff undertaking research higher degrees. |
2.0 | Council, COU/08-3/51 | 18/06/2008 | Rescinded by Council effective from the date of issue of a Vice-Chancellor’s operational directive. |
3.0 | Vice-Chancellor | 08/2008 | Renamed as a directive, title changes and reformatting. |
3.1 | Vice-Chancellor | 28/04/2022 | Changes and updates to reflect portfolio realignment under Fit for 2027 project. Ownership transferred to Director, People. Title changed from Vice-Chancellor’s directive to policy. |
3.2 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 02/09/2022 | Transfer to new template. |
3.3 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 05/12/2022 | Minor change to reflect new position title of Executive Director, People and Culture. |