On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Policy statements | Roles and responsibilities | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References
1. Purpose
1.1 The Research Training Program (RTP) is an Australian government scheme established under the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017 (Cwlth) to support both domestic and international students undertaking doctoral degrees and masters degrees (research).
1.2 The Research Training Program Scholarship Policy (the policy) outlines UTS’s arrangements for RTP provided under the scheme.
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to domestic and international graduate research students (doctoral degree or masters degree (research)) who receive RTP scholarships.
2.2 The policy also applies to anyone involved in the supervision, training, management and administration of these students.
2.3 Higher doctorate students are not eligible for RTP funding.
3. Principles
3.1 The principles outlined in the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy apply for the governance and management of this policy.
4. Policy statements
4.1 UTS provides the following RTP scholarships to eligible students (refer Definitions):
- RTP tuition fee offset (domestic and international)
- RTP stipend (domestic, for general living costs)
- RTP allowances (related to the ancillary costs of research degrees).
RTP tuition fee offset (domestic) scholarships
4.2 Under RTP tuition fee offset scholarships, UTS awards tuition fee offset scholarships for domestic full-time or part-time:
- doctoral students: a maximum period of 4 years (or the equivalent part-time study load), or
- masters by research students: a maximum period of 2 years (or the equivalent part-time study load).
4.3 Domestic students are assessed for eligibility at the point of application. If eligible, students will be awarded RTP tuition fee offset (domestic) scholarship for the maximum period of candidature (refer statement 4.2).
4.4 The application process is outlined in Find a scholarship. The Graduate Research School will confirm eligibility.
4.5 The value of tuition fees varies depending on the course/subject (refer Tuition fees search).
4.6 Domestic students are not required to pay any tuition fees in relation to their course for the maximum duration of the offer. However, students are required to pay the university's standard Student services and amenities fees (SSAF).
4.7 The conditions of this scholarship are in accordance with the rights and responsibilities outlined in section 11, Student Rules, the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy and the Graduate Research Candidature Management, Thesis Preparation and Submission Procedures (the procedures) (PDF).
4.8 Domestic students who commenced their graduate research candidature in autumn 2018 are liable for a candidature overtime levy for any extension of candidature outside of the maximum duration of the offer (refer RTP tuition fee offset (domestic) extension of candidature, overtime levy and special consideration).
RTP tuition fee offset (international) scholarships
4.9 UTS offers a limited number of international RTP tuition fee offset scholarships (hereafter IRTP scholarship). The IRTP conditions of award (available at IRTP scholarship) provided with the offer of the scholarship are in addition to section 11, Student Rules, the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy and the procedures.
4.10 Under an IRTP scholarship, UTS awards:
- a living stipend at the commencing RTP stipend rate
- tuition fees of varying value depending on the course/subject (refer Tuition fees search), and
- an overseas health care allowance.
4.11 International graduate research students are assessed for eligibility via a competitive application process through the IRTP.
4.12 The application process is outlined at Find a scholarship. The Graduate Research School will confirm eligibility and application outcome.
4.13 The scholarship is for a duration of:
- 3 years and 6 months for students undertaking doctoral study subject to satisfactory progress in line with the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy and the graduate research study plan, or
- 2 years for students undertaking masters by research study subject to satisfactory progress in line with the candidature progress requirements outlined in the procedures.
4.14 IRTP scholarships are not extended beyond these duration periods.
4.15 IRTP scholarships students will be subject to the tuition fee for the relevant course (refer Tuition fees search) for any extended, or extension of, candidature outside of the duration of their scholarship. Maximum period of candidature is outlined in Rule 11.7.
Transfers from other higher education providers
4.16 RTP tuition fee offset (domestic) or IRTP scholarship students who wish to transfer to UTS from another higher education provider (HEP) will, when determined eligible, receive RTP tuition fee offset scholarship or IRTP scholarship for the remainder of their candidature period at UTS in line with statement 4.13.
4.17 Incoming transfer students must apply for candidature to UTS and, once issued with an offer from UTS, must formally withdraw from their current HEP before accepting the UTS offer.
4.18 UTS students wishing to transfer to another HEP will be required to formally withdraw from their study at UTS upon approval for candidature at another HEP.
4.19 The RTP tuition fee offset (domestic) or IRTP scholarship provided by UTS will end upon withdrawal from a UTS program. It is incumbent upon transferring students to ensure that they have appropriate scholarship to continue their studies at another institution.
RTP tuition fee offset (domestic) extension of candidature, overtime levy and special consideration
4.20 To ensure that students are appropriately supported to complete their studies, students who are unable or unlikely to complete their studies in the standard period, and/or supervisors of these students, should contact the relevant responsible academic officer as soon as possible.
4.21 Extension of candidature is subject to the conditions outlined in Rule 11.8. Extension of candidature does not guarantee continuation of the RTP tuition fee offset scholarship.
4.22 Domestic students who commenced their graduate research candidature from the Autumn 2018 session who do not complete their studies within the standard period (outlined in the letter of offer) are liable for a candidature overtime levy (the levy). The levy is $2100 per session for full-time study and $1050 per session for part-time study.
4.23 Students subject to the levy can apply for an exemption (via the Domestic HDR overtime administrative levy scholarship application (PDF)) if they are unable to complete their studies in the standard period due to legitimate extenuating circumstances. This administrative levy is prescribed, managed and published by the Graduate Research School.
RTP stipends (domestic)
4.24 RTP stipends (domestic) provide domestic graduate research students with funding for living expenses and are available on a competitive application process and are advertised at Find a scholarship.
4.25 RTP stipend (domestic) application processes will be open twice-yearly, in conjunction with the application process for graduate research study.
4.26 RTP stipend (domestic) conditions are published by the Graduate Research School and include detailed information about stipend/scholarship value, duration, leaves of absence, termination and additional work provisions (refer Australian Government RTP Stipend).
4.27 Table 4.27 outlines the RTP stipends available at UTS.
Table 4.27: UTS RTP stipends (domestic)
Title | Eligible candidates | Value (AUD) |
RTP stipends | Offered to research students who demonstrate competitive academic achievement and research potential; to assist with general living costs. | Commencing at AUD$37,000 per year |
RTP stipend supporting UTS Indigenous strategies | Offered to Indigenous Australian students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and research potential; to assist with general living costs. UTS will provide additional funding to support eligible students through the UTS Jumbunna Postgraduate Research Scholarship Program. | Valued at the maximum Commonwealth RTP stipend rate a year (refer Research Training Program) |
RTP allowances
4.28 UTS will pay eligible candidates a thesis allowance, relocation allowance and overseas health cover (for IRTP recipients only). Provisions will be outlined in the relevant scholarship conditions.
Additional rights and responsibilities for all students receiving RTP scholarships
4.29 Graduate research students’ supervision and programs of study are covered by section 11, Student Rules, the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy, the procedures and Current research students: Policies, guidelines and forms. This includes details relating to:
- facilities
- course transfers and leaves of absence
- changes to fields of education
- transferring to and from another HEP
- converting from a masters degree (research) to a doctoral degree
- converting from a doctoral degree to a masters degree (research)
- progression and research student lifecycle
- expected workload and outside work
- termination of candidature
- withdrawal and suspension of study period
- grievance and review procedures, and
- graduate research student enrichment activities.
4.30 All RTP stipends are covered by the conditions of award and continuation of stipend is subject to meeting the requirements of the condition of award.
4.31 RTP scholarships will be immediately suspended in the event of a discontinuation of candidature following candidature assessment (as outlined in Rules 11.23 to 11.25) or suspension due to student misconduct (section 16, Student Rules).
4.32 RTP scholarships will be discontinued by UTS if a student becomes ineligible for the scholarship as specified in the application process.
4.33 Students receiving a RTP tuition fee offset scholarship who undertake an approved industry placement or research internship during their candidature period will continue to receive their RTP tuition fee offset scholarship during their approved placement or internship.
4.34 Students receiving a stipend either as part of RTP stipend (domestic) scholarship or an IRTP scholarship who undertake any industry or research internship, and receive a payment as part of that internship, may suspend their RTP stipend for the duration of the internship. The overall RTP stipend duration will be reduced by the equivalent time period.
4.35 Students receiving a RTP tuition fee offset (domestic) scholarship or an IRTP scholarship may undertake work outside their graduate research course, however, the duration of the scholarship will not be extended beyond the duration of the offer.
4.36 Students receiving a RTP tuition fee offset (domestic) scholarship may transfer from full-time to part-time study (or vice versa) with approval from an authorised delegate at UTS (refer Delegations). Students receiving an IRTP scholarship will need to check their visa conditions before transferring their study load.
Acknowledgement of Commonwealth RTP scholarship support
4.37 It is a legislative requirement that students, supervisors and other associated staff acknowledge the support provided by Commonwealth RTP Scholarships in any published materials, including books, articles, newsletters or other literary or artistic works generated through the graduate research project. Specifically, support through an ‘Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship’ must be mentioned.
4.38 UTS strongly recommends using the following statement: ‘This research is supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship.’
4.39 Students or supervisors unsure of how to include acknowledgement must seek assistance from the Graduate Research School. Failure to correctly acknowledge government funding could have direct implications for the allocation of future funding.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 Policy owner: The Dean, Graduate Research School is responsible for policy enforcement and compliance, and ensuring that the principles and statements are observed. The Dean is also responsible for approval and publication of any associated university-level procedures including the Graduate Research Candidature Management, Thesis Preparation and Submission Procedures (the procedures).
5.2 Policy contact: The Director, Graduate Research School is responsible for the implementation of this policy, and acts as a primary point of contact for advice on implementing its provisions.
6. Definitions
The definitions outlined in the Graduate Research and Supervision Policy and Schedule 1, Student Rules apply for this policy. The following definitions also apply for this policy.
Internship is defined in the Internships Management Policy.
RTP allowance means a scholarship provided to a graduate research student via the Australian Government’s Research Training Program (RTP) scheme that covers costs related to the ancillary expenses of graduate research degrees including:
- relocation allowance up to a maximum of AU$1520
- thesis allowance up to a maximum of AU$840 for doctoral thesis or up to a maximum of AU$420 for a master by research thesis, and
- overseas health care allowance (available only for recipients of international RTP tuition fee offset (IRTP) scholarships).
RTP stipend means a scholarship provided to a graduate research student via the Australian Government’s RTP scheme that supports the general living costs of graduate research students through an annual payment. RTP stipend is available to domestic students and limited international students via the IRTP scholarship.
RTP tuition fee offset means a scholarship provided to a graduate research student via the Australian Government’s RTP scheme that offsets the tuition fees for the relevant award course that would otherwise have been paid by the student. The RTP tuition fee offset is available to domestic and limited international students for the scholarship duration and represents the estimated cost of providing research training to students, including:
- graduate research supervisor costs including salary and on-costs
- development of study courses for students that meet UTS Academic Board and TEQSA accreditation
- infrastructure to accommodate students to undertake their study
- access for students to project-related costs, field trips, external equipment and facilities
- conference funding, internships, industry placements and commercialisation skills training, and
- training for all enrolled students in UTS health and safety management.
RTP scholarships is the collective term for the RTP tuition fee offset scholarship, the RTP allowance and the RTP stipend provided to a graduate research student via the Australian Government’s Research Training Program (RTP) scheme.
Approval information
Policy contact | Director, Graduate Research School |
Approval authority | Academic Board |
Review year | 2026 |
File number | UR17/2421 |
Superseded documents | None |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Academic Board (AB/17-2/36) | 07/06/2017 | 29/06/2017 | New instrument. |
1.1 | Academic Board (AB/17-3/56) | 09/08/2017 | 29/08/2017 | Inclusion of guidance to students regarding entitlements when undertaking approved industry placement and/or internships. |
1.2 | Academic Board (by flying minute) | 22/12/2017 | 01/02/2018 | Inclusion of guidance relating to some candidature requirements, outside work and provision of scholarships. |
1.3 | Academic Board (AB/18-5/86) | 31/10/2018 | 20/12/2018 | Amendment made to scholarship details. |
2.0 | Academic Board (AB/20-5/86) | 11/11/2020 | 03/12/2020 | Minor editorial updates as part of 2020 scheduled three-year review. |
2.1 | Academic Board (AB/22-4/66) | 28/09/2022 | 02/11/2022 | Changes to reflect the removal of extensions from RTPI scholarships. Changes to processes and removal of Research Excellence Scholarships. |
2.2 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 21/12/2022 | 21/12/2022 | Change to reflect the Research Training Program Scholarship base rate stipend from AUD$30,000 to $32,500 per year. |
3.0 | Academic Board (AB/23-2/34) | 24/04/2023 | 28/06/2023 | Changes as part of a scheduled review. Includes clear definitions and clarification of RTP scholarship types. |
3.1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 21/02/2024 | 21/02/2024 | Change to reflect the Vice-Chancellor approved increase to the RTP stipends and the candidature overtime levy. |
Australian Government RTP Stipend
Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017 (Cwlth)
Graduate Research and Supervision Policy
Graduate Research Candidature Management, Thesis Preparation and Submission Procedures (the procedures) (PDF)
Student Rules: section 11, section 16