On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Policy statements | Policy owner and contact | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References
1. Purpose
1.1 The Concerning Behaviour Intervention Policy (the policy) outlines UTS’s process for identifying and managing concerning behaviour in an effort to mitigate the risk of harm to people at UTS and ensure the safety of all campus users.
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to UTS students, staff, affiliates and visitors to the university.
2.2 This policy does not apply to emergency situations.
2.3 Where an individual displaying concerning behaviour is both a student and a staff member, the matter may be managed under the Student Rules and/or the Code of Conduct as determined by the Concerning Behaviour Assessment and Intervention Team (CBAIT) in consultation with the Executive Director, People and Culture.
3. Principles
3.1 UTS staff, students, affiliates and visitors have work health and safety responsibilities, to themselves and to each other.
3.2 This policy should be read in conjunction with the Student Rules, the Code of Conduct, the Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy and the Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy.
3.3 Students, staff and affiliates are strongly encouraged to be aware of their surroundings and to be alert for behaviour that may present a concern. Students, staff and affiliates are empowered to immediately report any situation that involves concerning behaviour.
3.4 Anyone lodging a report should do so in good faith. Any false or misleading reporting may be considered misconduct and result in disciplinary action.
3.5 Reports of concerning behaviour will be addressed and managed on a case by case basis.
3.6 CBAIT will take all reasonable steps to ensure that staff and students impacted by concerning behaviours will be referred to the appropriate supports (Employee assistance program (Staff Connect) and/or Health and Wellbeing Partners (available at Mentally healthy teams (Staff Connect) for staff and Counselling service and self-help and/or Student Support for students).
4. Policy statements
Concerning Behaviour Assessment and Intervention Team
4.1 The Concerning Behaviour Assessment and Intervention Team (CBAIT) assesses and responds to reports of concerning behaviour. CBAIT is committed to improving the personal safety of all students, staff, affiliates and visitors by taking a holistic approach to the management of concerning behaviour by a student, including assessment of reported incidents and, where necessary, management of interventions.
4.2 CBAIT operates to identify, manage and where possible prevent or reduce identified behavioural risks occurring. This is achieved by:
- applying a thoughtful approach to the prevention, identification, assessment, intervention and management of persons with concerning behaviour
- developing strategies and processes to strengthen the university's capacity to identify high-risk situations or individuals
- enhancing early intervention strategies, and
- in the event of behavioural incident, assisting in the post-incident management and recovery of staff and students.
4.3 CBAIT is made up of the following members:
- Director, Student Services Unit (Chair)
- Manager, Learner Enquiries
- Manager, International Student Services (where required)
- Head, University Counselling Service
- Head of Security and Emergency Management
- Manager, Student Misconduct and Appeals
- Deputy Director, Global Engagement
- Executive Director, People and Culture
- General Counsel and Executive Director, Risk and Compliance (legal advisory capacity).
4.4 Additional members may be invited or co-opted to CBAIT by the Chair as required by the specific circumstances of the reported behaviour. Members may assign a delegate on an ad hoc or ongoing basis.
4.5 CBAIT will meet:
- regularly (as determined by the Chair from time to time)
- on demand (in response to specific incidents of immediate risk), and
- at least once per year to determine meeting procedures, propose changes to membership or this policy and determine quorum.
4.6 CBAIT will use available resources and consult as appropriate to assist it in gathering information from all available sources about people whose behaviour is of concern, including relevant records where appropriate (in line with the Privacy Policy). Inquiries may be made by individual members of CBAIT or by CBAIT acting as a convened group.
4.7 While CBAIT cannot guarantee prevention of critical incidents, nor account for all identified behavioural risks, it will endeavour to contribute to a safer campus for students, staff and others, providing a place for their concerns to be addressed.
Reporting concerning behaviour
4.8 Some concerning behaviours should be reported directly to either the Counselling Service or Security and Emergency Management.
4.9 The UTS Counselling Referral Grid (PDF 121 kB, UTS log-in required) published by the Student Support Unit, is available to assist staff in recommending appropriate support and referral pathways for students. Concerning behaviour that should be referred to the Head, University Counselling Service may include, but is not limited to:
- irregular emotional behaviour
- unusual nervousness
- tension or anxiety
- expression of suicidal thoughts or feelings
- talk of suicide or self-inflicted injury, or
- a marked deterioration in a person's behaviour, academic or workplace performance, appearance or conduct.
4.10 Any behaviour that appears to pose a clear and immediate threat should be reported to Security and Emergency Management immediately by dialling 6 from a campus phone or 1800 249 559.
4.11 In order to provide an immediate response, matters may be responded to by CBAIT members individually or collectively. Any immediate response must be reported to the next CBAIT meeting.
Investigation of concerning behaviour
4.12 On receiving a report from Security and Emergency Management, the Counselling Service or from another source, CBAIT will undertake an investigation and:
- make an assessment of the reported behaviour
- recommend interventions, support mechanisms, threat management plans, active monitoring plans and other strategies to manage the behaviour and/or its outcomes, and
- actively coordinate or delegate these strategies.
4.13 Outcomes of a CBAIT investigation may result in:
- student misconduct proceedings in line with the Student Rules
- a referral under the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency Reporting Procedure
- other interventions and management strategies as determined by CBAIT.
Privacy and reporting
4.14 CBAIT will take all reasonable steps to maintain the privacy of those involved (for example, people reporting concerning behaviours, those impacted by concerning behaviours and individuals with concerning behaviours), and maintain information and records in line with the requirements of the Privacy Policy and the Records Management Policy.
4.15 CBAIT will report incidents and concerning behaviours to external authorities as appropriate, where required by law, and/or where an imminent danger or threat is perceived.
4.16 CBAIT will provide an annual report to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students).
Education and awareness
4.17 CBAIT will recommend and contribute to university communication strategies and awareness campaigns to inform the university community of responsibilities and mechanisms for reporting concerning behaviour.
4.18 Members and alternates of CBAIT will receive ongoing training and professional development opportunities to support them in their role on CBAIT. CBAIT members may also provide other university staff and affiliates with additional training and advice in relation to the management and reporting of concerning behaviour by students.
5. Policy owner and contact
5.1 Policy owner: The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) is responsible for policy enforcement and compliance, ensuring that its principles and statements are observed. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) is also responsible for the approval of any associated university level procedures and CBAIT membership.
5.2 Policy contact: The Director, Student Services Unit and CBAIT are responsible for the day to day implementation of this policy and act as primary contacts for advice on fulfilling its provisions.
6. Definitions
The following definitions apply for this policy. These are in addition to the definitions outlined in Schedule 1, Student Rules. Definitions in the singular also include the plural meaning of the word.
Affiliate is defined in the Code of Conduct.
Concerning behaviour may include, but is not limited to:
- aggressive, intimidating or irrational behaviour through words, actions and/or any form of communication that could generate fear, lead to, or threaten violence
- inability to control anger, confrontational or disturbing words or actions
- any threat or act of violence, harassment, sexual harm, assault or damage to property
- expression of suicidal acts, including vague statements regarding suicide or self-inflicted injury, violent thoughts or violent intentions
- expression of violent acts, including vague statements regarding the harm or injury of others, violent thoughts or violent intentions (including sexual harm)
- general, specific, or implicit threats
- any written or visual content that express or otherwise indicate a fascination or preoccupation with violence (including sexual harm) to self or to others
- stalking (or other obsessive behaviour through) actions and/or electronic means
- aggressive, threatening and/or intimidating behaviour of any kind.
Emergency situation refers to behaviour that appears to pose a clear and immediate threat. In such situations, call Security and Emergency Management immediately by dialling 6 from a campus phone or 1800 249 559.
Professional training opportunity includes certified threat assessment training (for example HCR-20 tool for assessing concerning behaviour) to enable evidence-based justification of information sharing and decisions affecting student, staff and others.
Approval information
Policy contact | Director, Student Services and CBAIT |
Approval authority | Vice-Chancellor |
Review date | 2022 |
File number | UR19/2772 |
Superseded documents | Concerning Behaviour Assessment and Intervention Team (CBAIT) Vice-Chancellor’s Directive |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Vice-Chancellor | 06/02/2020 | 05/03/2020 | New policy. |
1.1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 18/11/2020 | 29/03/2021 | Amendment to reflect new title of Director, UTS Legal Services to General Counsel. |
1.2 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 18/11/2021 | 20/11/2021 | Minor change to reflect portfolio realignment under Fit for 2027 project and general updates. |
1.3 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 31/05/2022 | 31/05/2022 | Minor change to reflect new position titles. |
1.4 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 07/11/2022 | 05/12/2022 | Minor change to reflect new position title of Executive Director, People and Culture. |
Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 24/11/2022 | 05/12/2022 | Minor change to reflect new position title of General Counsel and Executive Director, Risk and Compliance. | |
1.5 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 23/11/2022 | 20/12/2022 | Changes to reflect requirements of the new Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Policy. |
1.6 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 18/04/2023 | 19/04/2023 | Amendments to reflect new positions of Manager, Learner Enquiries and Manager, International Student Services in the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit. |