On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Policy statements | Roles and responsibilities | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References | Appendix 1: Results and grades
1. Purpose
1.1 The Coursework Assessments Policy (the policy) articulates the principles and expectations for the assessment of coursework subjects at UTS.
1.2 This policy should be read in conjunction with the Coursework Assessments Procedure (the procedure) and the Student Rules related to assessment, academic misconduct and appeals processes.
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to all staff and students and the assessment of all coursework subjects at UTS. UTS recognises that the forms of assessment used throughout UTS are diverse and vary according to academic discipline, however, all must comply with this policy.
2.2 This policy does not apply to the thesis component of graduate research degrees.
3. Principles
3.1 Assessments must promote learning and prepare students for future learning and practice.
3.2 Assessments must include authentic assessments (refer Definitions) and allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills on meaningful, practice-oriented tasks.
3.3 Assessments must be fair and equitable (providing reasonable opportunities for all students to demonstrate their learning) with requirements clearly communicated in the subject information and any supporting documents.
3.4 Students’ work must be assessed against clearly stated and consistently applied criteria that are aligned with the task and the intended learning outcomes of the subject.
3.5 Students must be provided with opportunities for feedback on their assessed work in a timely manner to facilitate understanding and improvement. Feedback must be consistent with the learning outcomes.
3.6 Assessments must promote academic integrity in line with the Academic Integrity Policy. Students must be provided with clear guidance on how to achieve academic integrity and subject information must clearly outline students’ obligations in relation to academic integrity.
3.7 Assessments must be designed across the ‘whole of the course of study’ to:
- support students across the student lifecycle, from their transition to study and their progression through their studies, to their transition to employment or further learning (refer Support for Students Policy)
- enable students to develop and demonstrate their achievement of the desired graduate attributes (refer Our graduate attributes) and intended learning outcomes for the course as a whole
- assess learning outcomes to a standard appropriate for the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) level of the course and any relevant professional standards
- ensure students have opportunities to experience different types of assessment
- be consistent with the UTS model of learning in ways that are relevant to the professional/disciplinary domains of the course
- include assessment experiences that enable students to prepare for their intended future contexts and develop their capacities for professional and personal judgement and lifelong learning.
3.8 Subject assessment patterns must involve reasonable workloads for both students and staff, consistent with the:
- credit points allocated to the subject
- relative weightings of tasks reflective of the expected workloads, and
- number, type and timing of assessment tasks designed to allow reasonable time for task completion, marking and feedback.
3.9 Assessment processes and tasks must be kept private and confidential. Staff must not divulge any information related to an individual student’s assessment to unauthorised people.
3.10 UTS will provide reasonable learning and assessment arrangements, in line with the Accessibility and Inclusion Policy and Rule 8.2, to enable students to demonstrate their achievement of the learning objectives of the subjects in which they are enrolled.
4. Policy statements
4.1 This policy supports section 8, Student Rules and is implemented via procedures approved by the Provost and implemented by the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit.
Assessment strategy at UTS
4.2 Assessments must focus on students’ capacity to develop and apply their knowledge and skills on meaningful, practice-oriented tasks. The assessment pattern in a subject should include at least one substantial authentic task or component. Where this is not appropriate, a substantial task or component must be performance-based. Open-book rather than closed-book or restricted open-book examinations should be used where these are appropriate.
Assessment design and approval
4.3 Subject assessment patterns are approved, reviewed and changed as part of the subject information in line with the Student Rules and the Subject Information Procedure, with further details of assessment pattern design outlined in the procedure.
4.4 An assessor must be nominated for each subject by the relevant responsible academic officer (RAO) and approved in accordance with faculty board procedures. Assessors must be full-time or fractional members of academic staff.
4.5 Subject coordinators and assessors are usually appointed at the same time. Assessors are expected to work with subject coordinators, acting as peer reviewers to review and improve the appropriateness of assessment tasks.
4.6 Any exceptions to normal assessment requirements must be discussed with the assessor and approved through the faculty subject approvals process. Disputes should be managed by the RAO.
Marking, feedback, grades and results
4.7 The total mark or grade for each assessment task and final subject results are determined as described in the subject information and any supporting documentation provided by the faculty.
4.8 Faculties are responsible for developing and implementing marking procedures for subjects they administer in a manner consistent with the principles and practice outlined in the Student Rules, this policy and the procedure. This responsibility may be assigned to the subject coordinators and/or RAOs at the discretion of faculty boards.
4.9 Marking must only be undertaken by appropriately qualified and employed staff approved by the subject coordinator and/or assessor.
4.10 Markers must be provided with adequate information regarding what is to be marked, marking procedures and the return date of assessed work.
4.11 Marking must be consistent with the specified criteria and standards for the task.
4.12 Marking procedures must ensure that criteria and standards are applied in similar ways across different markers.
4.13 Students should receive timely feedback on each assessment task before the submission of the next summative task. Some opportunities for feedback on learning must be provided before the relevant census date for the subject.
4.14 Grades are based on a student’s level of performance in achieving stated learning objectives and must never be norm-referenced. UTS assessments never apply negative marking techniques.
4.15 Grades are awarded so that UTS can provide a statement for students and the outside community that indicates a student’s achievement of the learning objectives in subjects and intended learning outcomes for a course.
4.16 UTS results and grades are outlined in Appendix 1.
4.17 Faculty boards have authority to determine the appropriate grading type (as outlined in CASS) and set of grades for each subject.
4.18 The subject information must outline the approved form in which subject assessment results will be provided to students.
Result ratification
4.19 The Provost will approve procedures for the approval of:
- final results of students in each subject
- ratification of final results
- release and publication of student results by the Director, Student Administration, as outlined in Rule 8.4 and the Delegations.
Assessment arrangements and extensions
4.20 Assessment extension arrangements must be fair and applied consistently by each faculty in line with the procedure. The late submission of assessments without an approved extension will incur a late penalty (refer the procedure).
4.21 Staff and students must comply with learning and assessment arrangements outlined in Rule 8.2.
4.22 UTS will make all reasonable arrangements to enable students to demonstrate learning outcomes in an equitable manner in accordance with the Accessibility and Inclusion Policy and Rule 8.2.
Progression, sanctions and misconduct
4.23 Section 10, Student Rules provides for UTS’s management of academic progression and the management of repeated failures. Students who fail a subject more than once should refer to section 10, Student Rules and seek advice from an academic adviser.
4.24 Procedures for managing subject assessment sanctions are approved by the Provost and published on the UTS website.
4.25 Misconduct under the Student Rules is as follows:
- Rule 16.2 defines misconduct
- Rule 8.7 addresses misconduct in assessments
- Rule 9.6 manages misconduct during examinations (centrally conducted and faculty-based).
4.26 Where the allegation is not a first offence, and/or of a serious nature, the university’s procedures for misconduct will be applied (section 16, Schedule 3 and Schedule 4).
4.27 Vivas or other invigilated tasks may be used to verify student achievement of learning outcomes.
Assessment records and privacy
4.28 Faculties are required to keep assessment-related records (including but not limited to assessment tasks, marks, grades and final results) for the required minimum retention period (Rule 8.4.1) or in keeping with external accreditation requirements. Refer Records Management Policy.
4.29 Assessment records, in any format, including marked exam scripts and uncollected assignments, must be stored securely in an appropriate university-controlled location with access only by authorised staff.
- For hard copy records, this will be on UTS premises or other location as approved under the Records Management Policy.
- For digital records, this will be an approved university information system for the submission, management and storage of assessment records.
4.30 Students, staff and affiliates must report serious misuse of assessment records or other forms of serious wrongdoing in line with the Whistleblowing and Public Interest Disclosures Policy.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 Policy owners: The Provost is responsible for enforcement and compliance of this policy, ensuring that its principles and statements are observed. The Provost is also responsible for approval of any associated university-level procedures.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) is responsible for the educational strategies that underpin this policy.
5.2 Policy contacts: The Director, Student Administration has central responsibility for the implementation of coursework assessments.
Responsible academic officers, subject coordinators and appointed assessors are responsible for the implementation of this policy in the faculties.
The Director, Teaching Learning and Curriculum is responsible for the implementation of UTS’s educational strategies that underpin this policy.
6. Definitions
The following definitions apply for this policy. These are in addition to the definitions outlined in Schedule 1, Student Rules. Definitions in the singular also include the plural meaning of the word.
Academic integrity is defined in the Academic Integrity Policy.
Assessment pattern means the assessment types and weightings in a subject and their relation to learning outcomes (at subject and course level). These are approved at faculty level (refer Subject Information Procedure).
Assessment requirement means the combination of assessment tasks, the timing of assessment tasks, the outputs to be submitted for assessment, and the conditions for assessment that must be undertaken to ensure that the learning objectives and requirements of a subject have been met.
Assessment task refers to the various types of assessment used to assess a subject (refer Subject assessment: Types of assessment). They include but are not limited to student presentations, literature reviews, laboratory reports, essays, creative works, group assessment, peer assessment, self-assessment, online assessment, vivas, oral examinations, class quizzes, reflections, experiential activities, simulations, clinical experiences, practical exercises, performances, folio presentations and class participation, examinations.
Authentic assessment focuses on students developing and applying knowledge and skills through meaningful, practice-oriented assessment tasks. Authentic assessment supports students to develop graduate attributes (in line with the graduate profile framework (available at Our graduate attributes)), apply theory to practice and engage with problems similar to those they will encounter in the workplace. Authenticity levels are judged on the extent to which the attributes students use, their activities and the context reflect work and/or life practices outside the course.
Closed-book examination means an exam where students are not permitted to bring any printed or electronic materials into the exam other than:
- a calculator of a specific type permitted in the subject information and on the examination request and on the examination coversheet (or equivalents)
- relevant common reference materials (such as formula sheets or case notes) as provided by the subject coordinator alongside the exam paper.
Note on the use of calculators: Use of calculators may be restricted or permitted in open, closed or restricted open-book exams. This should be specified in the subject information and the exam coversheet.
Criterion-referenced assessment means assessment tasks where a student’s work is assessed against stated criteria, and marks or grades are awarded according to the level of achievement of these criteria. UTS only engages in criterion-referenced assessment.
Criterion-referenced assessment differs from norm-referenced assessment in which grades are determined in relation to other students’ performance and the grade distribution is managed in such a way that only a certain percentage of students are able to attain each grade. Assessment at UTS is never norm-referenced.
Feedback means information about aspects of a student’s learning used to guide or improve their understanding, performance or achievements. Feedback can be gained informally or formally, from formative activities as well as summative assessment tasks. It can be gained in multiple ways, including but not limited to group discussions in class or online, automated online responses, and self, peer or teacher reviews of work using rubrics, checklists or comments. It includes information from self, peers, teachers, other people, online and other sources.
Marking means the process of assigning an assessment score or grade to a piece of work produced, performed or submitted by a student as outlined in the subject information using academic judgement.
Open-book examination means an exam for which students are permitted to bring and use any printed materials (including notes and textbooks) and to annotate, tag or otherwise organise them for easy access. Electronic devices or online access are permitted only when specified in the subject information and on the examination request and on the examination coversheet (or equivalents). Library materials are only permitted where they can be made available to all students undertaking the examination, at the examination time. Note on the use of calculators: Use of calculators may be restricted or permitted in open, closed or restricted open-book exams. This should be specified in the subject information and the exam coversheet.
Restricted open-book examination means an exam in which students are permitted to bring with them a limited number of specified materials (printed or other, and specified calculators). Permitted materials must be specified in the subject information and on the examination request and on the examination coversheet (or equivalents). Materials must be clearly defined (for example, rather than saying ‘notes are permitted’, it must be specified the maximum number of pages, page size, whether the pages are double or single sided and whether the pages are permitted to be typed or must be handwritten). Clarifications may be requested by the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit and must be provided as part of the approval process. Note on the use of calculators: Use of calculators may be restricted or permitted in open, closed or restricted open-book exams. This should be specified in the subject information and the exam coversheet.
Viva means an oral or spoken examination.
Approval information
Policy contacts | Director, Student Administration Director, Teaching Learning and Curriculum |
Approval authority | Academic Board |
Review year | 2025 |
File number | UR17/3558 |
Superseded documents | Policy for the Assessment of Coursework Subjects (file UR09/797) |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Academic Board (AB/17-3/52) | 09/08/2017 | 01/01/2018 | New policy. |
1.1 | Academic Board (AB19-4/75) | 18/09/2019 | 01/01/2020 | Changes to Appendix A to move UTS from a four-point scale GPA calculation method to a seven-point scale GPA calculation method. |
Academic Board (AB/19-5/96) | 13/11/2019 | 01/01/2020 | Changes to definitions in relation to closed-book, open-book and restricted-open book exams. Updates to Appendix A to reflect current web content and practice. | |
1.2 | Academic Board (AB/20-2/37) | 27/05/2020 | 04/06/2020 | Changes to incorporate references to online examinations and update to the definitions. |
Director, Governance Support Unit | 03/06/2020 | 04/06/2020 | Changes to Appendix A in relation to the management of internal course transfers. | |
1.3 | Academic Board (AB/20-3/51) | 29/07/2020 | 04/08/2020 | Minor amendments to make reference to the Graduate Profile Framework. |
1.4 | Academic Board (AB/21-1/13) | 31/03/2021 | 05/05/2021 | Minor amendments to implement new results process (statement 4.19). |
1.5 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 22/02/2022 | 22/02/2022 | Minor change to reflect portfolio realignment under Fit for 2027 project. |
1.6 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 01/11/2022 | 02/11/2022 | Changes and updates required as part of the policy migration project. |
1.7 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 01/12/2022 | 15/12/2022 | Changes to reflect requirements of the new Accessibility and Inclusion Policy. |
1.8 | Academic Board (AB/23-1/11) | 22/03/2023 | 22/03/2023 | Reset policy review date and agreement of policy currency. |
1.9 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 05/04/2023 | 19/04/2023 | Amendments to reflect new position of Director, Student Administration in the Lifetime Learner Experience Unit. |
1.10 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 08/09/2023 | 30/09/2023 | Changes resulting from the development of the Whistleblowing and Public Interest Disclosures Policy. |
1.11 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 16/11/2023 | 12/12/2023 | Changes to reflect the new Academic Integrity Policy. |
1.12 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 18/12/2023 | 01/01/2024 | Changes to reflect the new Support for Students Policy. |
1.13 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 20/06/2024 | 03/07/2024 | Amendments to reflect new Education Portfolio. |
1.14 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 21/11/2024 | 01/12/2024 | Changes to refer to new Course Approval Policy and Course Approval and Publication Procedure and associated Curriculum Management System (CMS) references. |
1.15 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 09/12/2024 | 01/01/2025 | Changes to align with updates to the Coursework Assessments Procedure to confirm extensions, late penalties and deadlines. |
Appendix 1: Results and grades
UTS uses a grade point average (GPA) and a weighted average mark (WAM) for coursework results and grades.
Students studying a coursework degree will receive a grade (or mark) for each subject they complete. In most situations, students will receive a progressive GPA indicating their overall performance in a course.
The following information is supplementary to, and should be read in conjunction with, this policy and the Coursework Assessments Procedure.
Subject grade and GPA table
Academic Board (at meeting 19/4 (18/09/19), resolution AB/19-4/75) approved the application of a seven-point grade point average (GPA).
The GPA is an internationally recognised measure of a student’s performance in a course. It is the average of all grades achieved by a student in a course of study weighted by the credit point value of each subject.
A student’s GPA is included on their UTS academic transcript and their Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS). In addition to the GPA, UTS transcripts and AHEGS show the WAM for each course.
Grade | Mark range | GPA score | Descriptor |
High Distinction (HD) | 85–100% | 7 | Work of outstanding quality on all objectives of the subject. This may be demonstrated by means of criticism, logical argument, interpretation of materials or use of methodology. This grade may also be given to recognise particular originality or creativity. |
Distinction (D) | 75–84% | 6 | Work of superior quality on all objectives of the subject. This may be demonstrated by a sound grasp of content, together with efficient organisation and selectivity. |
Credit (C) | 65–74% | 5 | Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement on all objectives of the subject, or work of superior quality on most of the objectives. |
Pass (P) | 50–64% | 4 | Work showing a satisfactory achievement on the overall objectives of the subject. |
Pass — Not Graded | 50–64% | N/A | Work showing a satisfactory achievement on the overall objectives of the subject. |
Satisfactory | N/A | N/A | Awarded for projects or theses. |
Fail (X) | 50% or more | 0.5 | Unsatisfactory performance in a compulsory component of the subject. A ‘Fail (X)’ grade may be awarded only where approved by the relevant faculty board, on the basis that the compulsory component is essential for meeting the objectives of the subject. Faculty boards need to review the subject assessment pattern if students with a Fail (X) grade receive a final mark of more than 50 per cent. |
Fail (Z) | 0–49% | 0.5 | Unsatisfactory performance in one or more objectives of the subject as contained in the assessment items. |
Other notations
Grade | Mark range | GPA score | Descriptor |
Industrial experience | N/A | N/A | Internships, including professional experience and industrial training. A number may appear next to this grade to indicate the level of industrial experience. |
Withdrawn | N/A | N/A | Granted withdrawal from a subject without academic fail after the prescribed date. |
Withdrawn Fail | N/A | N/A | Withdrawn after the prescribed date. |
Administrative notations: Results not finalised
Grade | Mark range | GPA score | Descriptor |
Result not submitted (E) | N/A | N/A | Grade not submitted. This result is allocated by the student administration system when a result has not been submitted by a subject coordinator. Students who receive an ‘E’ result must immediately contact the subject coordinator or, where unavailable, the relevant faculty academic adviser, and take any actions necessary to complete subject requirements, otherwise the result will be changed to ‘0 Fail’ after the prescribed period. |
Results pending (Q) | N/A | N/A | Result pending the completion of a project, clinical practicum or field excursion where the student has not completed assessment task(s) by the end of the teaching period. ‘Q’ results must be finalised before the result ratification deadline for the following teaching period, otherwise the result will be changed to ‘0 Fail’. |
Supplementary exam to be completed (T) | 45–49% | N/A | Formal supplementary examination to be completed in a designated examination period before a grade can be awarded. A supplementary assessment may be awarded on the recommendation of the responsible academic officer (RAO) or subject coordinator; normally in the following cases:
Withheld (W) | N/A | N/A | Result withheld. The RAO or subject coordinator may determine that supplementary assessments are required, or that alternative examiners and/or alternative assessments are required because of misadventure. Students who receive a ‘W’ result must immediately contact the subject coordinator to ensure that they understand what is required and take any actions necessary to complete subject requirements otherwise the mark will be unchanged (where a mark has been submitted) or recorded as a ‘0 Fail’ (otherwise) after the prescribed period. |
Subjects graded ‘pass/fail’ only
Subjects graded pass/fail only are indicated as ‘Pass – Not Graded’ or ‘Fail’ on the official academic record and are not allocated a grade. Pass/fail may be awarded only in subjects approved by the relevant faculty board in accordance with the criteria for ungraded subjects approved by Academic Board (resolution AB/04/77, meeting 04/6 (01/12/04)), as follows:
- internships or similar subjects based on workplace, community or other experience outside the university
- subjects that are components of ungraded postgraduate research degree programs, and are designed to prepare students for research components assessed on a pass/fail or equivalent basis
- subjects that are designed to enable access, development and/or support for a particular equity target group, where grading would act as a deterrent to learning.
Faculty boards may request Academic Board to consider approval of subjects as ungraded which do not meet the approved criteria, and such requests must be justified on pedagogic grounds.
Withdrawn and withdrawn fail
Requests for withdrawal from a subject after the teaching period census date should be lodged with the Director, Student Administration in accordance with Rule 7.5.6. Although the student will not have an academic fail, they may incur financial liability for the subject (unless they have documentary evidence that meets the strict special circumstances requirements defined in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cwlth)). The status on their academic record for that subject will be ‘Withdrawn’.
‘Withdrawn Fail’ applies where approval for withdrawal without academic fail has not been granted by the Director, Student Administration in accordance with Rule 7.5.6. The student incurs a financial liability for the subject and the status on the academic record for that subject will be ‘Withdrawn Fail’.
GPA calculation
Grades for all enrolled subjects in a course are included in the GPA calculation, including fail results, except where the grade type is ungraded. GPA is calculated on finalised subjects only. Students who have unresolved or withheld grades will not have a GPA reflected on their academic record.
The GPA is calculated using a formula based on 2 dimensions: a grade point for each subject grade and subject credit points. All GPA values are between the range of 0.00 and 7.00.
The GPA formula is:
GPA = [(Sub1 GP x CP) + (Sub2 GP x CP) + . . (SubN GP x CP)] / (Total CP enrolled)
‘Sub GP’ is the subject’s grade point value and ‘CP’ is credit points.
Note: The following are not included in the calculation of the GPA:
- pass or fail subjects
- recognition of prior learning subjects
- weighting by year (for example, less weight to first year subjects).
For recognition of prior learning, where applicable, a student’s grade and relevant marks will be carried forward as part of the internal course transfer process and will be included in any GPA and WAM calculations (refer to the section on course transfers in the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy). This also applies to students who have ‘automatic credit’ on their transcript from previous study at UTS.
Weighted average mark
In addition to the GPA, UTS transcripts and AHEGS show the weighted average mark (WAM) for each course. The WAM is the average mark achieved across all completed subjects in an award course.
Academic Board approved the calculation of WAM in addition to GPA at meeting 19/4 (18/09/19), resolution AB/19-4/75.
The cumulative WAM is calculated using the following standard formula:
M = mark received in a course
U = units of credit for a course
Σ = the sum of
Alternative formulas may only be used where the courses and formulas are identified and published in this policy.