On this page
Purpose and strategic alignment | Strategic vision | Strategic initiatives and key success indicators | Strategy owner and contact | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References
1. Purpose and strategic alignment
1.1 The Indigenous Education and Research Strategy 2019–2023 (the strategy) is UTS’s primary strategy for the achievement of the university’s strategic vision with respect to Indigenous education and research, and achievement of the specific objectives articulated in the Indigenous Policy (the policy).
1.2 This strategy has been developed by extensive consultation with a range of stakeholders, beginning with the Indigenous community by way of the Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Advisory Committee. As a result of this consultation, and at the Vice-Chancellor’s behest, this strategy (working with the policy and the Wingara Indigenous Employment Strategy 2019–2023) aims to position UTS as a world-leading university in Indigenous education and research by 2023.
This aligns with the commitment in the UTS 2027 strategy that the university will be home to a culture of excellence in Indigenous higher education, research, employment and community engagement.
1.3 In addition to aligning with the UTS 2027 strategy, this strategy:
- aligns with and is designed to realise the sentiments and commitments within the UTS Reconciliation Statement
- supports the university’s commitments under the Universities Australia Indigenous Strategy 2017–2020, and
- satisfies the requirements for Indigenous education strategies under clause 13 of the Indigenous Student Assistance Grant Guidelines 2017.
2. Strategic vision
In being a world-leading university in Indigenous education and research, and with a commitment to Indigenous self-determination at the heart of what we do, UTS will contribute to the transformation of the higher education sector by being a beacon of Indigenous best practice and by setting a high national benchmark.
By 2023, UTS will be characterised by the following achievements.
2.1 We will have doubled our Indigenous student participation rates, with Indigenous students representing 2% (approximately 750 students) of our domestic student cohort. Our longer-term interest is in achieving population parity or 3% Indigenous student participation by 2028 (the final year of the next iteration of this strategy).
2.2 We will have achieved this increased participation by the development of a much broader and deeper national aspiration-raising program, with increased capacity in staffing, technology and other resources. We will continue to offer Indigenous students cost-covered accommodation and a stipend.
2.3 We will have no gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous success, retention and completion rates. This will be achieved by a cross-UTS network of student support, an ability to develop learning capability regardless of location and a growing number of scholarships.
2.4 We will also have a nationally significant Indigenous Graduate Attribute (IGA) commitment, one that will make an important contribution to the professions, and will bear close scrutiny by Indigenous professionals.
2.5 We will be a leading site in the country for Indigenous higher degree by research (HDR) scholarship. We will have the largest Indigenous HDR cohort in the nation, and will achieve parity with non-Indigenous HDR student retention and completion rates.
2.6 We will have a strong and vibrant Indigenous research environment. We will have an outstanding record of success in Australian Research Council and other competitive grants and publications. This will be supported by an increasing number of Indigenous research entities across the university and the largest professoriate in the country.
2.7 Our Indigenous research will be Indigenous led, interdisciplinary and have tangible positive outcomes for Indigenous people. We will significantly contribute to public debate regarding Indigenous rights and the position of Indigenous people within the nation.
2.8 We will have a strong culture of international engagement. This will be demonstrated by a high level of international Indigenous scholarly exchange and collaboration. Our Indigenous undergraduate students will have the highest rate in the country of international student experience.
2.9 Under the Wingara Indigenous Employment Strategy 2019–2023, we will have achieved at least 3% Indigenous employment. We will also have increased the Indigenous competency and professional capacity of our non-Indigenous leadership and workforce. The UTS workforce will demonstrate a high level of commitment to the university’s Indigenous agenda.
2.10 With the support of our broader Indigenous community, UTS will be on the way to establishing Australia’s first Indigenous Residential College. The college will transform thinking within the sector and will contribute to the establishment of an international network of similar colleges. It will contribute to the achievement of a fully inclusive Australian nation, one in which Indigenous Australians thrive and that, at its heart, celebrates Australia's first peoples.
3. Strategic initiatives and key success indicators
In addition to the numerous Indigenous education and research initiatives embedded across the university, UTS has identified 10 additional areas of special priority to further advance Indigenous education and research. Each priority area has one or more strategic initiatives to help achieve UTS’s Indigenous strategic vision by 2023.
The aspiration of doubling our participation rate in particular is a challenge that will require a significant increase in our effort and focus on new and extended programs and activities to support growth. While a key element of this is the proposed Indigenous Residential College initiative, other programs outlined in this strategy to increase participation will need to be successful in order for the new target, and the longer term goal of population parity, to be met.
Achievement of this vision will require:
- funding – the need for greater resources
- capability – an ability to attract, retain and develop talent, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous
- the right culture and attitude – serious internal engagement with the strategy, overcoming tokenism or resistance to ensure the UTS Indigenous commitment is seen as not optional.
As outlined in the Indigenous Policy, all areas of UTS share responsibility for the progression of Indigenous initiatives. Accordingly implementation teams and formal accountabilities have been set for UTS staff in progressing this strategy’s initiatives and achieving related key success indicators.
Planning and reporting
3.1 Consider Indigenous objectives in all strategies, plans, programs and reviews.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.1.1 Inclusion of Indigenous objectives and consultation in planning Include consideration of Indigenous objectives in all major reviews and plans and consult Indigenous senior staff in the development and review process (refer to section 3.6 of the Indigenous Policy). |
3.1.2 Faculty Indigenous action plans Each faculty will develop a comprehensive, multi-year, faculty-specific Indigenous action plan for that sets out how the faculty will progress the objectives of the Indigenous Policy from 2019–2023.
The Indigenous action plan should include separate sections in relation to:
3.1.3 Faculty reporting Deans report at least annually to the Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Strategies Committee against each section of its Indigenous action plan. |
Physical infrastructure
3.2 Provide high quality and culturally appropriate facilities for Indigenous students, staff and community.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.2.1 UTS Indigenous Residential College Establish Australia’s first Indigenous university residential college. |
3.2.2 Jumbunna's facilities Grow Jumbunna’s facilities to achieve a doubling of Indigenous student numbers, and support improvements in success, retention, and completion rates. |
3.2.3 Indigenous visual representation Use public art and language across UTS campus precincts and digital media to show the respect UTS has for Indigenous people. |
Indigenous student participation
3.3 Achieve an overall Indigenous student participation rate of two per cent (approximately 750 students) by 2023.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.3.1 Indigenous marketing manager Employ an Indigenous marketing manager to lead Marketing and Communications Unit (MCU) development of a cross-UTS Indigenous marketing plan fully integrated into all faculty plans. |
3.3.2 Indigenous recruitment staff Increase the number of Indigenous recruitment staff within Jumbunna. |
3.3.3 Aspiration and recruitment initiatives Increase, expand and refine UTS’s aspiration raising and recruitment initiatives with a view to increasing nationwide recruitment. |
3.3.4 Offers process Introduce and maintain a more streamlined, responsive and client-friendly offers process for Indigenous students. |
3.3.5 Faculty Indigenous student participation targets Each faculty will achieve 2% Indigenous student participation by 2023. Faculties with Indigenous student participation rates at 1.5% or above at 2018 are required to achieve at least a 1% increase above their 2018 participation figure by 2023. |
3.3.6 Develop new Away-From-Base (AFB) and/or mixed-mode courses All faculties will consider the viability of introducing AFB or mixed-mode courses, with a view to maximising Indigenous participation (particularly students of mature age or from rural/remote areas). |
3.3.7 Commencement targets for AFB courses Annual commencement target of 30 students for undergraduate AFB courses. Student success and retention rates must be at least equal to those of other UTS Indigenous undergraduate students. |
Indigenous student success, retention and completion
3.4 Achieve parity between Indigenous and domestic non-Indigenous student success, retention and completion rates by 2023.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.4.1 Increase support staff Increase Jumbunna’s staffing to provide greater academic, cultural and personal student support. |
3.4.2 Faculty Indigenous student liaison officer Formalise, standardise across the university, and where appropriate, expand the faculty Indigenous student liaison officer role. |
3.4.3 Student financial support Increase the number and take up of scholarships available to Indigenous undergraduate students. |
Indigenous teaching and learning
3.5 Progress development of a nationally significant Indigenous Graduate Attribute.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.5.1 Faculty Indigenous Graduate Attribute implementation plan All faculties to develop an Indigenous Graduate Attribute implementation plan (to be included as part of the faculty's Indigenous action plan detailed in 3.1.2) that sets out the faculty’s approach to fully implementing the Indigenous Graduate Attribute. |
Indigenous graduate success and engagement
3.6 Achieve and maintain a rate of Indigenous graduate employment that is at least equal to that of other UTS graduates.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.6.1 Internships Maximise Indigenous student participation in internship or internship-like experiences prior to graduation. |
3.7 Develop a highly engaging, values-based Indigenous alumni program that supports life-long learning and graduate success.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.7.1 Indigenous alumni coordinator Employ a full-time Indigenous alumni coordinator. The position will also help to develop the Indigenous Residential College graduate member experience (a key feature of the college). |
Indigenous research and research students
3.8 Participate in Indigenous-led and community-driven research that embraces Indigenous self-determination.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.8.1 Increase on-country research. |
3.8.2 Pilot, evaluate and share different approaches to community engagement. Make UTS’s Indigenous-led and community-driven research models exemplars of community-based research engagement. |
3.8.3 Through these practices and our excellence in Indigenous research, position UTS to be the Indigenous research partner of choice. |
3.9 Hold a leading role within a global Indigenous research network, positioning ourselves as the drivers of leading practice.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.9.1 Recruit, create and retain Indigenous research leaders with respect to the protocols and use of community-driven, self-determination approaches. |
3.9.2 Define and promulgate best practice in the protection of Indigenous communities’ intellectual property. |
3.9.3 Support UTS Indigenous research leaders to grow their international reputations. |
3.10 Further develop our existing strong and growing Indigenous research culture, one particularly focusing on research that is Indigenous led and having tangible positive impact.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.10.1 Increase the number and capacity of UTS Indigenous research-active groups. |
3.10.2 Increase the number of successful Category 1 (including Australian Research Council) grants in Indigenous research across UTS. |
3.10.3 Increase the number of Category 2-4 Indigenous research grants. |
3.11 Enhance the capacity of our non-Indigenous staff and students to work collaboratively with Indigenous researchers and Indigenous communities.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.11.1 Develop and provide at-scale training programs focused on ethics, protocols and self-determination. |
3.11.2 Develop and provide pathways that lead to increased collaboration in Indigenous research across a range of subjects. |
3.11.3 Utilising intervention logic create critical mass in every faculty in at least one area of Indigenous research. |
3.12 Increase our Indigenous higher degree by research (HDR) student participation rate, seeing annual growth to achieve 5 per cent participation by 2023 (approximately 76 students, of which at least 50 per cent are PhD students).
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.12.1 Faculties to implement initiatives to market HDR opportunities and nurture interest from high-performing Indigenous undergraduate students. |
3.12.2 Jumbunna to develop and progress an Indigenous HDR recruitment strategy to achieve at least 20 commencements a year. |
3.12.3 Improve capacity for Indigenous HDR student supervision. |
3.12.4 Faculties to put in place initiatives specifically designed to support retention and completion of Indigenous HDR students. These are initiatives in addition to those already in place for HDR students generally. |
3.13 Achieve at least parity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous HDR retention and completion rates.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.13.1 Increase and monitor the effectiveness of support initiatives for Indigenous HDR students. |
3.13.2 Develop faculty strategies and interventions to support student progress throughout candidature. |
3.14 Promote Indigenous international experience, exchange and collaboration.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.14.1 Maintain at least a 50% rate of Indigenous undergraduate students who graduate with an international experience during their course of study. |
3.14.2 Promote international scholar exchange and collaborative research. |
Communication and profile-raising
3.15 Generate, through the use of media, greater external and internal awareness of UTS’s Indigenous commitment, work and achievements.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.15.1 Develop and implement a cross-UTS Indigenous communication plan. |
Advancement and engagement
3.16 Develop and implement an Indigenous advancement program.
Key success indicator | Implementation team | Formal accountability |
3.16.1 Develop an ambitious and values-based advancement (philanthropy) program to support strategic success and social impact as well as significant corporate engagement. |
4. Strategy owner and contact
4.1 Strategy owner: The Provost is responsible for managing compliance with the strategy and for initiating the review process.
4.2 Strategy contact: The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Leadership and Engagement) (PVC (ILE)) is the primary point of contact for advice on implementing, administering and reporting on progression of the strategy, for establishing and maintaining the official file, for proposing amendments as required, and for managing the consultation process when the strategy is due for review.
4.3 Others:
Deans are responsible for reporting at least annually to the Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Strategies Committee on their progress toward the initiatives in each section of their multi-year Indigenous action plans.
The Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Strategies Committee is responsible for reviewing and referring to Academic Board for noting annual reports on progression of the strategy and reports from deans in relation to their multi-year Indigenous action plans.
5. Definitions
The following definitions apply for this strategy. These are in addition to the definitions outlined in Schedule 1, Student Rules.
Associate Dean (Indigenous) means a senior Indigenous academic appointed by a faculty in this role to be the primary source of Indigenous strategic advice within the faculty, advising the dean and senior faculty leadership on matters of Indigenous strategic importance, including alignment of faculty Indigenous plans with broader university-wide Indigenous policy and strategy. Where an associate dean (Indigenous) does not yet exist within a faculty, this definition should be read as referring to the faculty’s senior Indigenous academic designated by the dean as holding a similar strategic advisory role.
Category 1–4 research means research funded by the following income types:
- Category 1: Australian competitive grant research incomes (for example, the Australian Research Council)
- Category 2: Other public sector research income (ie, other than that funded by Australian competitive grants)
- Category 3: Industry and other research income
- Category 4: Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) research income.
Formal accountability means senior staff (including members of the university’s senior executive and faculty executive) who have a strategic accountability and/or ultimate responsibility for the achievement of the key success indicator.
Implementation team means senior staff who have a practical responsibility for implementing and/or supporting activities that will lead to the achievement of each key success indicator.
On-country research means Indigenous research that is conducted outside of the UTS campus, within the Indigenous community or on the Indigenous traditional land to which the research relates.
Approval information
Strategy contact | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Leadership and Engagement) |
Approval authority | Vice-Chancellor |
Review date | 2023 |
File number | UR19/2012 |
Superseded documents | Indigenous Education Strategy 2015–2018 |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Vice-Chancellor | 22/08/2019 | 22/08/2019 | New strategy. |
1.1 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 09/09/2021 | 17/05/2021 | Amendments to reflect updates resulting from the Policy Impact Project (2020). |
1.2 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 03/05/2022 | 03/05/2022 | Amendments to reflect key portfolio changes under Fit for 2027 and to confirm KPIs related to category 1 research grants. |
1.3 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 05/04/2023 | 19/04/2023 | Amendments to reflect update to Executive Director, Lifetime Learner Experience title. |