On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Policy statements | Roles and responsibilities | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References
1. Purpose
1.1 The Industry Advisory Policy (the policy) sets out the requirements for the establishment, management and coordination of industry and professional advisory boards and groups at UTS.
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to all industry advisory boards and professional advisory groups (hereafter advisory boards). It also applies to all staff involved in the establishment and operation of these boards at a university level, or within divisions, faculties, units, centres, schools and/or disciplines.
2.2 This policy also applies to all internal and external advisory board members.
2.3 This policy defines the purpose and function of advisory boards at UTS. Any board, committee or other forum (or equivalent) with the same broad purpose of an advisory board (refer Definitions) is considered to be within the scope of this policy. Where there is any ambiguity regarding the ‘advisory board’ status of a board, committee or other forum this must be communicated to the Manager, Operations and Engagement, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships), for advice and confirmation of status.
3. Principles
3.1 Advisory boards fulfil an important strategic function at UTS. They enable high quality external engagement and collaboration with individuals in business, industry and the professions in support of the UTS 2027 strategy.
3.2 Advisory boards are separate from UTS governance and management functions. They do not have any explicit or implied governance function, performance monitoring, operational function or management authority. They do not form part of the formal UTS governance structure and are not decision-making bodies.
3.3 In establishing advisory boards, UTS seeks to:
- engage and develop relationships with key practitioners in areas related to the university’s core business, and
- promote the university’s reputation for business, industry and professional relevance and engagement.
3.4 Advisory board members must provide advice and hands-on engagement where applicable in line with the UTS 2027 strategy. Members should be made aware of the university’s initiatives and priorities and must act in accordance with the Code of Conduct and the Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy.
3.5 Staff involved in the establishment, management and operation of advisory boards must ensure that the boards remain fit for purpose and board composition and membership remains relevant and current.
4. Policy statements
Advisory board purpose and establishment
4.1 UTS must establish the following mandatory advisory boards:
- The Vice-Chancellor’s Industry Advisory Board: a university-level board to advise the Vice-Chancellor (as sponsor) on the overall strategic positioning of the university, external engagement and other activities identified and specified in its terms of reference.
- Faculty-level advisory boards: for each faculty (or equivalent) to advise deans (as sponsors) on the overall strategic positioning of the faculty, external engagement and other activities identified and specified in its terms of reference.
4.2 Advisory boards may also be established at any of the following levels for further strategic input and engagement:
- University level: for the university as a whole and/or for the University Leadership Team (ULT).
- Faculty level: including faculty, division, centre, institute or unit level.
- School level: including school or discipline level boards that are ongoing with a focus on a subject or group of subjects.
- Project level: including ad hoc or short term, with a very specific remit and established for a limited time period with a project end date.
4.3 Local areas will establish mandatory advisory boards and, where required, non-mandatory advisory boards. The number and nature of non-mandatory advisory boards (as outlined in statement 4.2) is determined by each local area based on their strategic requirements. Each board must be established with a specific and identified purpose and must align with the definition of advisory board (refer Definitions).
4.4 It is the role of the advisory board sponsor to:
- select a chair and a coordinator
- establish the board’s terms of reference, standing orders and meeting conventions (in consultation with the chair)
- ensure the board is included on the central registry (in consultation with the coordinator) (refer statement 4.5), and
- undertake board reviews.
4.5 Advisory board sponsors and coordinators must include and update all relevant advisory board information on the central registry in UTS’s enterprise customer relationship management (CRM) system.
Structure and terms of reference
4.6 Each advisory board must:
- have a sponsor, a chair and a coordinator (refer Definitions)
- have approved terms of reference, standing orders and meeting conventions
- comply with the advisory board naming conventions (refer Definitions)
- be included on the central registry.
4.7 Advisory board terms of reference must:
- outline the board’s purpose, function and expectations
- have a composition relevant to their stated function
- outline roles and responsibilities for the members, chair, sponsor and coordinator, and
- be reviewed annually by the sponsor and coordinator in consultation with the chair as appropriate.
4.8 Advisory boards must meet at least twice a year.
Chair and coordinator appointment and responsibilities
4.9 The sponsor appoints the chair and coordinator. The chair and coordinator must be different people. Any exceptions to this requirement must be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships).
4.10 University-level advisory boards must be sponsored by the Vice-Chancellor (or a member of the ULT) and have an external chair.
4.11 Local area advisory boards may have either an internal or external chair appointed by the sponsor (noting it is preferable to have an external chair where possible).
4.12 The coordinator supports the board by maintaining a current list of members in line with the board’s composition requirements, and regularly reviewing and updating this information in the central registry.
4.13 Advisory board sponsors and coordinators must provide, on request by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) or their nominee, any board information required to ensure the accuracy of the central registry.
Composition and membership
4.14 The sponsor and the chair will appoint:
- between 10 and 20 members for university and faculty level advisory boards, or
- between 5 and 10 members for school or project level advisory boards.
4.15 Advisory board composition must comprise at least 50 per cent external representatives (that is, non-academic and not from the higher education sector). Consideration should be given to include alumni as board members. Former UTS senior executive and staff are considered internal representatives.
4.16 Advisory board members are selected based on the:
- board’s purpose
- combined skills, experience and expertise of all members
- UTS diversity requirements in line with the Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy.
4.17 When appointing members, sponsors and chairs must consider the following:
- alignment with the university’s values and strategy
- standing and seniority in business, industry or the professions
- affiliation with the faculty or UTS
- understanding of/interest in higher education
- affiliation with another Australian higher education institution.
4.18 Advisory board chair and member terms of appointment are normally 2 or 3 years with a maximum consecutive membership period of 6 years. The sponsor may approve an extension to a membership beyond the 6 years where this presents a strategic or operational advantage. Time served as an advisory board chair will not count against time served as an advisory board member and vice versa.
4.19 Project level advisory board member terms of appointment are aligned to the duration of the project (normally no more than 2 years).
4.20 Where possible, memberships should be staggered to allow for a staged succession of members, ensuring the maintenance of an appropriate level of experience and continuity.
4.21 In addition to an advisory board’s formal membership, UTS staff may be invited to attend, present, report or observe meetings as required.
Professional advisory groups
4.22 UTS also recognises professional advisory groups as a subcategory of an advisory board, which may be used strategically and as required to address individual courses, curriculum or specific projects.
4.23 The terms, composition and membership are determined at the discretion of the sponsor, noting that all professional advisory groups must:
- have an identified sponsor, chair and coordinator
- be included on the central registry
- be made of up external members only (excluding the sponsor, chair and coordinator)
- not be used in place of an advisory board (mandatory or non-mandatory), and
- must transition to advisory board status where appropriate.
Due diligence and conflicts of interest
4.24 The sponsor must undertake due diligence before approaching potential board members. Further guidance is available in the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.
4.25 The sponsor and the chair must ensure that:
- members are aware of the Code of Conduct and, in particular, the requirements regarding the disclosure of conflicts (refer Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Policy)
- actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest are declared and managed in line with the Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Policy, and
- advisory board members are asked to declare to the chair any interest in relation to matters listed on the agenda as a standing item.
4.26 Advisory board members are not remunerated. At the discretion of the sponsor, and in line with the UTS Delegations and the Staff Travel, Expenses and Credit Card Policy, expenses for attending events or undertaking projects may be considered, particularly for not-for-profit members.
Records management and privacy
4.27 The sponsor must ensure that UTS confidential information is protected and classified appropriately in line with the Privacy Policy. UTS confidential information must be shared with board members only as necessary in order to effectively conduct the business of the board.
4.28 Coordinators must ensure that advisory board records are managed in line with the Records Management Policy. This includes but is not limited to:
- records of meetings (agendas, papers, signed minutes, agreed actions and attendance)
- board information (induction and information packs, and any conflicts of interest), and
- board costs (for example, catering, room bookings and cab charges).
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 Policy owner: The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) is responsible for policy enforcement and compliance, ensuring that its principles and statements are observed. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) is also responsible for approving procedures and guidelines to support the implementation of this policy and the provision of the UTS enterprise customer relationship management (CRM) system for use by sponsors and coordinators.
5.2 Policy contact: The Manager, Operations and Engagement, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) acts as a primary point of contact for advice on fulfilling the provisions of this policy.
5.3 Implementation and governance roles:
Advisory board sponsors must ensure the advisory boards within their remit comply with this policy.
Advisory board chairs and members provide advice under the remit of the board’s terms of reference and comply with this policy.
Advisory board coordinators are responsible to sponsors and chairs in line with this policy. The coordinator is responsible for tracking and updating board and membership information in the central registry at least quarterly. This must be reflected in their workplan.
6. Definitions
The following definitions apply for this policy and all associated procedures. These are in addition to the definitions outlined in Schedule 1, Student Rules. Definitions in the singular also include the plural meaning of the word.
Advisory board (also board) means a UTS body that is established to provide strategic advice to the university’s senior executive and other university leaders. They enable external engagement and collaboration with individuals in business, industry and the professions. Advisory boards as defined in this policy also include professional advisory groups, industry advisory committees, industry advisory panels and industry advisory groups.
Advisory board coordinator (also coordinator) means the person appointed by the sponsor to provide administrative support to the board and its members.
Advisory board sponsor (also sponsor) means the relevant senior staff member (normally, a member of the senior executive, dean, director or equivalent) who acts as an identified owner engaged with, and responsible for, constituting the advisory board.
Not-for-profit member means an advisory board member who represents an organisation that is recognised as being not-for-profit by the Australian Taxation Office.
Approval information
Policy contact | Manager, Operations and Engagement, Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) |
Approval authority | Vice-Chancellor |
Review date | 2025 |
File number | UR19/2760 |
Superseded documents | Industry Advisory Board Vice-Chancellor’s Directive 2012 (UR12/12/61) |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Vice-Chancellor | 09/10/2019 | 02/12/2019 | New policy. |
1.1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 22/02/2022 | 22/02/2022 | Minor change to reflect portfolio realignment under Fit for 2027 project. |
2.0 | Vice-Chancellor | 30/11/2022 | 15/12/2022 | Scheduled review resulting in multiple changes across the policy. Includes change of policy title to Industry Advisory Policy, clarification of roles and purpose of advisory boards and guidance on professional advisory groups. |
2.1 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 19/09/2024 | 23/09/2024 | Update to reflect new title of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships). |