On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Policy statements | Roles and responsibilities | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References
1. Purpose
1.1 The Space Management Policy (the policy) establishes a framework for the efficient and effective use, management and allocation of space at UTS.
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to all staff, students, affiliates and campus users and to the allocation and use of all space owned, controlled, leased or occupied by UTS in Australia.
2.2 This policy does not apply to:
- university housing (refer UTS Housing Service)
- commercial leases (refer Commercial Activities Policy)
- hiring of UTS facilities (refer Facilities Hire Policy)
- general room bookings for internal use (refer Room Bookings (Staff Connect)), and
- use of designated learning spaces for timetabled teaching and learning activities (refer Timetabling Policy).
3. Principles
3.1 UTS campus, land and buildings (hereafter space) support the UTS 2027 strategy by:
- providing high quality teaching and learning facilities
- facilitating research and innovation
- advancing the university’s strategic, operational and performance goals.
3.2 Space is allocated based on identified and substantiated needs to best support the university’s activities. The use, renewal and development of space is driven by the university’s commitment to providing high quality teaching, learning and research facilities with particular attention to the needs of students.
3.3 UTS supports and encourages shared use of spaces to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange and to promote the efficient use of space.
3.4 Flexible space configuration is encouraged to promote diverse use and to reduce the cost of repurposing and reallocation.
4. Policy statements
Space management priorities and authorities
4.1 All UTS space is centrally managed and allocated by the Property Unit under the Director, Property. The Director, Property reserves the right to restrict, prohibit or put conditions around the use of and access to space at UTS in line with this policy and the Campus Policy.
4.2 Space at UTS is cooperatively shared between all divisions, faculties and units to reduce overall demand, minimise costs, avoid duplication and increase utilisation where possible.
4.3 Space allocation, use and design decisions take into account:
- the purpose of the space allocation
- sustainability priorities under the Sustainability Policy
- safety requirements under the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy and the Campus Policy
- accessibility requirements in line with the Accessibility and Inclusion Policy
- space management strategies
- campus planning, design and development, and
- effective resource management and financial impacts.
4.4 Allocation of space is not permanent and may be subject to review to support the changing needs and priorities of the university as a whole. Space that is not fully utilised may be required to be returned to the Property Unit for reallocation.
4.5 Timetabled activities are prioritised at UTS, followed by other student needs and research-related requirements. The use of designated formal learning spaces is managed in accordance with the Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA): Space Planning Guidelines (available at Space management: UTS space standards (SharePoint)) and the Timetabling Policy.
4.6 UTS has informal learning spaces on campus that are prioritised for use by students for individual and group study.
Management and governance of allocated space
4.7 Space that is allocated to a division, faculty or unit is the responsibility of the relevant senior leader of that area (refer Definitions) who must:
- ensure the efficient and effective use of the allocated space
- release space no longer in efficient and effective use to the Head of Space Management.
4.8 Workspaces must be allocated and managed in line with the UTS Space Planning Guidelines (available at Space management: UTS space standards (SharePoint)).
4.9 In some cases, where there is a clear and substantiated requirement and rationale, the Director, Property may allocate specialist spaces (refer Definitions) for limited use.
4.10 Space may be allocated for a specific activity (for example, space required as part of a research grant or a research lab) for an agreed period under conditions determined by the Director, Property. This space must be returned to the Property Unit at the end of the agreed period.
4.11 The Property Unit will maintain an amount of unallocated/vacant space to meet future needs and to allow for flexibility (for example, relocating during refurbishment projects).
4.12 No division, faculty, unit or associated entity of the university is permitted to reallocate space without authorisation. Refer Change of use or function of allocated space.
4.13 The Property Unit conducts regular audits of space to determine the utilisation. Where the Head of Space Management determines a space is underutilised, it can be reclaimed for another purpose or left vacant for future requirements.
4.14 Space allocation and utilisation, where possible, will be reviewed against the benchmarks set by TEFMA Space Planning Guidelines (available at Space management: UTS space standards (SharePoint)). Regular reporting and advice will be provided to the Property Steering Committee.
Applications for new or additional space
4.15 Applications for new or additional space must:
- be made on the UTS space request form (available at Space management: Space governance framework (SharePoint))
- specify the use and function for which the space is required
- be endorsed by the senior leader
- be submitted to the Space Management team for assessment (refer Space management: Assessment criteria (SharePoint)) and further consultation as necessary.
4.16 In addition to the requirements outlined at statement 4.15, applications for space for research purposes must comply with the Research Office’s Research equipment, space and infrastructure principles, process and checklist (Word) (SharePoint). The checklist must be completed and approved by the faculty dean.
4.17 Approval authorities for the allocation of new or additional space are the Property Unit, the Property Steering Committee or the University Leadership Team, depending on the relevant thresholds. These approval thresholds are approved by the Chief Operating Officer and published at Space management: Approval pathway (SharePoint)).
4.18 A process map outlining the responsibilities and stages of the space allocation approval process is published at Space management: Process map (SharePoint).
4.19 The Space Management team will inform applicants of the status and determination of their request and record the approval on the UTS Space Allocation Register.
Change of use or function of allocated space
4.20 Senior leaders must request approval for any changes to the substantive use or function of an allocated space. Change of use or function requests must be submitted to the Head of Space Management in advance of any change taking place.
4.21 The Head of Space Management may either:
- approve the requested change, or
- recommend that the change request be managed as a new application (refer Applications for new or additional space).
Allocation of space to external industry partners
4.22 Normally, use of UTS space is restricted to internal use. Space will only be allocated to an external industry partner where:
- they have entered into a partnership agreement with UTS
- the allocation is approved in line with this policy
- the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) agree that the arrangement provides sufficient benefit to the university as per the established governance process
- in circumstances where the space requirement is minor (for example, one or 2 external people sharing a space with faculty researchers for a limited period), and within a faculty’s existing space allocation, the faculty dean can approve the arrangement.
4.23 An external industry partner may only commence or continue use of space allocated to them when a current licence or lease agreement for the space has been approved between the partner and UTS, regardless of the size of the space requirement.
4.24 Any changes to the allocated space must be submitted via the UTS space request form (available at Space management: Space governance framework (SharePoint)) (refer statement 4.15).
Space allocation register
4.25 The Head of Space Management will maintain the UTS space allocation register. The register will record, at a minimum, the following information:
- location of each allocated space
- name of the faculty, division or other user to which the space has been allocated
- size of the allocated space, and
- type and function of the allocated space.
4.26 Space allocation decisions made under this policy will be recorded in the register as soon as practicable by the Space Management team.
Fit out, building and refurbishment works
4.27 Requests for capital works for new or existing space is subject to an application (refer Space management: Space requests (SharePoint)) and subject to capital works budget.
4.28 The Director, Property Unit has the final right of approval or veto of any fit out, building or refurbishment work undertaken at UTS.
4.29 The UTS Design Guidelines (available at Space management: UTS space standards (SharePoint)) apply to all building works. Where existing space is not used in accordance with the guidelines, any refurbishments or modifications to improve space efficiency or space quality must be made in line with available capital works budgets and a cost benefit review.
4.30 Except where space is leased or licensed to an external user, and an alternative arrangement has been agreed, fit out of allocated spaces will be undertaken by the Capital Works team in the Property Unit in consultation with the allocated user.
Policy breaches
4.31 The Director, Property is responsible for managing breaches of this policy on behalf of the COO in accordance with the Campus Policy, the Code of Conduct, relevant Enterprise agreement, contract of employment, licence or lease agreement and/or Student Rules as appropriate.
4.32 Breaches that constitute serious wrongdoing must be managed in line with the Whistleblowing and Public Interest Disclosures Policy.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 Policy owner: The Director, Property is responsible for policy enforcement and compliance, ensuring that its principles and statements are observed. The Director, Property is also responsible for approving:
- any associated university level procedures or guidance
- space management strategies
- the UTS’s Space Planning Guidelines
- fit out, building or refurbishment work.
5.2 Policy contact: The Head of Space Management is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of this policy and acts as the primary point of contact for advice on fulfilling its provisions.
5.3 Implementation and governance roles:
The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for the establishment of the Property Steering Committee and for approving its terms of reference and composition. The COO is also responsible for the approval of the approval thresholds for the allocation of new or additional space.
Senior leaders (with a band 1 to 3 delegation) are responsible for local endorsement of space allocation requirements and overseeing the operation of this policy in their areas of responsibility.
The Senior Asset Manager is responsible for the negotiation and conclusion of any licence or lease agreement required for the allocation of space to external industry partners, including consultation with any relevant internal stakeholders.
The University Librarian is responsible for managing designated informal learning spaces on campus and in the UTS Library.
6. Definitions
The following definitions apply for this policy and all associated procedures. These are in addition to the definitions outlined in Schedule 1, Student Rules. Definitions in the singular also include the plural meaning of the word.
Allocation means the space(s) assigned by the Space Management team to divisions, units, faculties and other areas of the university to support UTS teaching, learning, research and operational activities.
Partner means an organisation engaged in a partnership agreement with UTS.
Senior leader for the purpose of this policy means the staff member with a band 1 to 3 delegation as outlined in Schedule G2 – Strategic Delegations, General Rules.
Specialist space means space that has been designed for a unique use, cannot be used for alternative purposes and therefore inherently can only be used by a small and/or specialised group of users.
Utilisation for the purpose of this policy means the measurement of the use of a particular space that takes into account the capacity, occupancy and hours of use.
Approval information
Policy contact | Head of Space Management |
Approval authority | Vice-Chancellor |
Review date | 2029 |
File number | UR24/2178 |
Superseded documents | None |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Vice-Chancellor | 25/11/2024 | 28/11/2024 | New policy. |
Accessibility and Inclusion Policy
Research equipment, space and infrastructure principles, process and checklist (Word) (SharePoint)
Space management (SharePoint)
Space request form (available at Space management: Space governance framework (SharePoint))
Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association (TEFMA): Space Planning Guidelines (available at Space management: UTS space standards (SharePoint))
UTS Design Guidelines (available at Space management: UTS space standards (SharePoint))
UTS Space Planning Guidelines – Workspace (available at Space management: UTS space standards (SharePoint))