On this page
Purpose | Scope | Principles | Policy statements | Roles and responsibilities | Definitions | Approval information | Version history | References | Appendix 1: The Honorary Titles Panel
1. Purpose
1.1 The Honorary Titles and Awards Policy (the policy) outlines conditions for the:
- nomination and conferral of honorary awards
- naming of academic and physical entities of the university (honour naming), and
- awarding of honorary titles.
2. Scope
2.1 This policy applies to all:
- staff and Council members involved in the administration and approval of honorary titles, honorary awards and honour naming, and
- honorary award holders, honorary title holders and those individuals, organisations and entities conferred with an honour name.
2.2 This policy does not cover:
- naming of prizes (refer Scholarships and Prizes Policy)
- giving or receiving donations (refer Philanthropic Fundraising Policy)
- key technology partnerships (refer Key Technology Partners)
- honorary awards, honorary titles and honour names (including recognition names) conferred or awarded before January 2019
- honorary awards, honorary titles and honour names conferred or awarded to UTS staff or affiliates by external bodies.
3. Principles
3.1 In line with the Recruitment and Appointment Policy, the principles of workforce diversity, strategic alignment, equality of opportunity and transparency of process apply for this policy.
3.2 Honorary awards and titles should be conferred:
- in line with the UTS 2027 strategy, promoting collaboration with industry, government, research and educational partners
- on the basis of merit, with a focus on the potential for positive contributions to the university’s strategy, commitments, values (including diversity and gender representation) and culture.
3.3 Honour naming should be:
- conferred for a specified period of time, and not conferred in perpetuity
- made on the basis of merit and positive contributions to the university’s strategy, commitments, values (including diversity and gender representation) and culture.
3.4 The Code of Conduct, the Research Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy and the Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy apply to all those under the scope of this policy.
3.5 Staff and external parties must be aware of, disclose and manage any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest in line with the Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Policy.
4. Policy statements
Honorary awards nomination and conferral
4.1 Honorary awards are defined in Schedule 1, Student Rules. Honorary awards are determined by Council and listed in section 14, Student Rules.
4.2 Council, on the recommendation of the Honorary Awards Committee, the Vice-Chancellor or the Chancellor may confer an honorary award on an individual who has:
- a meaningful relationship with UTS, and
- made an outstanding contribution (refer table 4.7: UTS honorary awards).
4.3 The University Secretary invites nominations for honorary awards on an annual basis. Nominations can be made by deans, directors or members of the senior executive on the honorary awards nomination form available from the University Secretary.
4.4 Urgent nominations arising outside the annual process should be sent directly to the Vice-Chancellor or Chancellor for consideration.
4.5 Nominators must ensure that their nomination is accurate and all required sections are completed, including background checks as appropriate (as advised in the guidelines for nominations).
4.6 The University Secretary coordinates honorary award nominations for evaluation by the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor evaluates all nominations based on quality, calibre and standing before further submission to Council's Honorary Awards Committee.
4.7 Table 4.7 supports section 14, Student Rules by outlining criteria for recipients. Council may determine to confer a different category of award than the one recommended by the Honorary Awards Committee if, based on the criteria, it considers such an award more appropriate to the stated contribution of the proposed recipient.
Table 4.7 UTS honorary awards
Honorary award category | Recipient criteria and area of outstanding contribution |
An honorary doctorate (relevant to the recipient’s discipline or profession) | Scholarship or professional practice in one or more disciplines or professions of interest to the university. The advancement of society in Australia or overseas. |
Honorary Doctor of the University | The achievement of the university's vision, as well as enhancing its reputation and standing at a national and international level. |
Fellow of the University | Business, industry, government, a profession or the arts, as well as a contribution to the university's strategic priorities. It is expected that the recipients of this award will continue to contribute to the university. |
UTS Distinguished Service Award | Contribution to UTS, specifically to recognise any member of the university community who has:
Emeritus awards
| Emeritus professorships may be conferred on professors of the university who, normally, have been a professor, active in their respective disciplines, for at least 10 years. To be eligible for consideration, a UTS professor will have completed (or be about to complete) their substantive role at UTS, normally at the point of retirement. Recipients conferred with an emeritus professor award should have made an outstanding contribution to the university or wider community and have met at least 2 of the following criteria:
Chancellor or vice-chancellor emeritus awards will normally be conferred on completion (or retirement) from their role as chancellor or vice-chancellor. Recipients will:
Normally, vice-chancellor emeritus and chancellor emeritus awards will be conferred automatically by Council on retirement or resignation from the respective office. |
4.8 Honorary awards will be conferred at a university event approved by the Chancellor and must be conferred within 2 years of the nomination approval. Honorary awards, with the exception of the UTS Distinguished Service Award, will not be conferred on UTS staff during their employment with UTS.
4.9 Conferral of an honorary award recognises contribution and does not provide the recipient with any university responsibilities, privileges or authority. Recipients should not present themselves as being recipients of an award of the university (in the form of an award course as defined in Schedule 1, Student Rules).
4.10 Honorary awards are ongoing. Rescissions of honorary awards are managed in line with Rule 14.3.
4.11 Council, on the recommendation of the Honorary Awards Committee, can approve emeritus awards for conferral (normally) on retirement or after the Council decision date, whichever is later.
Honour naming nomination and conferral
4.12 UTS may recognise substantial support (normally, donations or sponsorships from individuals or organisations), distinguished service or outstanding contributions to the university through honour naming. Honour naming may apply to a structure, facility, collection, academic program or chair including the following entities:
- university buildings or parts of buildings
- outdoor physical features of the university such as green spaces, sports facilities and walkways
- university bodies such as faculties, departments, centres, schools and institutes
- academic positions such as chairs, professorships, lectureships and fellowships
- academic awards, such as awards for excellence in teaching
- academic programs, such as visiting lectureships and lecture series
- student awards for excellence or merit, including scholarships and fellowships, and
- collections such as library and art collections.
4.13 The honour naming of an entity must be reasonable and proportionate to the contribution made by the individual or organisation. An individual’s or organisation’s name will be honour named only once. Any exceptions must be considered by Council.
4.14 Council may, from time to time, establish minimum amounts below which honour naming of academic and physical entities will not be considered.
4.15 Honour naming proposals should be submitted to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) or the Vice-President (Advancement) for a full evaluation. The nominator is responsible for the content, quality and accuracy of the proposal. Proposals should include:
- internal and external consultation on the merits of the proposal
- a strategic impact and advantage assessment, particularly in the context of the university's strategy for obtaining sponsorships for its structures, facilities and programs, and
- a background check and risk assessment of the proposal as advised in the guidelines for nominations.
4.16 Proposals to honour name an academic or physical entity in recognition of a UTS staff member will not be considered until after the individual has left the university.
4.17 The form and duration of the honour name will be agreed and documented in consultation with the individual or organisation (or the relevant trustee(s)) as part of the approval proposal. The form of honour name should be in line with the UTS brand and visual identity (Staff Connect) and the Publications style guide (SharePoint).
4.18 On review, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) or the Vice-President (Advancement), in consultation, may submit the proposal with an evaluation report to either the Vice-Chancellor or Council’s Honorary Awards Committee, as appropriate to the proposed honour name. In exceptional circumstances, approvals for university entities may proceed direct to Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor.
4.19 Honour names are approved in line with this policy and the UTS Delegations.
- University buildings, parts of buildings, outdoor features, facilities, departments, centres, schools and institutes, academic programs and collections are approved by Council on the recommendation of Council's Honorary Awards Committee.
- Academic positions, including academic chairs, academic awards and student awards are approved by the Vice-Chancellor.
4.20 The Chancellor will contact the individual or organisation who is being recognised by the university and must acknowledge the honour name in writing.
4.21 Proposals for honour naming physical or academic entities not listed in this policy require approval from the Vice-Chancellor and Council.
Honour naming discontinuation or amendments
4.22 Amendments to honour names are approved by the relevant approval authority and may include changing or modifying the entity’s name where the name of the organisation (or individual) has changed.
4.23 Discontinuation of an honour name is made by the relevant approval authority in line with any contractual agreements made at the time the honour name is conferred.
4.24 UTS may also choose to discontinue the use of a name at any time, in particular where the individual or organisation:
- acts or is seen to have acted in a manner that is inconsistent with the university's values and/or behavioural expectations as outlined in the Code of Conduct and the Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy
- has failed to meet their pledged commitments to the university, and/or
- has otherwise come into disrepute.
4.25 Where circumstances require, the Vice-Chancellor has authority to amend or withdraw any use of an honour name and report any such changes to the next meeting of Council.
Honorary title nomination and approval
4.26 Honorary titles (outlined in table 4.26) may be conferred:
- based on merit and achievement to an individual in recognition of their position or significant contribution to teaching, research or the wider community, and
- commensurate with expectations for UTS academic staff positions as outlined in the Academic Promotion Policy.
Table 4.26: UTS honorary titles
Honorary title and category | Criteria | Approval authority |
Adjunct (academic)
| Adjunct academic titles are awarded to academics from other universities on the basis of their achievements, expertise and contribution to teaching or research. Adjunct academics may hold (or have retired from) a corresponding position at another university in a field of relevance to UTS. Adjunct academics will have a continuing relationship with and provide benefit to UTS. Adjunct titles are awarded for up to 3 years duration. | Adjunct fellows are approved by deans or directors in line with normal recruitment, review and vetting processes. Adjunct associate professors and professors are endorsed by deans or directors and approved by the Provost on the recommendation of the Honorary Titles Panel (Appendix 1). |
Adjunct (industry)
| Adjunct industry titles are awarded on the basis of expertise and recognition in business, public sector, not-for-profit, professional or cultural communities. Adjunct industry title holders are non-academic and may hold (or be retired from) an appropriate and/or corresponding position in industry, business, public sector, professional or cultural communities in a field of relevance to UTS. Adjunct industry title holders will have a continuing relationship with and provide benefit to UTS. Adjunct titles are awarded for up to 3 years duration. | Industry and professional fellows are approved by deans or directors in line with normal recruitment, review and vetting processes. Adjunct associate professors and professors are endorsed by deans or directors and approved by the Provost on the recommendation of the Honorary Titles Panel (Appendix 1). |
Visiting academic
| Visiting academic titles are normally awarded to individuals who simultaneously hold appropriate and/or corresponding academic positions in another Australian or overseas university. Visiting academic titles may also be awarded to individuals of professional eminence in a field relevant to UTS. Visiting titles are awarded for a finite period (no longer than one year) to engage in teaching, learning or other scholarly activity. | Visiting academic titles are approved by deans or directors in line with normal recruitment, review and vetting processes. |
| Clinical titles are awarded to:
Clinical titles are awarded for a finite period (no longer than one year) for teaching, learning or other scholarly activity. | Clinical titles are approved by deans or directors in line with normal recruitment, review and vetting processes. |
4.27 Nominations for honorary titles, including all relevant supporting documentation (and background checks as appropriate), must be made in line with the information at Honorary appointments (Staff Connect)).
4.28 UTS does not limit the number of honorary titles made annually, however, honorary titles (particularly adjuncts) must be made with care and attention to the high status of the title.
4.29 Titles may be awarded jointly, between 2 or more faculties and/or institutes, to enhance research and/or teaching collaborations.
4.30 Current UTS staff are not normally awarded honorary titles, however, in line with the university’s strategy, UTS staff may be considered for an appropriate honorary title by the Honorary Titles Panel (refer Appendix 1) approved by the Provost.
4.31 Approvals of all adjunct, clinical and visiting titles must be kept on a register managed by the People Unit. This should be available for reporting purposes to Council or the senior executive on request.
4.32 Formal honorary titles and associated terms and conditions will be presented in writing by the People Unit. Offers should be accepted by the award recipient in writing.
4.33 The award offer will contain the following details:
- the nature of the honorary title
- the faculty or unit where the recipient will work
- the duration of the title appointment
- rights, entitlements and obligations (in line with this policy)
- the supervisor, host and/or contact for the recipient
- the duties of the position
- if applicable, expenses to be reimbursed by UTS
- any relevant insurance information
- any special conditions relating to the title, and
- the ownership of intellectual property.
4.34 Individuals will hold an honorary title for the period as outlined in this policy (refer table 4.26). Reappointments of titles must follow the honorary title approval process.
Honorary title holder obligations and entitlements
4.35 Honorary title holders are not considered university staff and are not bound by UTS's Enterprise agreements. However, honorary titles confer on the recipient some:
- rights and privileges provided to academic staff, for example, use of the UTS Library and the university’s IT services (refer Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy), and
- obligations in accordance with terms and conditions, which require title holders to discharge their duties in line with the university’s values, rules, policies and delegations.
4.36 The specific duties of each honorary title holder will be negotiated between the title holder, dean or director, the approval authority and the People Unit.
4.37 Honorary title holders must have a right to work in Australia. Honorary title holders must obtain an appropriate visa from the Department of Home Affairs in order to take up their honorary title and be able to receive reimbursement of expenses or any form of payment from UTS. In some instances UTS may sponsor the visa of an honorary title holder.
4.38 Honorary title holders may be asked to perform duties, including but not limited to:
- research collaboration and participation opportunities through joint research projects and grant applications
- external advice or supervisory positions for postgraduate students (refer Graduate Research and Supervision Policy) and/or assessment of senior undergraduate or postgraduate students
- contribution to curricula and/or teaching (including guest lectures and participation in the delivery of executive education and short forms of learning)
- contribution to activities associated with developing UTS’s external relationships with industry and community
- representation of UTS in professional forums, conferences and public seminars
- contribution to UTS’s profile and reputation through public dissemination of knowledge and intellectual engagement (including contributing to The Conversation), and
- staff and/or student engagement, development or mentoring.
4.39 Honorary title holders may not hold the position of research project leader (defined in the Research Policy) or equivalent on any research project awarded to UTS unless approved by the dean of the relevant faculty or institute.
4.40 Honorary title holders will not normally receive remuneration (including honorarium, consultancy fees or other salary payment). Honorary title holders (with a right to work in Australia) may be remunerated for undertaking specific assignments, for which they will be issued with a separate contract.
4.41 Deans and directors may approve the reimbursement of expenses reasonably associated with the duties of an honorary title holder in line with the Delegations and the Staff Travel, Expenses and Credit Card Policy.
4.42 Honorary title holders are not covered by UTS workers compensation insurance. However, honorary title holders are covered by the following UTS insurance policies when engaged in activities on behalf of the university:
- public liability and professional indemnity insurance
- personal accident insurance for limited expenses that are not covered under Medicare or private medical insurance
- UTS’s travel insurance when travelling directly to or from university activities in line with the Staff Travel, Expenses and Credit Card Policy.
Honorary title discontinuation or termination
4.43 An honorary title may be terminated at any time in writing by the recipient or UTS. UTS may terminate an honorary title where:
- the continuation is considered to be against Australia’s or the university’s best interests
- the title holder has acted in a manner inconsistent with UTS values, behavioural expectations or strategic priorities
- the title holder has breached UTS rules, delegations or policies, and/or
- conditions associated with the honorary title have changed (for example, the end of external employment or appointment to a UTS staff position).
4.44 Terminations may be requested via the relevant dean or director and must be authorised by the relevant approval authority. A letter of termination will be issued by the People Unit following the approval of a request for termination.
5. Roles and responsibilities
5.1 Policy owner: The Provost, on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, is responsible for policy review, enforcement and compliance, ensuring that its principles and statements are observed. The Provost is also responsible for the approval of any associated university-level procedures and for the approval of honorary titles as outlined in this policy.
5.2 Policy contacts: The University Secretary acts as the primary point of contact for this policy and is responsible for coordinating the review and evaluation of all nominations for honorary awards for submission to Council’s Honorary Awards Committee. The University Secretary is also responsible for approving the honorary awards nomination form.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships) and the Vice-President (Advancement) are responsible for the review and evaluation of honour name proposals and endorsement for submission to the Honorary Awards Committee and for specific duties in relation to the Honorary Titles Panel (refer Appendix 1).
5.3 Implementation and governance roles:
Council's Honorary Awards Committee is responsible for duties outlined under its terms of reference and this policy.
The Honorary Titles Panel is responsible for duties outlined under its terms of reference (refer Appendix 1) and this policy.
Council is responsible for approving all honorary awards.
Deans and directors are responsible for recommending honorary title approvals and terminations, approving some honorary title appointments and approving the reimbursement of funds as outlined in this policy.
The People Unit is responsible for making written offers of appointment, managing the register of honorary titles, developing templates, forms and systems as required, and coordinating employer sponsorship approvals through the Department of Home Affairs (for applicants to request sponsorship visas). The People Unit is also responsible for maintaining the information at Honorary appointments (Staff Connect).
Faculties and institutes may publish lists of their adjunct title holders.
6. Definitions
These definitions apply for this policy and all associated procedures. These are in addition to the definitions outlined in Schedule 1, Student Rules. Definitions in the singular include the plural meaning of the word.
Affiliate is defined in the Code of Conduct.
Chair, for the purpose of this policy, means an honorary academic title (at the level of professor) in recognition of significant contribution to scholarship, research or academic development.
Donation is defined in the Philanthropic Fundraising Policy.
Honorary award is defined in Schedule 1, Student Rules.
Honorary title is defined in statement 4.26 of this policy.
Honour naming means the process of naming a structure, facility, collection, academic program or chair in honour of an individual or organisation as described in statement 4.12 of this policy.
Retired or retiring means an individual’s retirement from their prominent position at UTS, at or around the normal age of retirement, irrespective of further involvement with the university.
Right to work in Australia is outlined and defined in the Recruitment and Appointment Policy.
Staff is defined in the Code of Conduct.
Approval information
Policy contact | University Secretary |
Approval authority | Council |
Review date | 2025 |
File number | UR18/3340 |
Superseded documents | Honorary Appointments Vice-Chancellor's Directive (UR97/0243) Recognition Naming Policy (UR09/556) University Honours Policy (UR07/525) |
Version history
Version | Approved by | Approval date | Effective date | Sections modified |
1.0 | Council (COU/18-6/129) | 28/11/2018 | 01/01/2019 | New policy. |
1.1 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 27/06/2019 | 02/09/2019 | Honour naming nomination and conferral section amended to reflect amendment to the delegation. |
Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 21/08/2019 | 02/09/2019 | Process for awarding honorary titles clarified, and terminology relating to conferrals (of awards) and awarding (of titles) corrected. | |
1.2 | Council (COU/20-2/31) | 15/04/2020 | 25/05/2020 | Changing references from the former Fundraising Policy to the Philanthropic Fundraising Policy and the addition of the Vice-President (Advancement) as having approval authority. |
1.3 | Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 09/03/2021 | 16/04/2021 | Amendments to reflect updates resulting from the Policy Impact Project (2020). |
2.0 | Council (COU/22-1/14) | 16/02/2022 | 02/03/2022 | Amendments and updates resulting from the scheduled three-year review and changes to titles and policy contact in response to Fit for 2027. |
2.1 | Council (COU/23-6/130) | 29/11/2023 | 12/12/2023 | Changes to emeritus award conditions (table 4.7), confirmation of nomination form approvers and expansion of the distinguished service award categories. |
Director, Governance Support Unit (Delegation 3.14.1) | 16/11/2023 | Changes to reflect the new Academic Integrity Policy. | ||
2.2 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 20/06/2024 | 08/07/2024 | Updates to reflect the review of the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy and the Information Security Policy. |
2.3 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 19/09/2024 | 23/09/2024 | Update to reflect new title of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships). |
2.4 | Deputy Director, Corporate Governance (Delegation 3.14.2) | 01/11/2024 | 07/11/2024 | Update to reflect new location for the publications style guide. |
Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Policy
Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy
Honorary appointments (Staff Connect)
Philanthropic Fundraising Policy
Publications Style Guide (SharePoint)
Recruitment and Appointment Policy
Student Rules: section 14, Schedule 1
UTS brand and visual identity (Staff Connect)
Appendix 1: The Honorary Titles Panel
The Honorary Titles Panel (the panel) is responsible for considering proposals for the award of senior honorary adjunct titles as outlined in the policy.
Membership and composition
The panel comprises the following members:
- Provost — convenor
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students)
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement and Partnerships)
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)
- Chair of Academic Board.
The panel may seek advice from others in relation to specific proposals for appointment of honorary titles in line with the policy.
Terms of reference
1. The panel will make recommendations to the Provost for approval of adjunct professor and adjunct associate professor in line with the policy.
2. The panel will operate as needed (normally once a year) as directed by the Provost to consider nominations as follows.
Adjunct title | Panel members to be consulted |
Adjunct Professor (academic) Adjunct Associate Professor (academic) |
Adjunct Professor (industry) |
3. In making recommendations for the award of honorary titles, the panel will give due consideration to the calibre of the individual nominee, the university’s strategic priorities and the need to preserve the high status of these titles.
4. In meeting, the panel will also:
- note the consolidated list of deans' appointments, panel recommendations and all appointments made by the Provost
- consider the university's strategic requirements, and
- consider the need to establish or review precedence for honorary title appointments.
5. The panel may request information from the People Unit on any senior honorary title appointments to facilitate review or decision-making.
6. The panel may make recommendations for amendment or review of the policy and any associated procedures.