Global Consultation on Producing and Developing an Appropriate Midwifery Workforce for Low and Middle Income Countries. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Date: 2012
WHO CC involvement: Caroline Homer
A global consultation with Midwifery Educators, clinicians and service planners was instigated by the World Health Organization with the expressed aim of deliberating how to improve the midwifery workforce in low and middle income nations. The focus of the consultation was on the dissemination of current work on improving maternal health through strengthening midwifery and the review and edit of competencies for midwifery teachers’ development.
Both of these initiatives will be further developed with the intent of finalising and publishing the work towards the middle of 2013. Valuable insight was gained into the planning of midwifery services in low and middle income countries through listening to the presentations and discussing in depth with colleagues who are teaching midwives in other countries. It was affirmed the Maternal and Child Health Initiative (WHO CC UTS and WHO) in Papua New Guinea is in line with current international practice and that the challenges we face are similar in other parts of the world.