Research at UTS Law - Our Academics
1 minute 44 seconds
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David Carter: My research focuses on criminal law and health care.
Anais Tobalagba: The accountability and due diligence obligations for mining companies that are involved in violence against women.
Sacha Molitorisz: Ethics is my focus, but also the law and media.
Thalia Anthony: Criminal justice, particularly the impacts on indigenous people.
Laurie Berg: Justice claims of temporary migrant workers in Australia.
Honni van Rijswijk: Having the opportunity to write at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary research requires a faculty that is more adventurous in its outlook than the normal law faculty.
Thalia Anthony: UTS is really strong in terms of the stand it takes on social justice.
Anais Tobalagba: The reason I decided to come to UTS, and in particular the Faculty of Law, is the focus of UTS in innovation. My research is quite innovative, in a way, because it’s a very new branch of international law.
David Carter: The impact of my research is really about trying to lessen the negative impacts of health care on the lives of Australians and other elsewhere, and so the impact that I’m looking for is to make sure that we reduce the number of health care-related harm, reduce the number of deaths and that we increase the support for doctors, patients and others in tackling this really huge problem.
Sacha Molitorisz: In the Faculty of Law here, one of the specific goals there is you might have impact on law and policy, and you might impact governments, people in positions where they can change government policies.