Represent over 45,000 students and bring your experience, skills, insight and interest to the work of UTS's boards and committees.
Represent your fellow students
UTS encourages all students to participate in UTS boards and committees. In doing so, you’ll be able to:
- contribute to important discussions and decision-making on a range of matters that directly shape the university experience
- network with other students, staff and professionals from across UTS
- gain valuable skills in advocacy, policy, governance, negotiation and teamwork
- have your say on the strategic direction of UTS.
Your experience may be noted on your AHEGS statement when you graduate. Visit Committee participation and your AHEGS.
What will I need to do as an elected representative?
As a student representative, generally, you'll need to:
- attend meetings (usually 2-6 a year, depending on the committee) and take part in discussions
- prepare for meetings by reviewing papers, including matters requiring discussion or voting
- talk to your peers to seek student feedback, ideas and recommendations on topical issues
- collaborate with other student leaders to contribute during meetings and work on ad hoc projects
- attend special meetings or conferences on behalf of UTS
- maintain confidentiality where required.
If you're interested in getting involved, think about your availability to prepare for and attend committee meetings. Meeting dates are set a year in advance.
What committees can I join?
You can join the following UTS committees. Position details and contacts are available on each committee’s website.
UTS Council
UTS Council is UTS's governing body where decision-making at the highest level takes place.
There are 2 elected positions for students on UTS Council.
The UTS Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Chair of Academic Board, as well as business and industry professionals from fields such as education, technology, research and innovation, are all members of Council.
Student/Council Liaison Group
Student/Council Liaison Group is a forum for students, UTS Council members and senior management to talk about policy and governance matters relevant to the student body.
There are 10 elected positions for students, made up of the 2 elected student members of Council and 8 elected student members from Academic Board. There are also several places filled by student office holders including the presidents of the UTS Students’ Association and ActivateUTS.
Academic Board
Academic Board is the main advisory body to UTS Council on academic matters. It considers and debates UTS’s academic directions and quality of academic programs.
There are 9 elected positions for students on Academic Board. Other members include senior members of the university’s teaching, learning and research staff and faculty staff.
Academic Board committees
Many of the committees that report to Academic Board have elected and appointed positions for students. Visit Academic Board committees.
Faculty boards
Each UTS faculty has its own faculty board, which is the faculty’s primary forum for discussing and resolving academic issues and matters.
Each faculty board has a number of elected positions for students.
Indigenous committees
UTS has student positions on the Vice-Chancellor’s Indigenous Strategies Committee, Indigenous Research Committee and Indigenous Teaching and Learning Committee. A call for expressions of interest is sent annually to all Indigenous students to fill these positions.
Student Misconduct Appeals Committee
The committee adjudicate cases involving student conduct and academic integrity. Students are appointed to the committee on the recommendation of faculty deans.
ActivateUTS Board
ActivateUTS operates bars, cafes and food outlets across the UTS campus. It's also responsible for the registration of official UTS student clubs.
The governing board of ActivateUTS has seven elected positions for student directors. See ActivateUTS: About us to find out about being a representative on the ActivateUTS Board.
UTS Students’ Association
UTS Students’ Association is an independent and democratic organisation run by students, for students.
How do I join a committee or board?
Most student positions on UTS boards and committees are filled through the annual student elections. Eligible students can stand for these positions with the support of two of their peers endorsing their nomination. Generally, student term lengths are one year, except for UTS Council, which is two years.
Visit UTS Elections and Code of Conduct for information about standing in elections.
About elections
Election details will be sent to eligible UTS students at your email address before nominations open.
Nomination forms and other information about student elections will be available on UTS Elections during nomination and voting periods.
Results are published around 2 weeks after voting closes. Visit elections results for the outcome of recent elections.
For any elections inquiries, email
Committee participation and your AHEGS
Recognition for your participation and your AHEGS
The Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) lists the positions of responsibility you held during your time as a student at UTS and the details of any awards or extracurricular activities connected with the university, for example your involvement in sports or societies. Your AHEGS accompanies your official transcript when you graduate from UTS and is a helpful document for employers to confirm your achievements.
Your committee participation, including the number of meetings you attended, may be noted on your AHEGS. This applies only to selected committees that are participating in the AHEGS scheme. Email for more information.
At the conclusion of your term you will also receive a letter of recognition issued by UTS, signed by the Vice-Chancellor or faculty dean as appropriate to your position.