The UTS Startups Awards are an annual celebration of the incredible technology-enabled startups at UTS, and the flagship event in the UTS Startups Festival.
UTS Startups Awards 2020
Founders specialising in clean energy, social enterprise, biomedical, fintech, and marketplaces pitched live from the UTS Great Hall on Thursday 10 September 2020. After live judging, we're thrilled to announce the next generation entrepreneurs who are building Australia's future.
Meet the 2020 UTS Startups Awards winners

We would like to begin by acknowledging the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation
Upon whose ancestral lands UTS stands. We pay respects to Elders past and present acknowledging
them as the traditional
custodians of knowledge for the land. And with that
Welcome to the UTS Startup Awards 2020.
So glad you made it. We all
We made it! They made it! Exciting, and
lots and lots of people made it at home as well.
We've got some zoomers like right up there in that little camera. Everyone wave!
We can see you all right now. Thank you for watching us
And we've also got some cool cats tuning in via Ausbiz, which is awesome. So really really
good to see all of you guys
This is Emma.
Hello welcome. Thanks for coming, and this is Dave.
Again, thanks for coming!
We are your hosts for tonight and thank you so much already, just on the outset; for being
flexible for sitting 1.5
metres apart from everyone
For eating out of your snack packs, for dropping off your luggage as you came in
Really really helpful of you all to do that. So tonight we've got a whole bunch happening
We're here to see some incredible startups
But again
It's just all about you guys here being with us supporting us supporting our startups and
you guys at home
Supporting our startups and we're just gonna do it all together, which is gonna be fun.
Sounds good. Is everyone excited for it?
I probably know someone who's I would say the most excited in this whole place about
So we're just going to get him up here/
Yeah, that's you Murray yes, all right, so why don't you give a big round of applause
for our Director of Entrepreneurship, Murray Hurps. (Applause).
Thank you very much okay. A round of applause please for Emma and Dave. (Applause).
Can we try that again because we've got like 50 people in here
We've got like 500 people streaming in and they need to hear you. So please round of
applause for Emma and Dave. (Applause).
That's better
Okay, we need more of that tonight. Thank you very much. We have an incredible team
at UTS Startups that everyone here already knows
But i'll say also that there's an incredible night ahead so stay tuned this is going to
be really good
Last year firstly i'm Murray Hurps, Director of Entrepreneurship for UTS
My job normally is to get up and make a fool of myself at the start
To make life a little bit easier for everyone presenting after me
But it's 2020, and I thought maybe not the right time to be doing that
I'm going to say something important instead.
So last year we had about 200 people join us for these awards; that was fantastic. This
thanks to our stream and Ausbiz TV, we've got over 500 people watching. Hello people
at home sitting on couches. Thank you for joining.
Technology allows us to do incredible things,
that is obvious.
But will Australia use technology to do more than watch me
do an awards program?
We're in the middle of a pandemic and a recession. Will Australia use technology to recover and
to thrive?
When I was much younger, when I was in primary school, my parents didn't give me pocket money.
They gave me water tanks big water tanks and they said: “Muzz”.
“Stand on the side of the road and sell water tanks”.
It was a different time.
When I was in high school, I got the internet.
And using the internet I learned to develop software and to distribute that software to
hundreds of millions of people around the world.
Technology had enabled me to do something I couldn't do before and to reach an audience
that I couldn't reach before.
And that is
technology enabled entrepreneurship,
or “startups” that we keep banging on about.
And that's why they're important. That's they're much better than trying to sell tanks on the
side of the road.
And they're what Australia needs.
We can choose to recover quickly,
to thrive if we choose to.
And we need to be creating the solutions that make sense today using technology. We need
to be
Addressing all the people around the world using technology. We need to realize the opportunity
that we all have,
and that Australia has.
And most of all
We need to encourage this in other people. We need to support this in other people and
we need to celebrate this in other people.
Starting tonight.
Tonight, you're going to see some incredible examples of
people at UTS making incredible solutions using technology and providing them to the
And I need your help.
I need your help encouraging these people, supporting these people and celebrating these
Can you do that?
For people at home. There's actually quite a small number of people here. If you can't
see on the stream.
But they're very enthusiastic. Thank you very much for that
Where was I?
I should have expected this when I joined a university of technology.
And my wonderful boss Margaret Petty did warn me about this, but every day
I see people using technology here to do incredible entrepreneurial things.
These people are amazing and i'm looking at them here.
They are inspirational.
They are my heroes and they are the people that give me hope
That after this pandemic is behind us. We will have a better Australia to look forward
I I really do love these people
And everyone else in the community. We have 374
student-launched startups today. I love them all. They're all
inspirations and amazing people.
I also love UTS,
and the things that are possible here that are this not possible anywhere else.
So thank you for joining i'm going to pause and introduce someone very special now someone
that I think is
the reason,
or one of the main reasons for UTS being the incredible special place that it is
Our Vice Chancellor and champion for technology enabled entrepreneurs, please welcome Attila
Brungs. (Applause).
Thank you, Murray.
And a very warm welcome to you all. It is a kind of an exciting evening,
something that i've been looking forward to for a while.
Again, this COVID period; having so many people in this room celebrating the incredible ideas
that you'll see tonight, is just going to be very
As I often say, universities have a unique role in society.
We exist for public good not just those who come through our doors but for all of society.
And that's easy to say, but much harder to do.
We are living in interesting and challenging times when our role as a public institution,
focusing on how we can help society, is even more critical than it ever has been.
And regardless how challenging the circumstances get, we must continue to provide those benefits
for society
Many of the startups you hear tonight are designed to do just that
The things that they are creating the things that they are doing will bring real and concrete
benefits to our society
when we need it most
Tonight you'll meet UTS's finest entrepreneurial talent people have created tech enabled startups
that will really play
a deliberate role in Australia's recovery and regrowth from the COVID 19 pandemic, and
not only that they've done this alongside their studies,
and doing their studies in challenging and changing times.
These are people who can clearly do everything.
I feel inspired by UTS students at all times.
But particularly tonight. I feel inspired by the community who's going to play such
a vital role in reshaping our society.
When we need it most and as a University, I cannot stress how important it is.
That we also support our students beyond their studies to give them skills that will help
them be successful not just in their future career,
but in their lives.
Programs like UTS Startups programs that Murray's team have done, are critical to developing
these skills.
And these are skills which you don't often learn just in the classroom.
And by doing this we also give them the skills that will help them make this positive impact
that I spoke about, in Australia's future
When people look at universities they often see
the research impact that we have. “So this is how universities can change the world”.
I say pretty much at every graduation when I look out. Normally, I do look out at faces
of students
I haven't done that for a little while, I must confess. But when I look at the faces
of students,
it is the people in the room.
They're the ones
who have the impact, they're the ones. By supporting them, that enables universities
ourselves to have impact.
So each person here tonight will have an amplifying impact.
They're going to do good work with the skills that they've learned in their studies and
in programs like UTS Startups.
They'll meet people, they'll change people's minds and through that again have an amplifying
impact on the world around them, and it wouldn't be possible
without programs such as we have here; inspiring, enabling and nurturing this talent.
So not only does UTS have the largest community of student-launched startups in Australia,
It has one of the most well supported programs in all of Australia. Some startups are working
with academics to amplify research.
Using the facilities including amazing algae research to innovate new and sustainable products.
Some are creating equal opportunity like Maslow, who's using
inclusive design to help young people living with paralysis live independent lives.
And some are working across a whole host of disciplines at UTS,
cherry-picking the best ideas right around the university to provide better medical technologies,
creating learning video games that target social resilience for people with autism spectrum
And these are just a few you'll see a whole lot more tonight
and when you see them you like I
Will realize that we couldn't be in safer hands again
One of the joys of being a Vice Chance is I get to see all the students going through
and that makes me feel relaxed. I read the papers and I get worried. Then, I see the
students and I relax. Because
our future is in their hands and as you see tonight, we're in very safe hands. And once
again, thank you for coming. (Applause).
That makes me so happy only UTS as a Vice Chancellor
They can speak with that much authority on entrepreneurship and actually from his own
We are a University of Technology but i'll also say that I think we're in New South Wales,
and that is a state
for technology as well. We're very lucky tonight to be joined by the Deputy Secretary for jobs
investment and tourism
Under New South Wales Treasury, Kim Curtin. Please welcome her (applause).
Kim has kindly agreed to be a judge tonight, which is not an easy task.
But i'll say it's easier than getting up and pitching!
We are also very lucky to have tonight a special welcome message
From the honourable Stuart Ayers, Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western
Sydney. Please take it away Stuart.
Hello, everyone
My name's Stuart Ayers and i'm the New South Wales Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism
and Western Sydney.
And to all the UTS students who are participating in today's startup awards program. I want
to say an absolute congratulations
to all of your efforts up until this point in time.
It's absolutely spectacular to see 300 startups being delivered by UTS students. It’s a
wonderful opportunity
to recognise and celebrate your successes.
It's quite a dynamic environment when it comes to startups and technology in Sydney right
UTS is working very closely with the government around the delivery of our new Tech Central
economic development precinct
which will be the home of startup culture across Sydney.
We want to build on the successes of the Sydney Startup Hub and follow from the very early
stage beginnings of startups right through
to those Australian champions like Atlassian who are going to call Tech Central home.
For me personally, I think it's fantastic that you're at the leading edge of job creation.
The jobs that you're creating through your startups don't exist in many other locations.
You're the future jobs drivers of the future
You're the people that are going to create those new jobs for new employees
and an environment that's changing our economy in the post COVID world.
It's going to be you guys that lead the way, so take the time out today
to recognise and congratulate yourself on the fantastic work that you've done now celebrate
your successes because we need your ideas,
your innovation to drive the future of the Australian economy. Have a great day. (Applause).
So let's start with an award shall we, because we like to do things a little bit differently
here at UTS Startups.
Community morale is something that's not only important to UTS Startups, but the broader
community at large.
And this category really celebrates and recognises
a couple of incredible humans who have their own startup or should I say startups plural?
And they have contributed to the local community
in a way that actually creates real impact by giving people who are doing it a bit tough
at the moment
particularly due to COVID.
And opening a community street pantry in Newtown,
they have provided a place for people to go who need it, to
take what you need and leave what you can
And they've really served thousands of people in the local Newtown and wider community
So we'd like to recognise the community morale award to the Newtown Blessing Box. Michelle,
Maureen and their housemate Joy.
If you haven't already followed them on socials you should because it really is my daily dose
of positivity and happiness, the Newtown Blessing Box.
Look them up.
Tell us what inspired you to start newtown blessing box?
I think
There are a couple of things, but the two
main things that inspired us
were one which was quite unexpected. It was literally
that we live across from the asylum seekers center in Newtown and we follow them closely.
And one day Maureen got home
in tearsm she said that she had seen an asylum seeker
outside the center. It had been temporarily closed
and they had no access to any food.
So she came home in tears and said we have to do something and people can't starve and
people in our area
And and of course, so, what do you do when that happens you go out and you find a cupboard
on the street and you
stuff it with food.
Literally, they went out on the street and found a cupboard
In a laneway was it? Yeah, we did.
The second thing that inspired us at the time is
that we run we run a profitable business and that's what's linked to our startup which
is innovating in the area that
we're experts in.
We specialise in financial services, and we have we had all bar one client
put all of their work on hold
So we literally could have felt sorry for ourselves, but we decided to check our privilege
and we thought wow, what a great position
we're in compared to so many people in the world. And we thought you know what? Let's
use our skills for good and
yeah, and we committed to the Newtown Blessing Box in the same month, which was a godsend
and that just
phenomenally, and I think, there are eight now around Australia.
Yeah, and we are so grateful and really inspired by you. If anyone does want to support Newtown
Blessing Box,
what's the best way to do that?
Come down. It's on the corner of Station at Bedford Streets in Newtown. And literally
you know, take what you need and leave what you can.
Thank you so much. Grab one of these trophies on your way out. We're not allowed to hand
them to you. (Applause).
Okay, so I just want to quickly introduce you to our amazing Judging Panel,
for whom we are incredibly grateful, for your time and support for our startups. We of course
have Dr. Alex Thomson (Applause).
She's one of my favourite humans at UTS actually
manages the Deep Green Biotech Hub who is also a major sponsor of the awards this year.
She also leads the Green Light Accelerator Program, supporting algae-based startups,
Dr. Alex Thompson. Thank you. (Applause).
And he doesn't need much of an introduction…
A long-time supporter of the startup ecosystem,
coach for founders Angel-Investor
Chair at Catalysr, current Entrepreneur in Residence at Remarkable, and my favorite the
recent creator of the “You’re in Mute” t-shirt
Alan Jones. (Applause).
And Murray did mention here earlier, we are very grateful at UTS. We do love to collaborate
and work in partnership
We are very lucky to have Kim Curtin here from New South Wales Treasury. So thank you
so much. (Applause).
But you are here to hear from some pitches.
So Dave is going to come back on stage and introduce the very first pitching category.
Thank you so much. Emma.
Okay, so
We are obviously in a university and research is a big deal. And what's so exciting about
so many people at UTS Startups, is that they're
commercializing what they're doing in the research world in different ways. And so,
we are so
lucky tonight to have two of those startup founders that are about to come and pitch
to you
around what they're working on. Now, they're gonna pitch for three minutes and at the very
end you guys are gonna give them a big
round of applause both online and also here in the room.
And so the very first awesome research startup we're going to hear from is Deb from Greenlight
Healthcare Research. (Applause).
I'm, Dr. Deb. I'm a midwife and co-founder of Greenlight Healthcare Research.
And we're disrupting the health research market
to support health equity globally
So what's the issue with health equity
Well in Australia we know that in childbirth
we will lose one woman in every hundred thousand
but in
disadvantaged areas of the world like Africa and Asia
will lose one woman in every hundred
The disease burdens heavy and resources are scarce
And the research is lacking
And why is the research lacking well one of the reasons is that research recruitment is
so disorganised
Researchers can be pulled the clinicians pulled away from the bedside with no or little training
Nine out of ten healthcare researchers can't find a job
Also, we know that
Research funding may not necessarily be motivated
global equity
So our team
of founders outreach at Greenlight Healthcare Research with over 50 years of
experience would like to help
solve this problem. So myself, a midwife
Sasha, a social worker and Sarah a public health specialist,
we've been joined by Sam and his team with their
entrepreneurial expert business expertise
And also an IT partner
Who has a successful app in a similar market who's looking to joint venture with us?
So what is Greenlight planning to do we're looking to provide
quality research for
disadvantaged populations
using an embedded social enterprise
We'll be using a software that can connect recruit and recruit researchers from around
the globe
So that they can be in touch with each other and with us and also to find jobs and that'll
be user pays
And then we'll use revenues from the app
To fund our research in disadvantaged areas.
Traditionally, the market has been serviced by universities
Who are notoriously slow,
clinical research organisations…
They're always chasing the big dollars, and market research companies that have no clinical
So Greenlight Healthcare Research will provide efficient
local quality research that will help develop
healthcare locally
Will a model work? Well, we already have traction in four different markets
The market size there is up to five billion of global public funding every year
and we intend to scale up past maternity care so that we can
provide health care research to all markets all research areas
improving care and saving lives.
Thank you. (Applause).
Beautiful, stay with us Deb.
The very first pitch of the night, how do you feel?
Same! That was awesome. Judges, we'd love to hear from one of you around
any questions or any impressions at this point. Alan, you're up.
You're not on mute
Oh no, Alan is on mute!
I should have worn that t-shirt
Hey here I am
Thank you very much for being our first pitcher tonight. That's a difficult thing to do and
congratulations. You did a great job.
Thank you very much.
Could you tell us a little bit more detail about the commercialisation model, how that’s
going to be
paying for this research and
What kind of way will they pay? Will it be a subscription?
Per study basis. Yes. So the researchers who will be using the app will pay a small fee
so that it has value to them
but the healthcare
organisations around the world that will be
finding researchers to join their team. They'll also be paying
And of course, there's the possibility of advertising and of course we're hoping for
So we would also seek funding for the research projects from all the traditional not-for-profit
organisations as well. Thank you. (Applause).
Fantastic. Thank you so much Deb. We appreciate it.
Our next person to come up and pitch, is a long-time part of our UTS Startups program
She is working on something called the Change Hub. Please welcome Lydia as she comes to
pitch about The Change Hub! (Applause).
Now more than ever
the world is going through rapid rates of change.
for the last three decades, 70 percent of change initiatives have failed.
So, we went out to organisations to ask them why that is.
They said that
projects go over time and budget,
there is a lack of change adoption, teams are suffering from change fatigue and so much
I'm, Lydia Moussa, founder of The Change Hub, a digital platform to navigate the chaos of
Having conducting my research and PHD in
change implementation, and publishing my work in the Journal of Change Management
all of my research findings throughout my journey pointed to the fact that
organisations do not have the right change-knowledge, resources or skills.
So for the last four years, we have been conducting strategies and change implementation
and we have trialled these during a randomised control trial.
The results showed that there was an increased level of adoption
in the intervention group using our change strategies and they were able to
do this two months earlier than in the control group.
Now, instead of reading my riveting three hundred thousand word thesis, we developed
The Change Hub.
An interactive digital platform that houses thousands of evidence-based resources.
Users can navigate different change approaches, they can
tap into training modules for change,
they can use evidence-based strategies, templates, diagnostic tools,
as well as create individualised stakeholder profiles,
plan their projects using our kanban board and more.
After conducting a detailed competitor analysis, we found that other organisational change
struggled to balance the people and project aspects of change and can cost up to $2,000
per user per year.
The Change Hub is a tiered SaaS model available for single users, teams and businesses.
Change consultants can cost $1,000 per day which means by using our platform
organisations can save on average
$250,000 per year.
The platform is built on the advice and ideas of experts in their field as well as collaborations
with our innovative partners.
It has been trialled by Bupa Dental, Coca-Cola and change professionals. So if your organisation's
going through change,
call us for a demo and navigate the chaos of change.
Okay, that was fantastic
Dr. Alex, I feel like you want to say something.
First of all congrats on getting through a PhD and then being able to spin that out into
something that is profitable.
That is amazing and I think it deserves a round of applause by itself.
I'm actually submitting it in three weeks. So
it's really like right at the end right now. Amazing. I wanted to know in terms of your
what would be your ideal customer profile or kind of the key targets that you are trying
to address with this?
So, ideally it would be medium to large size organisations who have some sort of change
capabilities in-house
but would like to scale that a little bit more so that they can build that change resilience
and that change culture in the entire organisation.
We have been speaking to Transformation Managers, HR Managers as well as Change Managers, and
it's quite reactive
at the moment
So what we're trying to do is build a culture of proactivity around change so that when
a pandemic hits, they are ready.
Not after the pandemic hits then they can go and try and build their capabilities.
So it's a bit of a harder discussion
to think proactively, but I think now with the current climate, everyone's realising
hold on, maybe we need to be a bit more adaptable.
Fantastic. Thank you. Beautiful. Thank you so much. Lydia. Thank you judges
We want to move on to something really important, which is our faculties at UTS.
We couldn't do what we do without the students that come from faculties
and so Emma is going to come and tell us about the faculty awards.
Just before that. I want to give a little shout out to everyone at home.
I know there's been a couple of issues with the audio but our amazing AV team is on it
and everything should be okay.
Let us know in the chat if there are any more issues, but we've got your back. Thank you
so much for sticking with us.
But now of course the faculties. We are really lucky at
UTS that we have such a collaborative environment here and it's not something I just say to
be a little bit corny
it's something we do in practice every single day.
And the first award is Most Represented Faculty.
What's really interesting about UTS startups with over
750 members is that we have students from every single faculty here at UTS.
But there is one that has been quite a supportive feeder of
new, young, fresh, inspired student entrepreneurs
into the community. we won't get anyone from this faculty up on stage.
We will very safely ship you one of these beautiful trophies from Protospace, but we'd
like to thank the Faculty of Engineering and IT.
That one was pretty easy to determine because it was numerical.
This one is a little bit more subjective and it's been really, really hard for the entire
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit to decide.
So we want to recognise the collaborative efforts across campus
With a couple of honorable mentions, so let's start with the Science Faculty who
worked with us on multiple events, collaborated with us on the Startups Festival
and in fact has led the sponsorship of UTS Startups Awards through Deep Green Biotech
So an honorable mention to the Science Faculty.
Another very honorable mention and thank you to Transdisciplinary Innovation School. We've
had so many events, really exciting events.
They bring their students, we try to support them with the Diploma of Innovation as much
as we can. We collaborate on events
they just get involved in so many ways. So TDI, we thank you.
But for the winner, there can only be one. I feel like Oprah
I get to give out all of the awards. You get an award!
This time, it is for a number of reasons not just the collaborative events,
not just the speakers that they provide to support and inspire our startups.
But something that's really, really exciting not just for us, not just for UTS
but for the whole country and the economy. We can't give away too much but
this School has supported us through the Entrepreneurial Leaders Advisory Board.
You can head to Murray's LinkedIn to find out a lot more about that and a lot of the
exciting projects that we are
working busily on now, so we'd really like to thank the Business School.
Again, Jochen we will send one of these beautiful trophies out to you, but let's get back to
the pitches.
We've got a really exciting category of Social Impact coming up. So Dave, who have we got?
Thank you Emma thanks Bianca. I'd just like to point out. We didn't know we'd have to
sanitise everything.
By that I mean like the mics and stuff like that.
So lovely Bianca is here just like spraying and wiping her little heart out, which is
But Social Impact. The category, which I love this and
a lot of our startups obviously are centered around this stuff. They're doing incredible
so would you please join me in welcoming Steph from Arula.
When I was a little girl, my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was at this
moment that a huge wave of uncertainty hit.
Hi, I'm Steph and I'm the founder and CEO of Arula, where we're giving choice and dignity
back to women.
In 2020 alone, over 20,000 Australian women have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
That is 80 new cases every day,
over three new cases an hour,
with over 60 percent of these women needing some sort of breast surgery.
But it isn't just Australia. One in nine women worldwide will undergo some sort of breast
in their lifetime.
Women come in all different shapes and sizes, but the current breast prosthesis market does
not show that.
They're overly structured and unnatural and for women that can get reconstructive surgery
have to wait almost up to two years to have it.
That's where we come in. We have designed 3D printed
customised breast prostheses fitted for weight, shape and movement.
They're 75 per cent lighter than anything on the market and can be weight matched.
They're 3D printed to be completely customised and the best thing, they're comfortable. They're
meant to be worn in your bra every single day.
We sell directly to our customer and the best part is our product is a hundred percent rebated
through Medicare.
We've also been able to secure rebates in the UK, and New Zealand as well as an 80 per
cent rebate in the US.
Every single one of these rebates renews every two years so women can get a brand new pair
of prostheses
which can account for any changes in her shape and weight.
Through our research we've learned that our women
live in rural communities. So we've made our process as easy and efficient as possible.
Through 3D photogrammetry on any smart device we're able to scan an accurate 3D model of
We can then set it up to one of our pre-made sizes
send it back to them for feedback and when they're happy ship it off to them.
We've currently secured partnerships with
support groups and breast surgeons and have just started our user testing leading up to
our launch in early 2021.
I'm Stephanie.
I'm a i'm a Biomedical Engineer and i've got a background in software development and product
and it's always been my passion to make easy solutions for people who need it.
I've also got an advisory board behind me with over 30 years in breast cancer experience
as well as business.
So, how can you help?
If you know anyone who'd be happy to test out prototypes, signing up to our mailing
list or supporting us on social media
We are Arula and we are giving choice and dignity back to women. Thank you
Judges, happy for any of you to ask a question at this point.
I really feel I owe this to the women in the judging panel tonight.
Okay, Stephanie, thank you very much that was a great pitch, of course.
I've seen you here at UTS Startups and at Startmate as well. You've done a fantastic
job getting to this point.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Could you tell us a bit about
the people who are testing the prototypes out there in the field at the moment. Are
they all here in Australia?
Are they overseas in the UK, New Zealand, the US?
Yep, so they're all here in Sydney. Over COVID
we reached out to a couple of facebook groups and we had interest from Brisbane, Melbourne,
everywhere, but we're keeping it super
contained in Sydney and then slowly we're going to build it up
over time up until our launch and then we'll have a wait list for that. Thank you very
much. Thank you.
Fantastic. Thank you, Steph. We appreciate you.
And another one of our incredible startups, aXonPlay, so please welcome Sinay.
Have you ever been rejected by your application or your crush? I know I have but although
it hurts us at first
we're quickly able to build resiliency.
But unlike a young woman, I volunteered with on the autism spectrum disorder, a simple
job rejection motivated her to jump off a
second-story building as she couldn't cope with that rejection.
People on the spectrum are unable to effectively cope with social resiliency.
In fact, we conducted extensive interviews with people on the spectrum and professionals
in that sector and we found that 85 per cent
mentioned that there are no sustainable resources out there to teach them about resiliency.
And this is why at aXonPlay we're here to fill in the gap and improve the lives of adults
on the spectrum.
Through our fun learning tailored video games that can be practiced and prepare them for
real life situations such as rejections.
And unlike other educational video games out there in the current market that will target
childish and quite childish and targeted the younger age group
we make video games for people that can be hooked on to our learning education and outcomes.
And we offer a scalable monthly subscription plan for our potential users ranging from
fifteen to a hundred dollars per month.
We're also in discussion with several other large organisations such as Autism Speaks
and Fighting Chance about using aXonPlay with their
participants in the future.
And aXonPlay is a perfect digital platform to allow this to happen, especially at this
time with the interactions
We can offer people a community
and a space, a safe space where they can really talk and reflect about everything that they
have learned throughout the games
in a safe environment and share experiences they have gone through.
And we are constantly growing.
We are currently wanting to expand to other countries globally to Australia and Japan
in 2021
as social resiliency within people on the spectrum is a global issue.
And we are the perfect team to allow this to happen.
We're passionate about creating a better platform for adults on the spectrum through our
tailored video games and therefore we made it our mission to allow this to happen.
We consist of professional game developers, designers, artists and programmers and
we really want this to happen.
So if you know anyone facing these complexities, please reach out to us and become a part of
our community.
My name is Sinay and I'm the founder of aXonPlay.
That was incredible. Kim, I think it's time we heard from you
I want to hear what you think
Oh, but I think everything's amazing. That's the hard part.
I see on your roadmap there that that you're launching or you have just launched an
MVP a minimum viable product.
Can you tell us a bit about how you've launched that, on what channels and how has that been
received so far?
We haven't launched it just yet. But because
creating a game, it takes quite a long time we actually made a really immersive
comic interaction book where you can really get to introduce all the different characters
and pick your own
category and their own dialogue. And that way people can really immerse themselves and
pick the right choice
and also allow other people who aren't on the spectrum to get this
empathy and see the mindset of someone who's on the spectrum. Awesome. You've done a great
job tonight. Thank you very much
I hope everyone watching at home or on the zoom is loving this as much as we all are.
We have one more startup who's gonna pitch in this category. So would you please
welcome Linda from Nestwell
Nestwell was born when I wanted to make my holiday home available for emergency accommodation.
It's a home I have had for nearly 20 years, way before
2013 when Airbnb started in Australia and proceeded to grow its listings by over 1300
per cent
to saturate the market with short-term rental accommodation
That's one side of this two-sided problem.
The huge oversupply of fully furnished properties intended for tourists and visitors
and the many Airbnb hosts who are desperate to pivot to a different source of demand.
The flip side of this problem
are the 100,000
requests for short-term emergency accommodation that went unmet last year. That's pre-pandemic
pre-bushfires and the organisations providing these services that don't have a ready source
of supply or a means to tap into it.
As part of the discovery process. I offered my holiday home to some of these organisations
to use as a resource
to see if this area of demand could be joined up with a plentiful supply of holiday rentals
in a tourist area
that is the Blue Mountains
One of these organisations was Link2home a state government service
that helps find and fund accommodation for those who are homeless or at risk.
Next I approached a women's refuge given that women are twice as likely as men
to have those requests for short-term emergency accommodation unmet.
And finally, I approached a community housing provider
about making my home available on a medium to long-term basis
It was clear that what I was offering was somehow outside the normal operating model
of these services
like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.
Nestwell addresses this two-sided problem with a two-sided marketplace by connecting
this area of demand with the plentiful supply of short-term accommodation.
Kind of like Airbnb for crisis accommodation, but where Airbnb has hosts and guests
Nestwell has hosts and organisations that assist clients with urgent housing needs.
Nestwell generates its revenue only from the host side of the platform by taking a five
per cent commission on the price of each book tonight.
Unlike Airbnb's business model which takes its cut from both sides of the marketplace.
Nestwell would like to co-design its marketplace with organisations by better understanding
the pain points they face in the client assessment and intake process and in tapping into housing
Nestwell is a social enterprise startup coming out of Little Owl ethical tech design and
venture studio. We have an awesome team of ours
with a strong track record in helping ventures take flight and scale. My name is Linda and
you've been learning about Nestwell
A two-sided platform for crisis accommodation. Thank you.
Alex I can see you giving me the eyes
That was really fantastic and I honestly got a little bit emotional thinking about bushfire
victims being able to connect up with such
an amazing resource really, really well done.
I wanted to know if you had your dream in five years. What would this look like?
It would look very much like Airbnb
except for crisis accommodation if if we could actually pivot
that source of demand
away from tourism and and visitors
and see that demand coming from three areas that is government services
the not-for-profit sector and the insurance sector.
Amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Linda. I appreciate it
Fantastic. Well, in a couple of minutes we're gonna
mix things up a little bit
We're gonna yeah do something different with a few startups that are at the very beginning
of their journey, which is really cool
but right now
I just wonder if I feel like the air con on is on a little bit strong
and so if you guys could just have a little stretch have a little shake because we're
in this for the whole ride
and what I want to do is talk about the Most Inspiring UTS Startup
Which is a category that Anita one of our team was talking to me just before this.
She was like if you could sum up UTS Startups in three words, and I can't help but say the
“inspiring” because the truth is so many of these guys absolutely inspire me and so
I have been yeah living in Newcastle lately. I don't get a lot of packages on the doorstep
for me.
It's usually my wife that does online shopping. Hey, babe watching at home.
And this pack this package a couple of weeks ago was addressed to me and it was pretty
much like Christmas
in a box because I got my Espresso Display
Big deal. Scott, get up here. We want to know all about
what it's been like. Have you got one? Came prepared.
Welcome mate, all right.
So good to have you here. I guess we don't have long but
if you could just think of one
crazy thing about the whole covid experience that has affected you guys, what would that
be? So we had to go to
manufacturing for all of our Kickstarter backers who put a lot of faith into us.
We're going through the manufacturing and product development process for the first
time and then we have to go through and continue it remotely.
So that was an absolute massive challenge which all of our backers, many here in this
room tonight
including yourself and much of the UTS startup team. Number 53. No big deal. Yeah, exactly.
everyone like beared with us the entire time, entirely supportive and we couldn't be more
That is awesome. Um, I just realised I probably didn't give everyone a chance to find out
what an Espresso Display even is
so give us a rundown
So if you've ever worked from your laptop and you wish you had a second screen.
I know we're working from more places like at home or anywhere else. We've made an ultra
thin portable monitor that's touch screen.
It's the first touch screen for
MacBooks as well
And so we've made one, just plugs in it works and gives you extra screens when you want
to work from anywhere else.
And just because I like talking. So at the last startups awards where you pitched Espresso
Display, which was last
Help me
November, yeah, November at what point of the journey were you then?
We’d just finished our Kickstarter and we still only had prototypes.
So, turning a prototype into a mass-produced product
is a very big jump
And you just won an award today, right? It was announced yesterday. So we won gold in
the Good Design Awards
So that's one of the Australia's top awards for the product design
Pretty much
the most inspiring, yeah
I'm so grateful to know you and to have an Espresso Display and we just really appreciate
you Scott and your whole team and everything
you've done. So one more big round of applause for Scott.
And you can
Emma, can you buy an Espresso Display
online through our Showcase Marketplace
You can, but it's not live until Monday, so watch this space. I just said the wrong thing
over to Emma.
Well, we can't leave them hanging on Monday at our first ever UTS Startups Festival 9am
on the dot
we will open up our first ever you Pop-up Marketplace.
It's a place where you can go and actually buy some of our startups products and services,
demo, sign up to their mailing list and just see all of the really fun things that some
of our startups are doing.
But let's get back into some pitches.
This is a really important category that might need a little bit more supportive eyes, ears
and round of applause
than some of the other categories because this is about the very, very early stage of
their journey, the ideas stage.
And we're doing this not only to give a few extra startups an opportunity to show you
what they're working on and the great ideas they've come up with
but because we want to inspire more students at UTS to see exactly what's possible.
All you need to join UTS startups is an idea and some ambition and here is a small taste
the early stages of the startup journey. So, we'll kick things off with Shivangi from Caelus
Hi everyone
and my co-founder Amir and I formed Caelus Intelligence to address the challenging issue
of obtaining data insights and satellite imagery.
There are 5,000 active satellites orbiting around Earth.
However, it takes up to weeks to obtain satellite imagery and data analysis, making the information
outdated for time-sensitive uses.
Our goal is to create a platform that enables instant access to recent satellite imagery
and more importantly, its accompanying data analysis.
All through our specialised machine learning tools that automates a currently lengthy process
and makes it an easy
and accessible stop for all of our customers. Our customers, including small to medium businesses
can access this process within a few taps of our app, Caelus, which is accessible via
the app store.
Our goal is to reduce prices through economies of scale
so more people can access space technology to make critical business decisions in industries
such as insurance,
agriculture and construction. If you're interested send us an email. Thank you.
Well done Shivangi. So I should have mentioned earlier, for the idea stage
we're keeping it simple; 60 second elevator pitch, and we won't put them on the spot for
Q&A. But next up
We have a very talented student here; Phoebe Butler from MedEQ.
Doctors don't have sufficient training in emotional intelligence and unfortunately
it shows. For many practices this leads to poor reported patient outcomes
to the point where NSW Health have recognised a need for clinical innovation in this area.
An increasing problem; not only for clinician managers but for us as patients.
We've collected testimonies of patients that were subject to medical error at the result
of poor doctor-patient communication.
My name is Phoebe Butler, and I'm the founder of Medical Emotional Intelligence; a SAS Platform
positively influences the doctor-patient relationship
by tracking a patient's emotional progress both pre and post consult.
Through SMS access and software integrated systems, clinicians can track not only their
patients’ mental health statuses
but also the quality of their service.
I'm here looking to meet with clinicians to begin product development; if you're interested
head to mymedeq.com.au
to support men, women and children to better health experiences. Thank you.
Amazing Phoebe.
Gosh, you'd think that they've done this before, but for most of them
this is their first time pitching in front of an audience let alone at a competition.
And one thing that I've noticed when we see these amazing applications come through
there's been a little bit of a trend
I don't know what it is, but a little bit of a trend in MedTech startups
and we do have another one specialising in mental health element of MedTech; we have
Adam from PsycTools.
45 percent
of Australians will suffer from mental health issues at some stage of their lifetime.
This person could be you or someone you care about. My name is Adam and I've dealt with
anxiety most of my life.
I realise the difficulties of maintaining calmness in a state of panic. PsycTools is
here to help. Together with my co-founder
Ayman, we are creating a two-sided
subscription-based platform for psychologists
billed per patient, empowering the completion and tracking of
critical post-consultation tasks.
Ninety percent of psychologists surveyed have indicated a great need for this system. We
are currently developing our
web app as our MVP, and our first user trial will begin in early 2021.
We have an opportunity, an exciting opportunity to impact the 4.5
million psychology consultations each year.
The person closest to you will most likely experience mental health issues at some point.
So what can you do about it? Our ask; please introduce psychologists and invite them to
get in touch with us via our website.
Thank you.
Great job Adam. Thank you so much.
So we've got another really cool startup coming up,
I'm not the most creative person when it comes to design and animation
but this guy is. We have a really interesting startup, Stack Creative Works, please welcome
In 2020
It's harder than ever to create meaningful shared experiences for live audiences. Streaming
has made us all accustomed to passively consuming content
isolated to individual experiences.
I'm Conor Stack, Masters graduate from the Animal Logic Academy, and my mission is to
put the power in your hands
to actively control the real-time generation of entertainment.
Stack Creative Works is developing a high-tech, low budget production and a new format of
interactive media
that allows audiences to democratically choose their own adventure together.
Soul Rebound is the studio's first original IP, an interactive cartoon series aimed towards
anime and basketball fans age 14 and up.
At pivotal moments in each episode
the audience will be able to vote on online polls to decide the path of the story.
Thanks to this innovative method of audience participation
people will be more invested in the stories
they consume, and come together as a community.
I'm currently building an MVP and would love to show each and every one of you. Come and
say hello.
Thanks Conor, great work.
So exciting. I love elevator pictures, they're really fun, nice and zippy, but they just
don't seem like the idea stage,
maybe we need to bump them up into the established
This next startup I
really really love, if you are looking to support a startup that wants to empower young
then Vanessa is your lady. Please welcome YPower.
Goal ideation, career knowledge and mentoring support are not freely given tools in the
workplace, and they should be.
If every young Australian who'd lost their job since the start of March
was officially counted as unemployed the youth unemployment rate would be 26.5 percent.
Now without support young people will continue to struggle much like I did.
My name's Ness and I'm a community builder and it took me seven years to figure that
I'm a person who thrives on person-to-person communication and I'm an empath, so I don't
know why it did take that long.
But Tallulah is one of our mentees in our program,
she's kicking some huge goals, and she'll be tackling her first tax return next week,
which i'm very excited about.
At YPower
we're creating solutions for young people aged 17 to 27 through our mentoring program,
and evidence and experience based workshops.
Our team consists of remarkable young women
across multiple different industries who are committed to guiding young people based on
their interests and goals. Crazy, really.
We believe that with radical empathy and collaborative skill sharing we can empower a generation
of young people
who are confident and engaged in the workplace.
Now we have a brand new category for 2020 which is really exciting,
something close to my heart and we thank Deep Green Biotech Hub for sponsoring this one.
This is the best UTS Startup most sustainable category and this is for startups who
have not just thought about ways to incorporate environmental
sustainability into their startup, but in fact
they've gone one step further and have made it part and parcel of their business model.
So we'll kick things off with a gent’ Nick Dominique-Bouvat for Algatex.
Everyone in this room is connected by one thing,
the toxic chemicals that exist in the colors of the clothes that you're wearing.
Hi, we're Algatex and we remove heavy metals from textile productions.
Fashion is a
750 billion dollar industry and it's getting bigger.
With textile mills producing more garments from our favorite brands
more heavy metal has been produced and dumped into our environment.
This is a really sad fact,
but worst of all the textile mills are getting away producing 20 percent of the world's pollution
because it's cheaper to not notice.
So what you've got at hand is
a toxic environment,
toxicity in humans and toxicity in the economy, or what we like to call profit over planet.
And this is where alcotex comes in.
Our biodegradable algae position is not only biodegradable but also cost effective, less
water reliant and
great for the planet. By removing textile waste water we also
produce clean water back into our environment.
We achieve this with with our biosolution that allows textile fabric to decompose in
and here's another wow factor, that landfill can also be used as a fertiliser. Yes you've
heard right,
you can now chuck away your favorite t-shirt and grow tomatoes with it.
And best of all the algae is reusable because our process is cyclical and can be supported
by local algae cultivation,
meaning we create jobs for the Australian economy.
So why us? Simply we're four individuals banded together by a passion for sustainable fashion.
We believe if we're going to disrupt a worldwide industry we're going to have to think and
act differently.
So this is where we're at at the moment, this is what we achieved. The Green Light Accelerator
has given us,
the Green Light Accelerator program has helped us
form our dye methodology. Our partnership with the King’s School has given us lab
to explore different algae species.
We anticipate the rollout of our MVP as early as 2021
with a full pilot program by Q2.
As a side note COVID has not deterred our progression, in fact
we're on track to delivering a full commercial licensing model by Q4.
So what are we asking? We're seeking investment $250,000.
Your investment will help Algatex pay for 12-month runway for future algae R&D. We're
also seeking
investments to purchase,
to purchase equipment as most of our previous
experiments were done manually. As well your investment will help us
fund our IP.
so if what you've heard today has struck a cord then please come support us and
scan the QR code on the screen. Thanks for your time.
Great job Nick, you did well. You did really really well.
A quick little question. I can see some eyes from Alex,
anything for Algatex?
Hey Nick, well done.
You're obviously pitching out something very close to my heart, algae.
Can you tell me a little bit about what you've currently been able to develop, and in terms
of the products that you're able to offer?
That's right. Yes. Thanks for the question. We've just finalised as of today,
my co-founders confirmed that we have finished our primary colors,
both the yellow and red where we sort of finished off with the Green Light. So we've achieved
that. We're also working on
working on the MVP at the moment. So we're hoping to launch our MVP as early as next
Amazing. Thanks Nick. Well done, you did so well.
Now this next startup,
I find this one really interesting because when I think of a sustainable startup environmentally
this is not something that had ever come across my mind. This is all about
sustainable data. So please welcome Pavel from Fasade.
Hey everyone, I'm Pavel from Fasade. And today I'm going to tell you why data is the new
plastic. Did you know that the internet and cloud services currently produce one and a
half times more
pollution than all of the planes around the world?
Why is that?
Vast amounts of energy that is generated is used
by data centers.
Data centers are huge data warehouses, full of computers that run 24/7, 365.
They are the infrastructure that provides us with cloud services that make up the internet
and all that data. Now,
we're not even halfway through the adoption of the internet- we're not even halfway through
the world adoption of the internet,
which will
eventually generate even more pollution,
more digital clutter, more digital waste,
causing all that pollution.
Why does it matter? Because data never sleeps, data grows exponentially,
but data capacity grows linearly.
This is expected to cause severe environmental and economic concerns.
But how does that impact you and your businesses?
As professional teams try to grow their businesses they have to deal with dispersed systems and
avalanches of unstructured data.
Recently, I looked at my own services, Google Drive and OneDrive and I found that 60 of
all of my assets were duplicate.
there was no way for me to understand
how that impacted me and my business.
At Fasade we're building a multi-cloud data management solution that turns dispersed systems
and avalanches of unstructured data into actionable intelligence.
We are both solving for historical duplication and inefficiencies, and creating structures
going forward so that people can save time,
money, improve cyber security and most importantly, reduce carbon footprint.
We have multiple early adopters in the pipeline
but the most exciting for us are the COPDs as we aim to help their clients reduce their
carbon emissions and
meet their CSR goals.
While the market size is fairly huge, low hanging fruits for us are cloud adapters and
data management struggles.
We're going to make money in three ways;
software as a service, and by working with resellers, the third one is green data certification.
In the future we aim to certify companies for low carbon emissions data management practices.
This is the Team Fasade; Ankita and I, who's sitting over there,
we've been mates for the last five years and have worked in many projects, and have experienced
this problem literally everywhere,
and for that reason we aim to become the world leader in digital sustainability.
We've already received lots of support and have
met the CFC Cleantech mandate for Australia's commitment to the Paris climate agreement.
As a result of that
we just received funding.
We're looking for additional funding, early adopters, R&D partners, and advocates so that
they can help us to raise the awareness,
because to create sustainable digital society, we all need to start recycling the digital
garbage as well.
Please scan the code if you're interested, and next time you enter the cloud consider
the environment. Thank you.
See what I mean about really thinking outside the box and being innovative and sustainable?
Now I'll throw to you judges. Kim or Alan, do you have a sneaky little question for Pavel
I think I love Alan’s questions! So I love hearing the answers.
Pavel, it's good to see you, and that was a great pitch. It was the first time I've
actually seen your pitch on the stage.
Thank you. Good to see you too. And I know that was hard. Could you tell us
a little bit more about how
your revenue model works? Are people paying a subscription
for the amount of storage that they have with you, is that how it works?
Sure, good question. So
because we haven't launched yet and we are working with the yellow adapters on finalising
the product
we're still also testing the different hypotheses we have around the revenue models, but
right now we
we get stuck with the software as a service
essentially; subscription monthly or annually, and we're essentially trying to
fill out the the gap in the market. Because when it comes to data management and multi-cloud,
usually it's only companies that serve the blue chip company, there's nothing really
in between. And so we want to help the small companies
you know, scale and grow,
and that's why.
So in terms of the pricing we're still figuring that out as well.
Please help me, I have all of my stuff duplicated on iCloud and Google Drive and Dropbox and
I know it's there and I don't know where to start. So thank you very much.
We'd love to help. Thank you.
Amazing. Thank you Pavel, well done! Lots of hungry customers who could really benefit
from your service. We've got
just one more in this category- two more, I lie.
This is a great startup, if you wanted tips on how to use TikTok
innovatively, to reach a young audience, this guy knows his stuff.
So this startup is called UCarryit, welcoming Charlie.
All right.
Cool. Hey everyone! I'd like to start off with a quick game.
I want you to find something in this photo, have a quick look!
All right, time's up. What you're actually looking for is me. Hi everyone,
I'm Charlie and this is a picture from the 2019 climate strike in Sydney
where 80,000 people, many of them students, marched to demand action on climate change.
It's here
our team decided that we wanted to leverage the power of climate activism
and turn it into more sustained action. This is how we started UCarryit, and we make educational
algae kits.
So the people we're targeting are high school students aged 12 to 16. Why this age group?
Well, here are the problems that they're dealing with: number one, they're afraid of a climate
change future and they want to help,
but this leads to their second problem: how can you have a serious impact when you're
between the ages of 12 and 16?
Jen, who is 16 told us “the future is uncertain
so to be really helpful and useful to learn about a process that will affect all aspects
of my life very soon”, and Toby
just 13, told us “I want to help in the study of climate change to give a future to
the next generations”.
We listened to our target audience's problems and we saw that they wanted to help and to
So we did Zoom workshops with schools and we used TikTok to see what resonated with
our target customer segment,
and so that we could create a conversation with our audience, and this is because at
we co-create with our users so that we can enable them to help
and to learn in ways that they actually find fun and interesting. And this is how we created
our educational algae kits.
Here's our second minimum viable product kit
which we've sold to every year 9 science class at Wenona High School.
The kit contains videos that show the students how they can make their own mini algae
bioreactors, and the students learn how algae and other emerging solutions have the potential
to transform our most polluting industries,
and also the students can create experiments to compete to grow the most algae
in ways that are creative.
It's here where we're creating curious citizen scientists that feel less fear
and less powerlessness as we instill in them a sense of hope and optimism for our future.
Traction; we get awesome engagement on our TikTok, we had 44 applicants for our first
prototype giveaway
and the winners had a lot of fun with their feedback as well as the input from heads/teachers
of science.
We co-created our second minimum viable product kit. The 12 units
we sold to Wenona were priced at $65 a kit for a total revenue of $780.
Right now we're iterating on our kits to ensure product market fit among the customer segments
of schools and e-sales via TikTok,
and the reason we're doing well is because of our amazing team.
We're a passionate trans-disciplinary group with backgrounds in design, science and business,
and we've also had incredible help from our mentors
in science and entrepreneurship, during the 2020 Green Light Accelerator program.
We're creating educational kits for students to learn about climate change and STEM in
a way that they love.
Our vision is to make hundreds of Australian schools the centers for sustained climate
action in our communities.
So we're looking to partner with principals, teachers and mentors to roll out our kits
through more schools.
So if you scan this QR code or head to our website at ucarryit.com
you can leave us your email and we'll reach out to you, thanks.
Amazing! See what I mean about TikTok? He's your guy if you need some advice. Judges,
do we have any takers?
Is it too obvious to go with you Alex, because you know everything about algae?
Look I'm happy to ask any questions.
Look, yeah, I'll take it away. Charlie, thank you. Also, thank you for bringing awareness
about algae and how amazing it is, yes!
What I wanted to know is you've got your first prototype, it's doing amazingly well, congratulations,
where do you see your next type of kits going?
Yeah, sure. So we're really interested, our whole team's been really inspired, you might
have seen “Fight for Planet A”?
We're really inspired to see how we can push
kits that not only educate kids in ways that teachers want them to be educated and STEM,
areas that they want
to develop as people, but also in ways that they can actually push change within their
communities and within their schools.
So we're really looking to see if we can develop kits that not only solve the problems that
teachers are facing but also can
have impacts on a wider scale within schools and communities.
Amazing, thank you. Love it, who doesn't love STEM? Thanks so
much, Charlie!
So we'll snap back into the most sustainable category.
It's the last pitcher of the night and this guy sort of epitomises that side hustle. About
13 minutes ago
he finished teaching a lecture at UTS. He is a casual academic here
but he's working on a sustainable startup.
This is something that if you like surfing, if you like the ocean,
if you like just going to the beach and wearing things that are great looking and great for
the environment,
this is a startup that might be
on your radar.
Can you tell that I am wasting time while our amazing AV team figures out the pitch
deck? What else
can we say about Black Goat that won't ruin his pitch?
He joined UTS Startups maybe last year,
MBA student,
...amazing student...
How are we going here?
Back to sustainability.
Last pitcher of the night,
three minute pitch plus one supportive
question from our judges. Are we ready for Mark? Yes thumbs up, Mark from Black Goat!
Hi guys I'm Mark
and I'm the founder and also part-time designer of Black Goat wetsuits.
So let me start with two quick questions in the beginning.
First of all, do you know what regular neoprene is made of, like normal wetsuits? I'll give
you the answer: it's petroleum-based,
it's oil-based, it's basically plastic, it's the same thing.
Second of all, if you look into the lineup, if you look into the surf lineup,
all wetsuits are black, like mainly male wetsuits, they're just black.
So our team wants to fix this that they're just black. So we are
Mark, Emma and Mona and we are working at Black Goat wetsuits.
I'm, the founder, part-time designer, Mona and Emma with their marketing background are
my strong support.
So here are some of the samples that we're currently testing in the waters.
You see four steamers, so long wetsuits for men with the designs
and here are two more for men and two more for women. We also have long ones for females.
We have a whole variety of designs.
But the main thing is, so besides the designs that we have that will change the monotone
surf culture, we also focus on sustainability. So as I said before, normal neoprene is made
from oil,
we use limestone materials. So limestone neoprene, besides that we produce ethically, is not
oil-based but as the name
implies; limestone-based. It's abundant, less destructive, less toxic and has actual superior
features such as more stretch, it dries quicker, it's easier to get in and out and we're adding
stuff like
fleece linings inside tape seams, it doesn't flush, it's warmer and it's easier to get
in and out,
so it's superior sustainably and it got the designs.
So, who are we looking at? So 81 percent of all surfers are male,
so that's our target market, and the male’s wetsuits are the black ones. We have female
wetsuits, too
so we cover everything, but the male ones are our main
target market.
The wetsuit market is about 1.2 billion US dollars big, 50 percent surfing so we got
even room to improve and extend our range.
Our competition;
basically Billabong, Rip Curl, the big names that some people might have heard. They usually
offer just black wetsuits, non-sustainable,
the sustainables are extremely expensive and also just black. We kind of cover all of these
three boxes,
we tick all of them. So what's next? We're already promoting the wetsuits online, on
Sydney's beaches
We promote our Instagram. A giveaway is starting literally 15 minutes ago on our website for
a big surf pack with other brands
And we are planning to do our next full wholesale order still during this year
We want to have a third professional photo shoot with professional surfers in Maroubra
and Bondi
And we have sales reps in Bondi and California also so far lined up for the initial order.
So we are looking for investors investment partners and also opening a kickstarter campaign
for pre-sales to get our
initial big stock order in.
So we want to change surfing to be finally more eco-friendly
and more colourful. So thank you very much for listening.
Amazing, well done Marc.
Now if you follow Alan on Instagram, you know that he lives in the beaches.
Is this something that is attractive to you? Do you have a question for Marc?
Thank you Emma and Marc, yes I do already follow BlackGoat, which is on instagram and
I’m looking forward to backing you in a Kickstarter campaign.
But could you tell us is there something particular about the limestone source neoprene
that allows you to be more colorful than the other wetsuit manufacturers, or are they just
lacking a sense of imagination?
Um, that’s not limestone particular. So technically you can print on
normal oil based neoprene as well. It's kind of sublimation so it's printed on top of it
and therefore it's not limestone specific.
Why the other black wetsuits are black is mainly,
we believe and we’ve asked around for years, is because it's way cheaper. Oil is already
black and
they can do it. They show it with female wetsuits. There are several girl wetsuits that have
print on them.
But so far it's not limestone. Limestone is just for the superior technology. The designs
are for both.
All right. Well done. Look forward to backing on Kickstarter, man. Thank you so much. Amazing.
Thanks Marc.
Can't wait to be able to buy some of your wetsuits. Great job.
Okay, so that wraps up the most sustainable category. We have one pitching category remaining
So this represents the startups that are maybe a little bit further along in their journey
and are developing some more traction in their market.
There's a range of startups here
from fintech through to disability tech
and IoT, but we are kicking things off with the very talented Sharon from Asendium.
Hi, I'm Sharon from Asendium. We help reduce the compliance burden for financial planners
by up to 90 percent.
My co-founders and I started Asendium as a way to automate the internal compliance process
for our own financial planning practice.
We used to spend more than 40 hours per week on repetitive and manual advice
documentation that's been designed to safeguard the licensee from compliance risks, but it
doesn't enhance the client experience.
Now financial planners must complete these five legally required advice documents to
deliver advice and as you can see,
the statement advice and file notes are two of the biggest pain points.
We have launched with the file notes as there is no one on the market who is solving this
But we also offer the terms of engagement and fact fine as well.
Now due to the recent regulatory reforms, advice documentation is getting worse.
And what this means for planners, is they're unable to see more clients. They must increase
their advice fees to remain profitable.
And advice will only be for the wealthy despite two million Australians who have unmet financial
advice needs.
So compared to our competitors,
our customisation costs are inexpensive as we're able to efficiently adapt to individual
And while our competitors have achieved some degree of time reduction,
they only automate the financial information.
What they don't automate is the reasonings, rationales and disclosures which is why they're
unable to achieve the level of efficiency that Asendium has.
What do we solve? Well, we automate the non-impactful parts of a document, reducing the time to
generate from two hours to 10 minutes,
and our solution is simple. The planner scopes the document by ticking the relevant areas
of advice discussed with the client.
They input the client conversations into the text box to personalise the document
And once they hit generate, they receive a comprehensive document in their inbox for
them to upload to their CRM.
We are 100 customisable.
Each interface can be uniquely designed for each user. The output reflects the mannerisms
of each user and we sit alongside existing CRMs.
So meet Sam a current Asendium user. He's saving over
225 000 worth of his time and has achieved a 92 time savings. We have done this with
35 businesses so far.
We're a web-based SaaS business. We offer monthly and annual subscriptions with customisation
We're currently targeting planners in Australia, US, UK and Canada.
Our go-to-market is relationship-led acquisition, strategic partnerships and PR and media exposure.
And since covid, we've seen an increase in the demand for Asendium, demonstrating that
we are a pandemic-proof business.
With our current trajectory, we aim to reach 80 million by 2025.
And we're currently working on a proof of concept for our 15-minute statement advice
for one fund manager and one licensee.
And we're also working on connectivity between documents which will lead to faster generation
And we're asking for introductions to licensees who may be interested in Asendium. Thank you.
Alex or Kim, do you have a question for Sharon?
Yeah, hi.
This looks fantastic. You mentioned that you've already got some customers on board.
Can you talk about how many customers you've got and where you hope to be saying the next
12 months?
Yep. So, we're currently mandated with three licensees and we have 35 practices that are
made up of IFAs and,
IFAs and align planners.
We are targeting, over the next 12 months,
licensees that are sized 1 to 50, as they make up 95 percent of the market, and we're
hoping to get revenue from the overseas planners by the end of the year. Fantastic. Thank you.
Amazing. So impressive. Well done Sharon.
If you also wanted to learn a few things from her, she and co-founder Scott, just last week
shared some of their insights from their business in a lightning talk.
We called it the one dollar marketing budget, but we were wrong because it really is a zero
dollar marketing budget.
So if you want to learn a bit more about them, you can see that at the festival.
But we are moving on now to another incredible startup. Please welcome to the stage Vincent
from Compass IoT.
How's everyone doing?
Good. Good to hear.
Right. So hey guys
My name is Vincent and I'm from Compass IoT.
If you've ever driven around the road,
you might have come across these rubber strips, or you might have seen workers all inside
manually counting the cars.
That's how the majority of our traffic data is collected for city planning.
In fact, we've been collecting data in exactly the same way for nearly a century.
But as Murray said, it's 2020 and we don't have time for that anymore.
So our cities are expanding and our urban populations are growing.
Do you really think that at this day and age this is still an adequate measure of collecting
traffic data, especially as it's still hardware?
The problem with city planners is that they spend a lot of money to understand how we
move around. It's a hardware problem
that's outdated, time consuming and incredibly expensive and who am I talking about when
it comes to city planners?
We've got councils, government bodies, transport bodies and even consultants, and on the note
of consultants,
it costs them six thousand dollars to analyse the traffic flows for a single intersection.
For that single intersection, it also takes up to four weeks to get the results back.
But what if it could turn that six thousand dollar problem, that four week problem
into a four-second problem?
Compass is building a digital transport management platform by utilizing 700 000 connected vehicles
on the road from 64 different car
manufacturers. Compass is reconceptualising
and reimagining how we're collecting this traffic data by replacing the expensive hardware
with a software-based solution. And the value for city planners?
Is that they get traffic data for any road in Australia, for any time period instantly.
There's two ways in how people use our data.
Reliability and acceptability and I'm proud to say that our speed data has been independently
verified by consultants to be 97 to
100 percent accurate against traditional methods.
When it comes to scalability, it's a two-way relationship.
We want to focus on improving our product offering and our accuracy. In turn our partners
provide us with
feedback and insight. And our partners become ahead of the market through efficiency,
accuracy and cost that allow them to win infrastructure contracts.
We came to market in March and in between the months of May and August alone,
we saw an increase in revenues of over a hundred and ten thousand dollars and a net profit
of ninety seven thousand.
Few notable users include Transport for New South Wales, and the ACT Government Transport
We're also a rapidly expanding team. We've nearly tripled in size in just six months
trying to accommodate for the growing demand from city planners.
Let's talk about the future for a moment. We want to build an industry reputation becoming
a global standard in the near future.
We're going to invest in our algorithms to make more accurate, develop our safety mapping
tool by using our speed data
and applying it in a safety context scaling nationally mid-2021 from Victoria and Queensland.
And by the end of 2022,
we want to scale globally from areas such as New Zealand.
And I want you to think back on a six thousand dollar four week problem.
If we're able to turn that into a sixty dollar four second problem with Compass,
don't you think it's time to improve city planning through better data? Thank you.
So good. Amazing. Let's throw to the judges now. Do we have a question from our esteemed
panel? Kim, please.
I’m very happy to see that you're working with Transport for New South Wales
because this is obviously a huge issue for government in terms of our future infrastructure
planning and everything that we do.
So in terms of working with
government and other customers, how do you work with them? How would we engage you?
I know you've got the revenue in there, but just understanding that commercial model.
Our business model, we have three different things. There are two parts for that
We have first off, we used to be a quarterly subscription.
Now we moved that to a monthly subscription to improve cashflow and flexibility.
And the second part is that we're a SaaS business, so software as a service.
So the platform itself is the SaaS business. We've got education and training.
So we provide consistent support and training for all our clients. We also have the query
So as the as you saw with the platform video,
you select the A and the B. So that query fee varies about seven to thirteen dollars
compared to the traditional method hardware,
which is about, say about 450 dollars
for that average, just one road.
Perfect, well done. Thanks Vincent.
I don't know about you. I don't want it to end but we've only got three startups left
to pitch.
Let's move into the world of agritech and welcome Jason from Dynamic Grain Solutions.
So, my name is Jason. I'm the founder of Dynamic Grain Solutions.
I'm here to tell you today about how we're revolutionising
not just the Australian but the global grains industry by democratising automation for your
average grower and handler.
But first, some background.
The Australian grains industry accounted for 13 billion dollars of exports in 2017 to 18
This is 21 percent of Australia's gross value of farm production.
However in the same period, the average Australian grain farmer increased their debt by over
14 percent.
This is bad for Australia, but globally we have a much bigger problem.
33 percent of the world's grain, one-third is lost in post-harvest operations. Still,
humans rely on grain for over half of their food energy. We're losing about a trillion
dollars over a year. So it's a big problem.
Now, farmers have traditionally relied on toxic fumigants to manage their grain in post-harvest
This has led, to what we call the self-catalytic problem.
We need chemicals and fumigants to kill the bugs. The bugs are breeding resistance and
that's causing us to fumigate more using the same chemicals.
it's actually an easy fix.
There's a solution out there to reduce the losses on a plant to below one percent.
And it's just the new technologies to automate and monitor and control. We could be saving
730 metric tons just by improving the technology we use on plan. That's where DGS comes in.
We've designed a retrofittable
controller that
enables farmers, growers and handlers to monitor and control their grain.
Our platform is an asset and a tool in the way that isolates the functions of sensing
and control, allowing anyone to quickly and easily
automate their plan without the need of an engineer, salesperson or electrician.
In doing this, we've been able to remove the reliance on fumigants, reduce global spoilage
and empower growers and handlers.
in collaboration with our industry partners,
we've been able to develop a product and get it out to some public sites for testing. After
doing this, we're looking now to
expand our offering to a public,
expand to a public offering and eventually we plan to move to overseas governments as
well as working with local governments.
our utilisation of the innovations in mechatronics has allowed us to
provide outstanding value to the customer at a very low price and consistently, we've
been able to outperform our competition in this way.
I started DGS on the back of three years experience in the IoT sector and two years developing
grain, storage and handling sites for industry.
So DGS is looking for clients and capital. We've completed live testing.
We've produced our product and now we're looking to accelerate our path to market. Thank you.
Well done, Jason. Amazing.
Love it.
All right.
Who is up?
Alan, Alex, looking at you. The A's. Go for it, Alan. Jason, I have a two-part question.
So there could be one at every pitch event. The first part of the question is, what are
you sensing?
Is it temperature or is it humidity? Temperature, humidity and absolutely anything else. Our
first product that's produced at the moment
senses temperature and humidity and actuates
up to 30 amps of
on and off anything, really. So, our product at the moment is an aeration controller and
but we actually offer gas sensors and
actuation of any grain plant on site. So sensing and actuation of absolutely anything on plan.
I'm going to
squeeze in my second part of this question. How do I install something that presumably
needs power and connection to the internet without an electrician?
Yep. So what we have is a controller node, a sensor node and an actor node.
Your controller is plugged into the power supply that you use just the same as it would
sorry, just the same as it would be plugging into
a smart light in your house.
You could unplug your lamp, plug in a power point and plug the
smart switch into the wall, and that would do the sensing. It's connected to the internet
via sim card,
remote connection.
So we can use a
standard GSM, 3g or 4g depending on reception in the area.
We haven't had any issues with connectivities or anything like that. We're getting the wrap.
Thank you very much. Great pitch.
Perfect. Now in the spirit of always-be-closing, would you spin around for us?
Oh and QR code. If anyone wants to scan the QR code, go for it. Well done, Jason.
One thing I love about UTS Startups is the diversity of all of the ventures that are
started and continuing.
And one thing we do well and have a lot of, is marketplaces. But this is a really impressive
one. Ben, from Gecko.
G'day, my name's Ben Kennedy, and I'm the Founder and CEO of Gecko.
Gecko is a rental marketplace that helps people hire hard-to-get event items easily to create
unforgettable experiences. Now. I want to introduce you to Gecko's first ever customer,
Josh needed speakers for his 21st birthday. He went online and everything was too expensive.
And anything that was within his budget, didn't have a delivery option or wasn't close to
where he lived.
Finally, he didn't trust using Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace as he felt the people
that were on these sites were super shady.
So, I introduced him to Louie. Louie is a trusted DJ who I've known for years
and he lives in the exact same suburb as Josh does.
The two met up and Josh ended up having the best night of his life.
Gecko helps people make extra cash off event items gathering dust in their home. Just like
we did for Louie.
We have everything you need on one simple and easy to use platform and
we help people hire hard-to-get items easily to create unforgettable experiences
just like we did for Josh. The community to community lending economy will be worth 92
billion dollars globally by 2025.
Our serviceable available market is worth 1.14 billion dollars and our serviceable obtainable
market is 101 million dollars.
Our competition sucks. Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree are not secure and they don't
facilitate hiring.
Party hire and DJ warehouse are very hard to use websites that are incredibly expensive.
We're that sweet spot in the middle.
We take sixteen point five percent from the lender and five to ten percent from the borrower.
We also have delivery fees that are able to scale through using Zoom2u.
Currently, we're piggybacking off successful marketplaces with high liquidity. For every
one dollar that we put into this we get three dollars back.
We focus on customer success to generate referrals. We make sure that each listing that's on our
has the best chance of getting hired out and finally we know where our customers are looking
for us. They're on Google.
So we're putting a lot of time and effort into search engine optimisation.
We've got 1000 users today and almost two and a half thousand listings. We've made
189 sales, and that's not even the exciting part.
We're growing 10 percent week on week since May 2020,
which is five percent more than what Y Combinator asks from their startups in their world famous
You have myself, a UTS Hustler of the Year award winner.
you know, I’ll work hard. You have Alan Ng, who has a successful exit under his belt
Lal Birch and I don't even need to tell you how amazing this pitch deck looks.
We're raising 700 thousand dollars
but we're not looking for just anyone. We're looking for experienced investors that have
worked with companies that have been growing 10 percent week on week.
We need your advice on the next stage of our entrepreneurial journey.
So if this is you, or someone you know, please feel free to “geck” in touch. Thanks.
Nice one, Ben. Love it. Love the energy as well.
You pretty much covered everything but judges, do we have a question?
Well done Ben, and you're definitely in line for a hustle award again this year. Well done.
can you tell us a bit about how you arrived?
You know, the first time I saw you pitch this idea,
it was renting everything that anybody might have anywhere in the world to anybody who
might want it.
How did you settle on this particular vertical category? What made it more attractive than
the others you looked at? Yeah, really great question.
So one thing that's really driven us
has been that customers drive, I guess every decision that we make. So one thing that I
sort of noticed when I first started,
was, it was actually within that context of going over to Falls Festival and needing,
you know tents speakers,
DJ decks and all those sorts of things. And as we sort of got along
and developed, we realised 85 percent of our sales were actually in the event industry.
So we sort of, you know, put our startup hats on and we thought, you know
it would be really good to have a real laser focus on these sorts of, on this problem to
So yeah, definitely the customers.
Well done, mate. A great deck and you backed it up as well. Thank you. Cheers, thank you.
Well done, Ben.
The entrepreneurial force is strong with this one.
We have our lucky last pitcher pitching live tonight. If you are looking for a startup
to support
that makes real world impact and tangible difference in the lives of young people,
look no further than Nitin from Maslow.
Hi, I'm Nitin and I'm the Clinical Lead at Maslow.
We make it easy for people with paralysis to manage their care and rehab from where
it matters most, at home.
Now before I can explain why we started Maslow, I'll introduce you to my friend, Kevin.
In 2011, Kevin was riding his bike. He hit his head and suffered a traumatic brain injury.
He lost use of his hands and his legs
becoming a quadriplegic, and spent the next six months in rehab learning everything he
needed to know to manage his condition.
And when he returned home, he forgot everything.
The challenges that he faced when he returned home,
was that there was no clinician by his bedside educating him and his family on how to best
support him around his condition.
His carers weren't trained on how to support someone with a chronic condition
and he had difficulty educating those carers on how to best support him.
And he’d waste time and money traveling to specialist appointments that have basic
health queries answered.
We learned that this was a shared experience among young people with paralysis.
With 60 percent of people remitting back into the hospital system with avoidable complications
within their first year.
Cameron is one of 45 000 people living with paralysis specifically from a traumatic injury.
And the readmission and care costs are costing our healthcare system
11.5 billion dollars.
So in response to this,
we created a team of clinicians, engineers, designers and people with the lived experience,
as well as support from a few
organisations to address the challenges faced by young people with paralysis.
And from here we created Maslow. Maslow is a voice-enabled mobile application to support
care and rehab from home.
Download Maslow from the App Store, connect with your therapist and carers, and users
Independently manage their care and rehab from where it matters most, at home.
Maslow is a game changer from the status quo.
Instead of not knowing how to manage your health at home,
Maslow allows users to have access to guided care and rehab content created by your therapist.
Instead of having difficulty educating large care teams,
Maslow allows users to independently coordinate and educate those carers in one place.
Instead of wasting time traveling to a specialist appointment to have specialists answer basic
health queries, communicate directly from home with your specialist.
Maslow is charged as an annual subscription and our users have successfully been able
to subsidise under their NDIS budget.
Which means it's 300 dollars to the NDIS and zero dollars to the user.
Going forward, we've partnered with Making Strides, who's one of the most prominent neuro
clinics globally
and we've given them remote capabilities to support people with paralysis to manage their
care and rehab from home.
Making Strides is uniquely positioned between New South Wales and Queensland
and a lot of their patients have been locked out because of the covid restrictions.
We're providing them with remote capabilities to continue to support these patients in the
Our ask is this, if you have connections within the HCF Foundation or Bupa Foundation who
will focus on supporting people with complex care needs,
reach out and have a chat to us.
On top of that, we're about to hit a thousand followers on Instagram. So pull out your phones
please, give us some support @maslowforpeople
so we can support people living with paralysis not just to survive, but thrive at the top
of Maslow's pyramid. Thank you.
Well done Nitin.
Get those phones out follow them on Instagram. Do them a solid.
If it's okay, I might not throw to you Alan because I know you mentored them in Remarkable.
He would drill me.
What about Alex or Kim to wrap up the last of the questions from the judges?
I guess I'm just really inspired by this and I kind of see your product offering as really
If you could kind of expand your product offering, where do you think you could go with this?
When you mean expand, you mean beyond spinal cord injury? Yeah.
so currently, our deep research has been around specifically spinal cord injury
and it was better to start with one group versus say 10, 20 different neurological conditions.
Currently on the platform,
we have people with spinal cord injury, quadriplegic, paraplegic, spina bifida, cerebral palsy
and clinicians are already saying that they want to use the platform for brain injury
MS. So,
paralysis, the challenges faced by people living with paralysis,
they are going to be the same in the care and rehab space our deep knowledge has been
around spinal cord injury
but we're already seeing people with other neurological conditions starting to access
the platform.
Fantastic. Thank you.
Thanks. Nitin. Well done.
That's it. Those are all of the pitches we have tonight. I know. Emma, that's not it.
We have actually got one more pitch. All right, that sounds exciting. Did I miss something?
Well maybe or I just wrote a really complex run sheet. I'm not sure.
But this is a good one. Okay. So a lot of people sort of see UTS Startups
right and they see us and they see all the startups and things but do you make money?
Do you think they do? That’s a good question
A fair number. Um, we're not really going to give out all of the details right now,
but a fair number of our startups have
impressive revenue, um
But one startup in particular has had an incredibly good year, even though it's 2020 even though
it's COVID,
Have absolutely nailed
2020 with an incredible year in terms of investment and revenue so I think we need Sam up on stage.
Get up here Sam.
Who is going to present
And I've also got to say Sam is an incredible, uh, it’s RUOK? Day today
He's incredible ambassador for RUOK? and he's been doing a lot in our startup community
as well
So, please welcome Sam again as he presents Clipboard!
All right, so for your final magic award that nobody was expecting.
I'm Sam from Clipboard and we help schools run great extracurricular programs.
When I was growing up I participated in a lot of activities oUTSide the classroom from
basketball rugby to debating.
I'm confident
that if it weren't for the life lessons that these activities taught me
I wouldn't be where I am today.
During university my co-founder Ed Colyer and I started coaching basketball at our old
high school,
And when we were coaching we saw that schools were struggling with three critical problems.
They weren't always upholding the duty of care to the students, particularly around
attendance tracking.
They were wasting hours upon hours of time each week on admin work.
And frankly the communication and updates with the student and parents was really poor.
So that's why we created Clipboard.
We are
pioneering a new category in the k-12 edtech sector. The
EMS, the
extracurricular management system.
Clipboard helps schools manage all of their extracurricular data and processes.
communicating updates and schedules to the students and parents.
To allowing the marking of attendance, the reporting of incidents
And the scheduling of music lessons and things like sports fixtures as well.
We currently have over 25 paying customers and these are some of Australia's leading
Such as Barker college in New South Wales, Lauriston Girls School in Victoria and Pembroke
In South Australia.
Our business model is that our pricing ranges anywhere between
three thousand dollars to thirty-five thousand dollars per annum and our average contract
value is about twelve k.
We're really proud to have gone through the Muru-D and the Startmate accelerators and
have just raised an
$830 000 seed-round led by Jelix Ventures. We're going to be using this funding to continue
accelerating the team
And growing into international markets such as New Zealand and asian international schools
where we've had early interest.
The EMS market represents over 80,000 private and international schools globally
and millions more public schools.
And the estimated global market size is two billion dollars per annum.
So, how can you help? Well we would love intros
I'm sure lots of you have been to school. If you're a parent at an independent school
in Australia or if you have connections
In New Zealand or South-east Asia, we would love introductions.
Our vision is to help
Schools, is to provide students with the life lessons and opportunities that great extracurricular
activities provide.
I'm Sam from Clipboard and we help schools run great extracurricular programs.
Okay, so it's been a big year for you,
so can you sort of tell us in terms of the effects of COVID on what you guys have been
doing what you've
Been building are there any sort of things that jump out?
Yeah, well, we got off to a pretty good start. So we closed the funding round just before
COVID which was
extremely beneficial for us.
Obviously COVID wasn't great for us initially. There was a period of about three months where
schools globally didn't run any activities.
You know for the first time ever they were outlawed. Um, so that wasn't great for an
extracurricular activities platform.
But now they're coming back and they're coming back in a really strong way. And what's really
interesting is that we've positioned ourselves as
the enabler for schools to run safe activities. So we have a lot of inbound leads now coming
in across the country
from schools that
Are now realising that hey our processes of paper-based attendance tracking just don't
cut it in 2020
And we need instant contact tracing and we need a record of all this data in one place.
Congratulations for winning high attraction award
so what we're going to have to do because we can't give you the actual award
You've got to pick up one of these aggressive looking spikes and take it home. Awesome.
Thank you so much Sam, appreciate it
We've had a lot of you guys participate online and I think we'll click through
Thank you so much, participate online, the last few days in our people's choice award.
So who's voted here?
Probably a bunch of you at home. All the zoomers are like, yeah, that's me
and a lot of you have sort of seen our video pitches and a whole heap of startups have
been putting time and effort into
Recording their pitches for you guys. You can actually see those right now if you head
startupsfestival.uts.edu.au but one startup out of, I think we had over a thousand votes
right Kat? I'm gonna say
Do we have a number? I feel like it was north of a thousand
918. We had
970 or 18, votes, coming in for people's choice
but there can only be one winner and i'm really excited because the winner is
Shivangi why don't you come up on stage?
I've got to say I appreciate all of you being like super distanced and clapping and like
getting into this because it's like yeah
It's um, I feel like we should all just kind of be in a mosh pit at this point.
but yeah, grab one of your aggressive looking awards, so
What do you think? It was about Caelus that made you guys the people's choice?
I think Amir, my co-founder, had this great idea of actually pitching an elevator pitch
in an elevator. So that made it really interesting.
He even made the background music or the elevator music that usually happens and
It was really fantastic and we had a bloopers that we released as well.
We should probably make that public as well because it's quite funny watching us, the
elevator close on us.
So how far into this startup are you guys, how long has it been around?
Hasn't been around for long since um Amir pitched it to me
around April, so it hasn't been that long and COVID has definitely stopped us a little
bit along the way but we're definitely
Want to continue the momentum.
For something that started in April, I think you guys are doing incredible and thank you
for the user generated content
We appreciate it and if you get onto our UTS Startups Facebook, you'll see it.
So, why don't you jump on there and let's all thank Shivangi for your incredible work
with Caelus and well done!
Thank you so much.
We've got to scramble, we don't have much time left and I'm hoping that the judges have
been punching in
their decisions because we want to know, which startups tonight have shone
For you guys and are gonna take home a spiky award
But in my mind so many of them have just inspired me so much
and I just wanted to take sort of ten seconds here to say that whoever you are in this room,
you could be an entrepreneur that leverages the benefit of UTS Startups.
We are a program that is here at UTS for UTS students. But the truth is, so many UTS students
join forces.
This is the coolest thing, they join forces with people from Sydney University from UNSW
from not a university, all over the place, to build what they're building and it's so
inspiring to see and so if you consider yourself
someone with a bit of an entrepreneurial spark
maybe an idea or something like that. We would love to hear from you.
I would love to hear from you because i'm that guy that reads all the emails and gets
really excited.
But the truth is there is so much possibility in the world of entrepreneurship and again,
if you haven't got a sense of that from the pitches that we've seen tonight, um,
Then I don't think you were listening because there were so many ideas that I just thought
were so creative
and so incredible and you know, that could be
Easily one of you as well. So again, thank you so much for making the time to be here,
braving it out in the Sydney weather.
For everyone at home who's cooking pumpkin soup and watching, we appreciate you as well.
And so
Tonight I'm getting a little nod,
Emma are we getting nods or keep talkings?
Keep talkings great. That's my specialty.
And so,
another thing that we were supposed to tell you about tonight as well, and we haven't
Just kept this up my sleeve,
the startups festival is something we started this year for the first time because really
COVID meant that we couldn't do a lot on campus, we wanted to,
And it's great that we're having tonight's event here.
But we wanted a chance for all of our startups to actually get a chance
To meet you guys and to meet people that they've never met before. To find supporters, to find
connections. So if you jump on
You'll be able to connect with a whole heap of our startups
You can offer support, you can buy their products, purchase their products when we launch the
marketplace. You can see their video pitches-
Back Local is a good one if you haven't clicked on there yet. That's just a little one on
the side.
But there are plenty of good startups on there that really would benefit from your support
so, please take the time to do that. It's happening all September and Emma is coming
on stage.
That's why he's our Inspiration Manager. Thanks Dave!
It's like the Oscars, I might pop the
awards, winners on this beautiful UTS lectern
but we've got a few people, not just a few, quite a lot of people to thank actually.
really rely on the support of the ecosystem at large and we have so many sponsors who
want to support our startups
With over $112,000 worth of prizes for our community.
If we can get their beautiful, beautiful logos up on stage so we can really all show them
some love.
You can head to the program
startupsawards.uts.edu.au to see the full suite of prizes.
Of course, we need to thank our major sponsor, Deep Green Biotech Hub. We have Antler, AWS
Cicada Innovations, Cost Smart, Energy Lab, Fishburners, Fullstack Advisory, Haymarket
Hubspot for Startups. Ah, there's so many, let me take another breath.
LegalVision, Microsoft for Startups, Mr. T Studio- where we have our beautiful UTS Startups
tees made.
Protospace, of course who made these beautiful, Dave said aggressive, but I think they're
beautiful trophies.
PWC Emerging Companies, Remarkable,
Site Kite, Skalata Ventures,
Spruson & Ferguson, Square Peg Capital and YLab. So a very big thank you to all of our
Now are we ready for some more winners?
If it's okay Attila, would you mind joining me on stage please? And Murray?
We have to do a very awkward socially distanced photo for all of the winners. So
If one of you could join me over here, please.
And Attila, would you mind joining us over here.
What a world we're living in! And the winners,
don't forget when you come up grab one of the beautiful
Protospace trophies and find a spot in the middle and we have a beautiful triangle.
So we're going to kick off with most sustainable, Alex if you wouldn't mind joining us on stage
Perfect so
Because Alex is managing Deep Green Biotech Hub, who is sponsoring the most sustainable
we thought it might be nice if she announces the winner so you can open that up and let
us know who wins
best UTS startup most sustainable.
So it's with absolute great pleasure that the UTS Deep Green Biotech Hub is sponsoring
the UTS Startup Awards tonight.
it's a bigger pleasure for us just to be a part of this ecosystem and it's so amazing
to have the support.
But also amazing to have the support to be able to drive an algae bio-economy in New
South Wales.
We're supported by New South Wales Treasury through the Boosting
Business Innovation Program but we're also really driving this amazing innovation that's
coming out of UTS,
to help make New South Wales a bit more sustainable and to assist with the green recovery.
So it's really amazing that we're able to present the most sustainable award tonight
The award goes to ALGATEX.
Right to the middle.
Do we have, how do you feel- how do you feel Nick?
Congratulations, I'm over the moon at the moment. Just to just want to quickly thank
you, to Alex and the Green Light
I also want to thank my co-founders: Isabel
Toasa, Samantha Roberts and also Rachel Yamamoto. You guys are awesome and thank you for putting
up with me.
Thank you!
Well done Nick. Thank you so much. We'll pose for a quick photo.
Maybe we can photoshop us a bit closer together in future, so i'll run the gauntlet. Thanks
Nick. Well done. Thank you so much Alex.
What is up next?
Application of research.
The winner is:
The Change Hub, come on Lydia.
Grab your choice of trophy and join us on stage.
How does it feel?
Congratulations. Thank you. It feels really good. It's been such a long journey, and I
just want to thank my family.
It was really hard
going through a phd, doing a startup and having two kids along the way!
So I really want to thank my husband and my family for their constant support. It's long
hours and it's not
fun sometimes when you can't go home in time for the kids bedtime, so thank you so much
for this opportunity,
I really appreciate it. Well done Lydia. Thank you so much!
Very relatable. I saw a lot of nods in the audience and i'm sure a lot of people at home
can relate to that.
Very very well
We have best UTS Startup social impact category.
This one was very, very close. These scores were incredibly close, but there can only
be one winner
And that is Arula.
The amazing Steph, she really does demonstrate resilience every day.
We love seeing her at UTS Startups at 608 Harris.
In the middle,
anyone to thank,
what have we got to say? Just everyone here- everyone's amazing and my family. Yeah and
world peace!
Love it, world peace. Well done Steph.
Perfect, thanks so much. Gosh, I just can't believe how amazing all of these pitches are.
There can only be one winner but we are proud of every single one of our startups in the
community. Don't ever forget that.
Now this was our elevator pitches. Remember? The ideas stage.
The winner is medEQ.
Phoebe Butler.
Thank you. Incredible work.
Tell us what's going through your head! Um to be honest, I'm quite surprised. So just
thanks so much.
Working on this alongside a medical science degree is interesting but i'm really enjoying
it and especially being a part of the community
It's amazing. Thank you.
A little birdie told me you went on a ski trip lately and you might have injured your
hip- you're back on stage pitching,
Back at it. I broke my hip snowboarding five weeks ago, so
Cheering. I'm back walking so we love it.
Cheers to that. Well done Phoebe.
Two more awards left which doesn't quite make sense maths wise. I think someone hasn't gotten
their trophy, but we'll get them to you.
So we have the established category.
Well, this one's very exciting and i'm told another extraordinarily close
category and in fact
the semi-final stage was so close that we went from three final finalists that we had
originally anticipated to five because it was just so close.
The winner, for Best UTS Startup: Established
is Maslow.
It might take him a while, Nitin’s seat you can't see is all the way at the back of
the great hall.
So we'll give him a chance to jog up on stage.
Such a great team.
Don't forget your trophy Nitin.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Do you have anything, anyone to thank? Anything you'd
like to say last words?
Look, we've had a lot of support especially across the city- Remarkable, CSIRO,
But honestly UTS Startups.
Love all of the organisations that have supported us so far, but the birthplace of Maslow was
UTS Startups. It's amazing.
I'm an occupational therapist by trade. I've worked in acute hospitals, rehab hospitals
under the NDIS
and normally a project like this would come out of like a clinical
institution or an academic place like UTS or University of Sydney and then a startup
has entered like
a clinic like making strides.
That's amazing. So thanks again for supporting us and thanks for the award. Thanks for being
part of the community Nitin-
well done.
Lucky, lucky last. So last year was the first time we added this award category
and we didn't want it to just be based on a pitch. We wanted it to
Recognise a startup that sort of does it all. They have demonstrated traction, they actually
get stuff done,
they have contributed really strongly to the UTS Startups community giving back through
just connecting people to their networks through holding lunch and learns.
Just anything they can do to be part of the community. If it's okay, I might
change the plan and get Murray to announce it. Let's get you a microphone Murray from
the incredible Bianca.
I think it makes sense for Murray to announce this one.
If that's okay with everyone.
Uh you remember what happened last time?
We'll give you another chance Murray- does everyone remember last year? All right. So
the winner for Startup of the Year 2020 is...
This, at the bottom?
It is Clipboard,
Thank you Murray, just a quick shout out to Chris Hind in the back corner- our Head of
Operations and Mr
Ed Colyer, my co-founder and Head of Product. Um, sorry Sam, we'll get you to sorry five
metres. Cool.
Um, yeah, I was just saying it's definitely not the Sam show- Ed does a lot of the work
um, as our Head of Product and Chris is a big part of the team and obviously
the rest of our team as well.
So i'm super proud of everybody and what they've done to contribute to the community and also
to develop a product that our customers love.
We're really lucky to have you.
Clipboard was actually one of the first startups to join UTS Startups. A lot of people think
we are quite old as a
community, as a program. We've actually just celebrated our second birthday and Clipboard
joined in- I think it was August of 2018.
One of the first startups, has gone on to be in multiple accelerator programs,
raised investment, but it's not always about that stuff.
There's the small wins that we need to celebrate as well and that can be as simple as inspiring
someone else to
see what's possible and he does that by speaking at workshops,
presentations, just by being an all-round legend. We need more legends in our community.
Well done Sam- any last comments?
What's the piece of advice you would give to someone who is sort of teetering on the
Of becoming an entrepreneur or starting a startup. What's one little piece of advice
you could give? I think the advice i'd give, so I started Clipboard
with Ed. I would have been start of second year of uni, and I’dstarted a few different
startup ideas before that.
And the advice i'd give is that if you're in uni
Oftentimes you have the luxury to just give it a go and you're doing uni anyway. So
between uni and maybe a part-time job you actually have the ability to fail and nothing
really bad's gonna happen. So I think
that is one of the most liberating factors of starting a business when you're in university
and with the UTS Startups program.
Like I can firmly say that we wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for UTS Startups.
There's just no way.
So I think having that support and also having the flexibility of being a uni student, when
you can bring those two factors together
That's a really enabling thing.
So just give it a go and if you're at UTS lean into all this support because we certainly
wouldn't be here without it.
Thanks, Sam. That's so sweet. Another big round of applause for Clipboard: Startup of
the Year
Thank you very much Attila and Murray, thank you.
All right, Dave it's over. I know it's not over yet sad. I reckon we need Ariel on stage,
where's he going.
Oh, you're right there. Thanks, mate. Sorry to work you so hard. I reckon we need a selfie
Um, are you guys up for it? Everyone on zoom?
We need you up, in front of the couch, on your feet, pumpkin soup away!
Any award winners don't run with those awards just stand up gently. And everyone else, if
we could just stand up together
right now and make sure we imprint this digitally. We won't copy it too many times Fasade.
Get in a selfie.
Hands up or do something weird on the count of three, two, one- UTS Startups!
It wasn't good enough, okay, three, two, one- UTS Startups.
Amazing, thank you. Thank you. Sorry about that, that just happened
Geez my jeans are tight. You can be seated for 30 more seconds if you like.
Emma i'm pretty sure we've got important things to announce and i've forgotten them all but
I'll start with
startupsfestival.uts.edu.au- you won't find steak knives
But you will find a startup pitch from heaps of startups that are doing incredible things.
We have the startups showcase, we have the startups marketplace.
Monday 9am, get on there.
And you could buy an Espresso Display.
You could whole bunch of things, you could sign up for, you could create a listing on
Gecko even.
Which I have done. No one's hired my leaf blower, but that's cool. I put a dress on
Gecko. Yeah, very good.
And so much more to do there.
We'd love your support in that way. And also with the UTS Startups Festival. We have got
some lightning talks and workshops that are happening
all month in September,
Uh, we actually have how not to green wash your startup. If you're inspired by the most
sustainable category our very own, Dr.
Alex Thompson is going to share how NOT to greenwash your startup and i'm looking forward
to it.
We have lightning talks around startups and research, we have
some really interesting stuff coming up with a collaboration between UNSW,
Sydney University, Macquarie University and UTS. Around how universities are driving entrepreneurship
which would be really cool, and heaps of other stuff.
So we'd love to see there. Even if you're on a zoom we still feel your presence.
And, we just want to say a huge thank you for being part of the third UTS Startups Awards.
Thank you so much, give yourselves a round of applause.
Any final advice Emma to anyone who's on the edge of their seat about to join UTS Startups?
I think
the best thing I heard was
What does it take to become an entrepreneur? You just need to decide to be one.
It's as simple as that, and then to join UTS startups as I said before
All you need is an idea and some ambition and we'll help you with the rest.
We have an amazing community of how many is it now Dave?
Three hundred and ...
Lots, 370, because we take applications every single day. That's why.
374 I believe it is today. I haven't checked Airtable. We were busy preparing for the awards.
Over 750
Members, so if you are thinking about it
And you don't quite have someone in your network that sort of
Understands what you're feeling come and join us. Come and join our crew because you'll
have an instant group of people just like you.
Beautiful and with that
Farewell. Thank you everyone who’s zoomed in and watched us on Ausbiz. We appreciate
you. We appreciate everyone in this room.
Go start a startup. Thank you. Good night
Awards categories 2020
Best UTS Startup (application of research)
UTS is committed to practical innovation and to the development of impact- driven research that benefits industry and the broader community. The work of these startups has leveraged such research to build businesses which are driving change in the world around us.
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Greenlight Healthcare Research (runner up)Greenlight Healthcare Research is dedicated to address inequality in maternity care through locally relevant, quality evidence to improve maternity outcomes in disadvantaged populations. Team members: Deborah Sims (Health), Sacha Kendall Jamieson (Health) and Sarah Ticehurst |
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The Change Hub (winner)The Change Hub is an interactive digital platform that allows individuals, teams and organisations to navigate the chaos of change. Team members: Lydia Moussa (Health) |
Best UTS Startup (social impact)
As an institution for public good, UTS is committed to driving social change within and beyond campus. Startups in this category are committed to building a for-purpose startup that benefits people and communities.
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Arula (winner)Arula believes no woman should fear life after breast cancer. Our mission is to help women who have undergone mastectomies by creating 3D printing breast protheses. Team members: Stephanie Weiss (FEIT) |
aXonplay (runner up)aXonPlay creates engaging learning gamification video games that target social resilience for people with the Autism Spectrum Disorder. Team members: Sinay Salomon (Science), Zoe Rowen (FASS), Dav Thomas, Sophia Lucas, Farrah Nouri and Nikolai Goundry |
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Nestwell (runner up) Nestwell takes holiday rentals and makes them available for emergency accommodation. Like Airbnb, but for organisations working with those needing immediate housing. Team members: Dr Linda Leung (Business), Viveka Weiley (FEIT), Rodney Berry (FEIT) and Mel Rumble (TDI) |
Best UTS Startup (ideas stage)
These startups are being recognised at the beginning of their journey in exploring and developing solutions which we believe will make significant impact. For most, this represents their first time pitching their startup to an audience.
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Caelus Intelligence (runner up) Caelus Intelligence is an app for industries to gain data insights from recent satellite imagery in a few taps, through our specialised automated machine learning. Team members: Amir Tukic (FEIT) and Shivangi Singh (Business) |
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medEQ (winner)medEQ is an online platform that positively influences the doctor-patient relationship by building trustful communication and in-clinic emotional intelligence. Team members: Phoebe Butler (Science, Business) |
PsycTools (runner up)PsycTools is an online two-sided platform that monitors client's progression of post-psychology tasks set by psychologists, assisting psychologists to make more informed decisions. Team members: Adam Clark (FEIT) and Ayman Taoube |
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Stack Creative Works (runner up)Stack Creative Works is an agile animation studio developing a high-tech, low-budget production pipeline to deliver a new kind of interactive media: the first 'choose-OUR-own-adventure'. Team members: Conor Stack (DAB) |
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YPower (runner up)YPower is a youth-run and delivered mentoring advocacy service. We are a group of remarkable women focused on solutions to filling key mentoring and skill gaps. Team members: Vanessa Song (Business), Ashley Robinson, Kate Melville, Nevena Apostoloska |
Best UTS Startup (most sustainable)
A new category for 2020, supported by UTS Deep Green Biotech Hub. These startups have indicated a commitment to environmental sustainability, incorporating sustainable practices and/or building sustainability into their business model.
ALGATEX (winner) ALGATEX's biosolution frees heavy metals from textile wastewater by using all-natural algal pigments that are biodegradable, cost effective, less water reliant, and great for the planet! Team members: Nick Dominique-Bouvat (TDI), Samantha Roberts (DAB) and Isabel Toasa (Science)
Fasade (runner up)Data is the new plastic. Fasade tackles this emerging issue by providing digital citizens with the right tools to recycle the data. Team members: Pavel Stanek (Business), Ankit Jagannath (FEIT, Business)
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UCarryit (runner up) In conversation with high school students, UCarryit co-created fun, educational algae kits that empower curious citizen scientists to learn STEM in ways they find fun and interesting. Team members: Charles Yuncken (DAB, FTDI), Maddy Satterthwaite, Camille Hansen (FEIT, FTDI), Kate Shorter, Thomas Dolahenty (Science, FTDI), Kyra Blake (Business, FTDI)
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Blackgoat (runner up)BlackGoat produces sustainable Design Wetsuits using limestone neoprene. Team members: Marc Bohmann (Business)
Best UTS Startup (established)
This category recognises the startups that have seen their ideas through to execution and are finding traction in their market.
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Asendium (runner up)Designed for the financial planning industry, Asendium is an automated compliance document generation system that reduces the time to generate documents by up to 90 per cent. Team members: Sharon Lee (Business), Scott Miller, William Kim |
Compass IoT (runner up)Compass IoT is a digital transport management platform with the purpose to replace expensive hardware, providing traffic data for any road in Australia, for any time period, instantly. Team members: Angus McDonald, Emily Bobis, Ben Hinchley, David Lee, Harrison Khannah, Vincent Guan (Business, TDI), Devin Lee, Tian Luong |
Dynamic Grain Solutions (runner up)Dynamic Grain Solutions is democratising automation for the grains industry by delivering the latest innovations in mechatronics. Team members: Jason Al Haddad (FEIT) |
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Gecko (runner up) Gecko is a secure, easy-to-use rental marketplace that helps people make extra cash from event items that are gathering dust in their home, and helps people hire hard-to-get event items easily to create unforgettable experiences. Team members: Benjamin Kennedy (Business, TDI), Alan Ng (FEIT) and Lal Birch (DAB) |
Maslow (winner)Maslow is a voice-enabled rehabilitation assistant for young people living with paralysis. Maslow's inclusive design equips users with tools to independently structure their personal and rehabilitation schedule, measure their rehabilitation habits, and access guided health education to better understand and manage their condition. Team members: Andrew Akib (TDI), Ilya Thai (FEIT), Nitin Fernandez, Esther Cha (TDI), Joseph Ocampo, Steven Ralph and Nick Kunz |
Best UTS Startup (high traction)
This category recognises a startup that has demonstrated high traction through investment and revenue in 2020.
Winner: Clipboard
Clipboard helps students, parents and staff have a seamless extracurricular experience by providing a single platform for all activities outside the classroom.
Community Morale Award
This category recognises the exceptional and selfless contribution to the community, exemplifying the startup spirit and a sense of give-back.
Winner: Newtown Blessing Box
Sitting happily on the corner of Bedford and Station Streets in Newtown, the Newtown Blessing Box is the brainchild of two UTS Startups community members and their housemate who wanted to feed the community in need during the pandemic.
People's Choice Award
The public voted for the best 60-second elevator pitch in the digital Startups Showcase at UTS Startups Festival. For the first time, all participating startups had the opportunity to be part of this People's Choice category, not just the finalists.
Winner: Caelus Intelligence
Caelus Intelligence is an app for industries to gain data insights from recent satellite imagery in a few taps, through specialised automated machine learning.
Most Inspiring Award
This category recognises the resilience and creativity of our startups, combined with finding an opportunity to contribute to post-COVID economic recovery.
Winner: Espresso Displays
Recognised for their resilience, creativity, and contribution to post-COVID economic recovery, Espresso Displays has raised $650k on Kickstarter and Indigogo combined allowing them to create the world’s thinnest portable display that turns your laptop or phone into a portable workspace! Talk about dream working from home setup…
UTS Startup of the Year
The UTS Startup of the Year recognises a well-rounded startup team that gives back to the UTS Startups community by inspiring and supporting others, has displayed determination through action on their startup, and has demonstrated traction through customers, investors and accelerator programs.
Winner: Clipboard
Clipboard's easy way of navigating extracurricular activities helps parents, staff and students say goodbye to poor communication and hours lost trying to manage activities each week. But their impact doesn't stop there, co-founders Sam and Ed continually give back to the UTS Startups community - and have done since they joined us as one of our first startups!
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A suite of prizes valued at over $112,000, plus money-can’t-buy experiences were awarded to the category winners of the 2020 UTS Startups Awards.
2020 Prize pool
- $4,000 cash supported by UTS Deep Green Biotech Hub
- 10 x additional $5,000 AWS credits
- $27,831 worth of HubSpot software
- A series of collaboration sessions valued at up to $15,000 to put your startup’s financial house in order and develop the materials to be investor-ready, from PwC Emerging Companies
- A provisional patent application from Spruson & Ferguson (valued at approx. $5,000)
- A 12-month tax compliance & bookkeeping support from Fullstack Advisory (valued at $3,500)
- An annual LVConnect package from LegalVision (valued at $2,388)
- 3 x Site Starter website packages via Site Kite including strategy and brand session, done-for-you WordPress setup, customised strategic blueprint, coming soon page, 30-min training, on-page writing prompts, 30-min Zoom for final questions/design tweaks, and 30-day Member Library access (valued at $660 each). Plus, 3 x $100 Site Kite vouchers.
- 10 x three-month memberships to the Fishburners Founders Hub. Empowering Founders for success with everything you need to start and scale a startup in one place (valued at $1470 total)
- A Startup t-shirt package by Mr T Studio (valued at $484)
- 3 x $100 gift certificates to redeem on marketing material such as print, apparel and branded products at CostSmart
- A collective investment Q&A workshop for all winning teams from Square Peg Capital
- A direct entry into the final stage of Antler’s selection process for their next cohort - join the fast track to investment, mentorship, and a global network to accelerate the growth of your next venture.
- A one-on-one B2B mentoring session with Microsoft for Startups, plus entry for one team into the Microsoft for Startups program (sales, marketing, and technical support with a dedicated account manager)
- A 90-minute one-on-one coaching session on 'how to market to diverse audiences and create social change', plus membership to YLab’s immersive online “Design the future” content.
- A business coaching session with EnergyLab’s Chief Entrepreneur, plus a three-month virtual co-working membership
- A 60-minute startup coaching session with one of the Remarkable team
- A 60-minute mentorship session on breaking into Asian markets with Jason Yat-sen Li, Chairman of Vantage Group Asia, from Haymarket HQ
- A personalised immersion tour of Cicada Innovations
- A communal Q&A for all winners on “Demystifying product-market fit” with Skalata Ventures
- Trophies 3D printed by UTS Protospace
Thank you to all of our sponsors for their continued support of our startups.
The support of our community is critical to the success of our startups. Thank you to all of our sponsors for their contribution to helping build Australia's future startup economy.
Awards Sponsors 2020
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2020 Judges
Thank you to our panel of judges for supporting our startups and providing invaluable feedback in the semifinal and final rounds of judging.
Meet our judges
Martin Bliemel David Bond Mark Cason Kim Curtain Brendan Elliott Lucas Hakewill |
Murray Hurps Tyler Key Samantha Khoury Dilek Kozanoglu Alan Jones Margaret Maile Petty |
David O'Connor Krithika Randhawa Ann Schoefer Jochen Schweitzer Helen Spiropoulos Alex Thomson |
We are incredibly grateful for the support of our mentors, who have share their experience, expertise, advice and connections with our startups in check-ins. Thank you to all of our 2020 mentors.
Meet our mentors
Catherine Alcock, Senior Accountant, The Startup Shop
Fiona Anson, Enterprise Learning Lead, UTS and co-founder and Advisor for The Jobs Agenda.
Jeff Beazley, Growth Marketing Specialist, BCG Digital Ventures
Madeleine Boothe, Commercial Lawyer, MistryFallahi Lawyers & Business
Chris Borrett, Director, BCG Digital Ventures
Mark Cason, co-founder, Ozeano Vision
Adeline Chu, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, Remarkable and Principal, Global Entrepreneur Xchange
Peter Davison, Investor
Noga Edelstein, Non Executive Director, SBE Australia
Catherine Eibner, Startup Business Development Manager, Australia and New Zealand, Amazon Web Services
Adam Hardy, Senior Growth Architect, BCG Digital Ventures
Murray Hurps, Director of Entrepreneurship, UTS
Joanne Jacobs, Co-CEO Disruptors Co
Mick Liubinskas, Partner and Product Director, BCG Digital Ventures
Alfred Lo, Partner at Startmate, Early-stage Tech Advisor & Investor, Venture Capital
Alex Logan, Product Lead, BCG Digital Ventures
David O'Connor, Chief Information Officer, UTS
Amit Shah, Founder, The Startup Shop
Bosco Tan, Growth Lead, Zip Co.
Carl Young, Analytics and AI Designer, UTS
Don't miss a single update; make sure you're on our UTS Startups mailing list to find out more about the next UTS Startups Awards