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Career and Life Design

With so many options of which direction to take in life, how do you know which one will be most fulfilling? Or if there are actually multiple options you could pursue? Take a look around to find out how the concept of Career and Life Design could help you to figure out what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.


  • What is Career and Life Design?

    Inspired by Stanford University’s 'Designing Your Life' program, Career and Life Design is a methodology that uses design thinking to help us build a well-lived, joyful life. Watch this video by UTS Careers to find out more.

  • Events and workshops

    Throughout the year, UTS Careers runs a series of Career and Life Design events and workshops, to help you address the wicked problem of designing your career and life. Click below to see the full list of upcoming activities for you to participate in. 

    See what's coming up  

  • Person putting post-it notes up on glass window
  • Female and male talking over a video call.
  • Coffee chats

    Meet UTS Careers intern, Melanie. Throughout a series of conversations (and a countless number of coffees consumed), Melanie explores some of the key concepts behind Career and Life Design at UTS, with a range of different people, from a variety of industries.   

    Watch the series