Neuroscience and neurological disorders
Group leaders
Group members
A/Professor Sara Lal
Ms Lina Sidavong (PhD candidate)
About us
The unit’s work is about eliminating the human element from surveillance done by humans or security staff monitoring people in crowds. The intention is to determine who to stop and search by identifying their emotional state. When we achieve this there will be no allegations of bias on racial, religious and or socio-economic grounds or allegations of ‘profiling’ when someone is questioned or detained. Our hope is to develop an algorithm that can be used in automated surveillance systems to select ‘persons of interest’. All this is to reduce public risk from potential perpetrators from all forms of antisocial behaviour - by making crowded places safer, relieving security staff from the tedium of sitting by a monitor and providing empirical evidence to justify searches of persons who may do harm. Ultimately supplying rational argument for any potential detention and prosecution of alleged ‘suspects’. The research focuses on forensic application of facial image analysis.
Within UTS
Associate Professor Sara Lal, Neuroscience Research Unit
Dr Alan Piper, FASS, Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Maike Ueland, Centre of Forensic Science
Raymond Purves, Bone and Joint Research Laboratories Kolling Research Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital
Bone Microenvironment Group, Garvin Research Institute, St. Vincent’s Hospital
Australian Centre for Public History, Faculty of Social Sciences, UTS
Centre of Forensic Science, School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, UTS
CancerDxPathology, Kolling Research Institute, Royal North Shore Hospital