Australians are producing a monstrous amount of electronic waste that eventually goes into landfill. How can we stop this?

10s of 1000s of tonnes of our old laptops, charging cables, TVs and cameras go into landfill each month, bleaching harmful chemicals into our environment.
With the success of so many other recycling initiatives, why is it that less than 20% of our E-waste is repurposed or recycled?
How should consumers, regulators and manufacturers adapt to help solve this problem?
In this episode of Think: Business Futures, presenter Stefan Posthuma chats to Dr Maruf Chowdhury, Senior Lecturer in Supply Chain Sustainability at the UTS Business School and Lisa Saunders, Co-founder and CEO of Arnies Recon, a free electronics recycling centre, about what can be done to reduce the E-waste that we produce.
LISTEN > Is E-waste really waste? | 28 June 2022 | 27 min
Dr Maruf Chowdhury is a Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management at the UTS Business School. See Maruf’s bio on UTS experts.
Lisa Saunders is the Co-founder and CEO of Arnies Recon, a free electronics recycling centre. See Lisa’s bio on LinkedIn.
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Think: Business Futures is produced by 2SER in partnership with UTS Business School.