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Work with us

By working with us, clients can leverage cross‑disciplinary expertise drawn from all UTS faculties, our industry partners and our global network of experts. They gain access to our ever‑growing curated library of upskilling modules ready to be tailored to any client context.

PLUS UTS Business Futures provides flexible, fast and cost-effective ways for clients to engage with us and meet their upskilling needs.

Who we work with

We have demonstrated partnerships within the public and private sectors providing lifelong learning pathways through agile, innovative learning design and delivery.


    At PLUS UTS Business Futures, we are dedicated to working with our clients in close partnership to design and deliver upskilling programs that create immediate and sustainable impact on their leaders as well as the organisation as a whole. 

    Our collaboration with ACCIONA exemplifies our commitment to helping organisations upskill their talent and create a positive learning and innovation culture.

    ACCIONA, a global leader in regenerative infrastructure and renewable energy, partnered with PLUS UTS Business Futures to design and deliver a series of upskilling programs for their middle managers and senior leaders to support them as they face new challenges and opportunities in an increasingly dynamic and complex industry context.


  • The program was designed to provide a holistic understanding of the upskilling needs of the participants and to align their development across levels, projects, geographies and business units. 

    It included a combination of in-person interactive workshops, personality assessments, the design and administration of a customised 360 assessment, coaching and development sessions and work-relevant tasks and strategic projects enabling participants to put the tools and techniques from the program into practice. 


  • By completing these tasks and projects, participants developed improvement ideas for the business resulting in a series of initiatives that created long-lasting impact.

    The collaboration between PLUS UTS Business Futures and ACCIONA has led to some exceptional outcomes. The program has empowered Acciona's teams with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead in the ever-changing infrastructure sector, to create positive team culture and to develop an inquiring mindset to drive continuous improvement.


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  • Transport for NSW

    Transport for NSW (TfNSW) embarked on a transformative journey to address the evolving needs of the transport landscape, recognizing that the next decade will witness more change than the past 50 years. 

    In collaboration with PLUS UTS Business Futures, TfNSW undertook an 18-month partnership to innovate and enhance leadership capabilities. This resulted in the development of a flexible and modular Certificate IV in Leadership and Management tailored to TfNSW's strategic vision. 

  • The program, completed by 300 participants, received overwhelmingly positive feedback, with 98.8% acknowledging the relevance of the content.

    The success of the program stems from an agile and adaptive approach, incorporating learning needs analysis, co-design workshops, and continuous collaboration. The partnership between TfNSW and PLUS UTS Business Futures embraced a deeply collaborative culture, fostering transparency and the open exchange of ideas. 

    The program's structure allows participants to choose a personalized learning journey, completing all 12 units for the Certificate or selecting standalone modules for rapid skills uplift. 

  • This approach aligns with TfNSW's goal of not only delivering a flagship leadership program but also offering units separately to cater to specific upskilling needs. 

    The co-designed Certificate IV equips leaders with state-of-the-art learning methods, including learner guides, eLearning modules, peer group and 1:1 leader sessions, facilitated workshops, train-the-trainer workshops, and work-relevant assessments. 

    The success of this collaboration not only lies in the quality of the program but also in the continuous improvement achieved through the collaborative sharing of knowledge and insights between the two teams.


    "Together with UTS, Transport has delivered a leadership development program that is providing our front-line and new-to-leadership team members with opportunities to build foundational leadership capability that maps to a Certificate IV in Leadership & Management. 

    "Throughout our journey, we learned from each other through both the subject matter and our ways of working. Our relationship matured from a client/service provider to strategic partnership and enabler. 

  • "The team at UTS demonstrate high integrity and a steadfast commitment to deliver on the agreed outcomes and worked with us when our Transport context experienced change. 

    "Overall our experience was valuable and we achieved the intended outcomes together."

    Peter LePage, Director Learning Strategy, 
    People and Culture, Transport for NSW

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  • John Holland Infrastructure

    We partnered with John Holland Infrastructure on the design and delivery of an upskilling program for their leaders which aims to develop their leadership and business skills, experience and networks and prepare them to address strategic challenges and opportunities. We designed an immersive program including in-person workshops, state-of-the-art e-learning, coaching and mentoring and peer learning. Through the design of work-integrated tasks, learning activities and projects focused on solving complex organisational issues, the program develops a range of skills including adaptive leadership, strategic problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication and presentation skills. We have since delivered the same program for a second cohort of John Holland Infrastructure as well as John Holland Building & John Holland Rail & Transport.

  • UTS Women's Career Confidence: Re-employment Pathways Program

    In collaboration with the National Careers Institute and key industry partners, we developed an innovative digital marketing program designed to help women looking to return to work after taking time off for caring responsibilities. The program connects women with leading marketing experts from the UTS Business School, award-winning digital marketing agencies, seasoned industry experts and career and developmental coaches to guide them through a seven-month journey providing them with the career know-how, confidence and connections to break (back) into the digital marketing industry.


    We partnered with the NSW Public Service Commission to deliver key aspects of the NSW Leadership Academy for over 350 senior public sector leaders (including executives and non-executive Aboriginal leaders).

    We continue to work closely with the NSW Leadership Academy to design learning experiences that are aligned with the needs of each cohort and to ensure consideration of cultural sensitivities. These programs focus on leadership, strategic thinking and planning and human-centred design (HCD), and we have incorporated a range of learning experiences including immersive and experiential learning and group work on complex challenges.

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  • Reserve Bank of Australia  

    We partnered with the RBA to co-design and deliver a blended Digital Leadership program for a group of 60 leaders across IT and Corporate Services.

    The aim of the program was to develop participants' leadership and complex problem-solving skills, and their ability to influence and drive change in an increasingly digital world. This was aligned with the RBA strategy to become a world-leading digital central bank. 

    To embed new skills and tools in their practice, participants in the program worked on a range of adaptive challenges including on complex strategic challenges developed with executive sponsors. 

  • NSW Department of Planning and Environment

    We delivered a program on Strategic Problem Solving and Communication for Band 1 & 2 leaders from the Department of Planning and Environment.

    The blended leadership program included e-learning, face-to-face workshops, group work and facilitation. Leaders worked on strategic challenges and presented solutions to these challenges to the program sponsor. 


    "PDNSW called on UTS Business Futures to build its talent and capability to better respond to the increasingly complex and challenging environment in which it operates. Delivering great outcomes for the people of NSW requires effective critical thinking and problem-solving.

    "PLUS UTS Business Futures were able to develop a program tailored to our unique needs and requirements. The content was engaging and directly applicable to our role delivering better use of government land and property."

    Leon Walker, Deputy Secretary - Homes, Property and Development
    Department of Planning and Environment

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  • CBA Behavioural economics

    The aim of this program was to embed behavioural science thinking across key roles that drive customer and business outcomes for CBA.

    Participants were able to approach design from a different lens, using behavioural economics thinking and tools, to unpack problem spaces when addressing complex customer behaviours. 

    The program was co-designed with experts from CBA and consisted of eight modules with hybrid workshops.

  • Participants worked in project groups on a live challenge with coaching provided by UTS academic experts. Outcomes from participants' work on the challenge were presented to senior stakeholders.


    "It was practical and applicable to our day-to-day roles. The conversations and questions in the session can be applied directly into our roles"

    Program participant

  • CPA Australia

    UTS Business School experts conducted a holistic review of CPA’s online Digital Finance modules and updated the modules based on the latest insights from research and business practice to meet CPA’s membership needs.

    Our learning designers updated the instructional design to ensure the modules are engaging and developed practical activities aligned to the audience’s context.

  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Ethical AI

    In partnership with the Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion at UTS, and leading artificial intelligence experts across UTS Business School, Law, Communications and Engineering and IT, we developed a program with DFAT with a focus on ethical use of artificial intelligence for public sector service delivery in Southeast Asia.

    The program targets senior public servants and government leaders in the Australia/Asia-Pacific region.

  • Diversity Arts Australia Fair Play workshops

    We designed and delivered a series of workshops facilitated by Prof Simon Darcy from UTS Business School on disability awareness for Diversity Arts Australia and their members.

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  • HKMU Leadership & Management Postgraduate Program

    In partnership with UTS International, we put together a series of thought leadership workshops designed and delivered by experts from UTS Business school for a group of HKMU students as part of their study tour to UTS. 


  • Topics included leadership, design thinking, data analytics, behavioural economics and strategy. This program offered an immersive experience for the students and enabled them to interact with our academic experts.

    "86% of participants agreed that their learning experiences in this program were interesting and engaging, while 82% agreed that they developed new skills and/or knowledge from the program."


  • NSW Telco Authority

    We partnered with the NSW Telco Authority to deliver a program to leaders from the agency with a focus on developing their strategic problem-solving and structured communication skills. 

    The highly experiential program enabled participants to apply a range of tools and techniques on real challenges relevant to their organisational context, and to develop ideas for potential solutions to strategic challenges. 

    It contributed to the development of a shared approach to addressing strategic challenges in the organisation.


    "The training was really useful and provided the team with a practical toolkit of techniques that we can apply directly to the complex problems we are tasked with solving in our work environment."

    Alanna Linn
    A/Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer 
    NSW Telco Authority
    Department of Customer Service

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How we create impact

  • When passion for Country meets passion for upskilling with impact: The Journey of the "Connect with Country" 

    Incorporating Acknowledgement of Country at a meeting or an event provides us with an opportunity to show respect for the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we are working.

    Yet many of us have a limited understanding of this important practice and lack confidence that we are doing it correctly. This can diminish the power of the acknowledgement and the respect and appreciation we try to convey through it.

    A new app called "Connect with Country" aims to address this issue.   

  • Connect With Country App on the NSW Government website
  • Attendees of the The UTS Leadership, Excellence, Accelerated Development (LEAD) Program
  • LEAD Program at UTS Empowers Emerging Leaders

    The UTS Leadership, Excellence, Accelerated Development (LEAD) Program is an initiative developed by the People and Culture Unit at UTS in collaboration with PLUS UTS Business Futures. 

    Spearheaded  by Professor Natalia Nikolova and a team of expert facilitators, the program aims to empower early and emerging leaders from across UTS by equipping them with essential leadership skills and practical tools and techniques enabling them to create positive change for their teams.

    Learn more about the LEAD initiative