At the UTS Business School, we believe business can be better.We believe it needs to be better.Business as usual is more greed, more corruption and more mendacity.What we need is a different type of business that works for all of us.We need empathy, compassion and fairness.It’s why we’re helping the energy, agriculture and finance industries transition to a more sustainable future.Why we’re researching direct cash transfers to protect those most vulnerable.Why we’re helping single mothers escape a choice between poverty and abusive relationships.So, if you believe we need a different kind of business, choose a university that’s changing business for the better. 🡢 Discover how we're helping businesses adapt and become resilient Tackling climate change Research with impact 🡢 Researching effective ways to help our most vulnerable Study with a difference Choose a university that's changing business for the better. Explore our courses Partner with UTS Leverage our technology, creativity and innovation to solve your problems. Collaborate with us Explore our case studies See more examples of how our research is having real-world impact. Find out more Follow UTS Business Instagram Facebook LinkedIn