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 At the Centre for Climate Risk and Resilience (CCRR), we’re helping businesses address the physical and transition risks bought on by climate change — developing new strategies for value creation and sustainability. Through global research impact, it is our goal to safeguard the ecosystems and local communities in which businesses operate. 

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    About CCRR

  • The Centre for Climate Risk and Resilience is a group of experts working on all aspects related to climate risk and climate adaptation, climate resilience.

    Climate change has become such a pressing issue and it's essentially affecting all parts of society, all parts of our environment. So a company that is not decarbonising might face eventually additional risks from legislation that's being introduced, but it could also be a company that's not adapting to climate change.

    It might face a situation whereby it is operating in locations that are at higher risk. The financial sector is very much concerned about climate risks in investment portfolios and there is just a big appetite for understanding how those risks can be reduced.

    Australia is still very carbon-intensive. We are really here to provide companies with tools and frameworks to understand their exposure to climate change risk, but also to take meaningful action in that regard. The Centre is a very interdisciplinary group.

    We do have staff in economics, finance, marketing and management. Outside the Business School, we have experts looking into climate change, decarbonisation. We are connected to colleagues around UTS, so essentially bringing together this diverse expertise really allows us to tackle the questions that we are researching from a number of different viewpoints.

    Internationally, we also do see a lot of interest in the work in particular from our partners in Asia and in Europe, it's really great to be part of that conversation.

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    CCRR research

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    CCRR people and expertise

  • Papers on table with people discussing

    Our publications and case studies





    Get in touch to talk with us about our goals and research, partnering with us, working with us and opportunities for collaboration.



  • Plant emerging from crack in pavement
  • tile dark charcoal

    CCRR news and events